AFT IMPULSE VERSION 4.0 (2011.05.12)
Size: 19.5 MB
بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Waterhammer analysis tools of the past have been noted for being difficult to use and requiring extensive specialized knowledge. As a result, this critical aspect of piping system design and operation has often been overlooked. But no longer. Now AFT Impulse™ offers the ease-of-use of a drag-and-drop interface and built-in waterhammer modeling expertise. AFT Impulse helps you design and operate your systems with greater reliability and safety by avoiding the potentially catastrophic effects of waterhammer and other undesirable system transients.

Known issue:
AFT Impulse uses a third party tool for graphing called the Graphics Server. There are four files that are used to load and run the Graphics Server:
Because of how the Graphics Server is written, multiple copies of GSW32.EXE or GSWDLL32.DLL in your Path will cause problems when your try to load AFT Impulse 4.0.
In practice, the most common problem is a network installation where all AFT Impulse files have been installed into the network folder along with AFT Impulse. Thus, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL will exist in the AFT Impulse network folder. A client PC which happens to have copies of either or both of these files on the local hard drive (usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder on Windows 95/98 and WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT) will fail to load properly. The most likely reason copies exist on the local hard drive is another application installed locally uses them.
A complete list of your options is given in help files, along with an explanation of the impact of each option.

OS: XP, VISTA, 7!download|790l3|815565681|AFT_Impulse_V4__2011.05. 12_.rar|19924|R~0
For Professional use think of buying this software. Support the developers work

Be advised

Tested for: Virus, Installation (xp sp3) Not for: output results
Engineering Software is no Videogame

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