Author: Y. Kurobane, J. A. Packer, J. Wardenier, N. Yeomans | Size: 3.14 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: TÜV-Verlag | Year: 2004 | pages: 213 | ISBN: 3824908026
بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Steel structural hollow sections, circular, square and rectangular, are some of the most efficient structural sections under compression loading. This design guide has been written to give the design engineer the information one needs to design hollow section column connections in the most efficient and economic way. Steel structural hollow sections are unique in the world of structural steel sections, because their geometry is such that their mass is distributed away from their longitudinal axis, making them ideal for use as columns. This design guide is the 9th in a series that CIDECT has published under the general series heading “Construction with Hollow Steel Sections“. The previously published design guides in the series, which are all available in English, French, German and Spanish, are:
1. Design guide for circular hollow section (CHS) joints under predominantly static loading (1991)
2. Structural stability of hollow sections (1992, reprinted 1996)
3. Design guide for rectangular hollow section (RHS) joints under predominantly static loading (1992)
4. Design guide for structural hollow section columns exposed to fire (1995, reprinted 1996)
5. Design guide for concrete filled hollow section columns under static and seismic loading (1995)
6. Design guide for structural hollow sections in mechanical applications (1995)
7. Design guide for fabrication, assembly and erection of hollow section structures (1998)
8. Design guide for circular and rectangular hollow section welded joints under fatigue loading (2000)
CIDECT’s sincere and grateful thanks go to the authors of this design guide, Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Kurobane of Sojo University in Japan, Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Packer of University of Toronto in Canada, Prof. Dr. Jaap Wardenier of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands and Mr. Noel Yeomans of Corus Tubes in The United Kingdom, for their thoroughness and professionalism in writing the various chapters and to CIDECT and its members for their useful comments and support.