توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : مجله مجلات بین المللی بیوتکنولوژی Biotechnology

18th August 2010, 01:47 PM
African Journal of Biotechnology (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.academicjourna ls.org%2FAJB%2F)


The African Journal of Biotechnology (AJB), a new broad-based journal, is an open access journal thatwas founded on two key tenets: To publish the most exciting research in all areas of applied biochemistry, industrial microbiology,molecular biology, genomics and proteomics, food and agricultural technologies, and metabolic engineering. Secondly, to provide the most rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference purposes. All articles published in AJB are peer-reviewed.

The African Journal of Biotechnology(ISSN 1684-5315) is published weekly (one volume per year) by Academic Journals.

Types of paper

Regular articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the paper should be the minimum required to descri clearly.

Short Communications:
A Short Communication is suitable for recording the ll investigations or giving details of new models oon and identification, innovative methods, technique or apparatus.

Minireview: Submissions of mini-reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Mini-reviews are also peer-reviewed.

18th August 2010, 01:50 PM
American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (http://www.scipub.org/scipub/c4p.php?j_id=ajbb)


2009 Volume 05
Number of issues per year: 4
ISSN: 1553-3468
Format: 8 ½" × 11": 200-line screen photographs, Offset paper.

18th August 2010, 01:53 PM
Bangladesh Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.banglajol.info %2Findex.php%2FBJGB%2Findex)


18th August 2010, 01:56 PM
The Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (ABAP)


Indexed in Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE, ProQuest, Academic Search™, DOAJ, Pharmainfo NET, Open J-Gate and Indian Science Abstracts.

Download Full Issue in PDF (http://www.abap.co.in/sites/default/files/CTBP-July-2010-4%283%29.pdf)

18th August 2010, 02:01 PM
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology

This Journal is indexed at SCOPUS (http://www.scopus.com/), Web of Science (http://www.isinet.com/isi/), Medline (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/) and Bioline International (http://www.bioline.org.br/)

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Av. Brasil 2950 PO Box 4059, Valparaíso, Chile
Copyright ® 1997-2010 by Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
ISSN: 0717-3458

click (http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/index.html)

18th August 2010, 02:05 PM
Indian Journal of Biotechnology (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnopr.niscair.res.i n%2Fhandle%2F123456789%2F38)



(http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnopr.niscair.res.i n%2Fhandle%2F123456789%2F38)

18th August 2010, 02:10 PM


ISSN: 0974-2328, Copyrights © 2008 Sevas Educational Society, All Rights Reserved.
Editor: R R Siva Kiran Associate Editor: Brijesh & Eugenia Xu

click (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fjbiochemtech.com%2 F)

18th August 2010, 02:14 PM

Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in several areas of life sciences. The subject areas covered by the journal are:

Agricultural Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology
Cell Biology
Microbial Biotechnology
Molecular Biology
Plant Biotechnology

The most recent Impact Factor for Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology is 1.750 according to 2009 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters (ISI) in 2010.

click (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jbb/index.html)

18th August 2010, 02:18 PM
Journal of Biotech Research


Journal of Biotech Research is an open access, international scientific electronic journal which publishes original peer-reviewed articles, short communications, and critical review papers from all areas related to Biotechnology.

The journal aims at a broad interdisciplinary readership, which includes both academia and industries, and covers the broad fields of biosciences and bioeducation, which includes, but not limited to, molecular biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and biotechnology as it relates to life sciences, food science, microbiology, plants, animals, marine, the environment, etc.

Journal of Biotech Research publishes one volume each year with new articles being added instantly. The journal encourages researchers, faculty, and students who are actively involved in scientific research and / or teaching at all levels, to submit their articles for intensive peer- reviewing and expedite publishing. Individuals from small and non-research oriented institutions are especially encouraged to submit their original articles for publication consideration.

Submission of an article implies that it is an unpublished work. Authors must assure that no part of the submitted article has been published nor submitted for publication consideration elsewhere.

click (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbtsjournals.com%2F journalaccess.aspx)

استفاده از تمامی مطالب سایت تنها با ذکر منبع آن به نام سایت علمی نخبگان جوان و ذکر آدرس سایت مجاز است

استفاده از نام و برند نخبگان جوان به هر نحو توسط سایر سایت ها ممنوع بوده و پیگرد قانونی دارد