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27th October 2010, 11:54 AM
TitleKaleidoscoping public understanding of science on hygiene,health and plague: a survey in the aftermath of a plague epidemic in Indiakeywordssubjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_titl ePublic understanding of science on hygiene, health and plagueyear1997Issue6numberpages21TypeFull textFormatPdfUrlAuthor
abstractIn September 1994 a plague epidemic hit a number of cities in India. Though the spread of the disease was controlled within a short period of about one month, its influences on various channels of information, on the functioning of government departments (especially health and sanitation), on the scientific community and on people’s scientific information level were remarkable. This paper analyses the responses of 1127 individuals interviewed in December 1994. The data indicates high levels of informedness about health, hygiene and plague, with little reference to extra-scientific explanations of the causes of the epidemic. Respondents expressed a high degree of confidence in the modern system of medicine. From this analysis we also infer that the public could not be described as ‘superstitious’, ‘unscientific’ or ‘unhygienic’: only when denied access to information and civic amenities did they show extra-scientific thinking or ‘unhygienic’ behaviour.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194 _225_11_89/IT in India4 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/IT%20in%20India4.pdf)

27th October 2010, 11:58 AM
TitleInformation Technology in University Libraries in Karnatakakeywordssubjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_ titleInformation Developmentyear2002Issue18number4pages9TypeFull textFormatPdfUrlAuthor
abstractUniversity libraries in Karnataka still lag behind some other Indian universities in the application of information technology, but the introduction of Internet access is an important step forward.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_2 25_11_89/ITin India1 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/ITin%20India1.pdf)

27th October 2010, 12:04 PM
TitleGOVERNMENT REGULATION, SOCIAL ANOMIE AND PROTESTANT GROWTH IN LATIN AMERICAkeywords• Latin America • Protestantism • religious libertysubjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_titleRATIO NALITY AND SOCIETYyear1999Issue11number3pages30TypeFull textFormatPdfUrl[email: tgill@u.washington.edu]Author
abstractThe rapid growth of evangelical Protestantism in Latin America has received a substantial amount of scholarly attention in recent years. The most common explanation for this phenomenon has been a variant of ‘social anomie’ theory that focuses on changes in social demand for religion. Individuals experiencing socio-economic crisis become displaced from their communities and lose their cultural identities. These individuals are then more susceptible to the appeals of new religious movements. An alternative, supply-side hypothesis is advanced. I argue that the degree of government regulation of religious economies can best account for cross-national variations in Protestant growth. Less restrictive laws regulating religious organizations lower the cost of consuming religion, thus leading to an increase in religious diversity and participation. Comparative statistical analysis of 20 Latin American countries supports the latter hypothesis. This analysis suggests that secularization is a function of government policy.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_22 5_11_89/Ingenta962 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/Ingenta962.pdf)

27th October 2010, 12:07 PM
TitleConflict Media Strategies and the Politics of Counter-terrorismkeywordssubjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_ titlePOLITICSyear2002Issue22number2pages10TypeFull textFormatPdfUrlAuthor
abstractThis article argues that the events of 11 September 2001, and the subsequent ‘war on terror’, have highlighted the role of the media in both the coverage and conduct of modern conflict. The article concentrates on the ‘conflict media strategies’ pursued by belligerents and examines the development and refinement of such strategies over time, from the Second World War through to the conflict in Afghanistan. Using data from Vietnam, the Falklands, the Gulf, Kosovo and other conflicts, I argue that an effective conflict media strategy is an essential tool of warfare that is used by states and terrorist groups alike.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225 _11_89/Ingenta959 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/Ingenta959.pdf)

27th October 2010, 12:07 PM
Title“Each to His Own . . .”keywordssubjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_title TELEVISION & NEW MEDIAyear2002Issue3number2pages4TypeFull textFormatPdfUrlAuthor
abstractTerrorism became the most significant issue in Basque media after September 11. Although terrorism has unfortunately been headline news for decades in this northern region of Spain, the colossal dimension of the 9-11 attacks on theWorld Trade Center forced Basques to face the broader relevance of terrorism in their lives, from heightened security at airports to the crisis of the new international order and American foreign policy. In general, the media’s relation to terrorism can be described as something of a “marriage of convenience”; that is, as many media scholars have noted, the terrorist demand for recognition via publicity is intimately linked to the media’s appetite for increasing sales with sensational stories. Since 9-11, however, this controversial relation and the role media play in the so-called terrorism spectacle has warranted greater scrutiny.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_ 225_11_89/Ingenta958 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/Ingenta958.pdf)

27th October 2010, 12:08 PM
TitleHeroes, Warriors, and Burqas: A Feminist Sociologist’s Reflections on SeptemberkeywordsSeptember 11; gender; masculinity; terrorism; Islamic feminism.subjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_titleSoc iological Forumyear2002Issue17number3pages20TypeFull textFormatPdfUrlAuthor
abstractMy presidential address looked back at the gendered imagery of American heroes and warriors, Muslim terrorists, and oppressed Islamic women as they appeared in comparatively sophisticated media sources in the first 6 months after September 11. The imagery was conventionally gendered, but the actions of women and men reported in the same sources showed multiple gendering— heterogeneity within homogeneity. Making this multiplicity of gendering visible blurs and undermines gender lines and the inequities built on them. The social constructions of heroism, masculinity, and Islamic womanhood are core parts of the gender politics of September 11, a politics deeply embedded in the current debates over the causes and consequences of terrorism and war.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_1 1_89/Ingenta957 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/Ingenta957.pdf)

27th October 2010, 12:08 PM
TitleMEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS AS THE VEHICLE OF THE OPEN SOCIETYkeywordsfundamentalism / globalism / information / Internet / societysubjects_aslisubjects_farjournal_titleGAZET TEyear2002Issue64number5pages8TypeFull textFormatPdfUrl[email: dean@journ.msu.ru ]Author
abstractThe terrorist attack against the United States presented the global community with a new crisis of gigantic proportions, with a new threat to the open society and human civilization. Sir Karl Popper developed the concept of the ‘open society’ after the defeat of Fascist totalitarianism. Mikhail Gorbachev’s concept of glasnost has became a major factor in the defeat of one of the main enemies of the open society – Stalinist totalitarianism and authoritarianism at the end of the 20th century. Now it is the turn to fight terrorism, extremism, fanaticism, intolerance, fundamentalism and totalitarianism in the framework of a global, interdependent conglomerate of nations. And this poses new challenges to the open society, which can be solved only in a global context.Filenamecd1\Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_2 25_11_89/Ingenta956 (http://rcirib.ir/articles/pdfs/cd1/Ingenta_Sage_Articles_on_194_225_11_89/Ingenta956.pdf)

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