16th August 2010, 10:07 AM
http://journals.tums.ac.ir/upload_files/tumb/1489.jpg (http://journals.tums.ac.ir/description.aspx?org_id=59&culture_var=en&journal_id=5&issue_id=1489&segment=en)
Aims and Scope
Iranian Journal of Public Healthhas been continuously published since 1971, as the only Journal in all health domains with wide distribution (including WHO in Geneva and Cairo) in two languages (English and Persian). From 2001 issue, the Journal is published only in English language. During the last 35 years more than 1000 scientific research papers, results of health activities, surveys and services, have been published in this Journal.
The main topics that the Journal would welcome are:
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Human Ecology, Occupational Health, Medical Parasitology and Mycology, Environmental Health and Engineering (air, water and solid wastes, radiation), Virology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Nutrition and Biochemistry, Entomology, ( Lishmaniosis, Malaria ), Human and Medical Genetics (Community Genetics, Population Genetics, Cytogenetics, Oncogenetics, Molecular Genetics and Ethics), Public Health Services ( Health Education, Health Service Management, Mother & Child Health).
We would be very delighted to receive your Original papers, Short communication, Case report and Letters to the Editor on the above mentioned research areas.
Prof. Dariush D. Farhud, MD, PhD, MG
Editor-in- Chief
Member of WHO Expert Advisory Committees, Geneva
Fellow of Third World Academy of Sciences, Italy
Indexing and abstracting
This Journal is indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)by Thompson/ISI USA, EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts, SCOPUS, ASCI, Biological Abstracts, IMEMR, CABI Publishing, Index Copernicus, Medscape, VCU Library, Extra MED, DOAJ, Ovid Medline (R), Magiran, SID and Iran Medex.
The Iranian Journal of Public Health published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences. This Journal is the official Publication of the Iranian Public Health Association and the School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research.
The Journal is available on the World Wide Web at: http://ijph.ir/
Annual subscription for Iran 60000 Rials and for other countries USD 50, transferable to the account of Iranian Public Health Association, A/C No., 101905 Bank Melli Iran, Tehran University branch, Bank Code 87, Tehran, Iran
Contact: Miss Bazranbar: Tel/ Fax: +98 21 88950184
E-mail: ijph@tums.ac.ir (ijph@tums.ac.ir)
ISSN 0304-4556
Aims and Scope
Iranian Journal of Public Healthhas been continuously published since 1971, as the only Journal in all health domains with wide distribution (including WHO in Geneva and Cairo) in two languages (English and Persian). From 2001 issue, the Journal is published only in English language. During the last 35 years more than 1000 scientific research papers, results of health activities, surveys and services, have been published in this Journal.
The main topics that the Journal would welcome are:
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Human Ecology, Occupational Health, Medical Parasitology and Mycology, Environmental Health and Engineering (air, water and solid wastes, radiation), Virology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Nutrition and Biochemistry, Entomology, ( Lishmaniosis, Malaria ), Human and Medical Genetics (Community Genetics, Population Genetics, Cytogenetics, Oncogenetics, Molecular Genetics and Ethics), Public Health Services ( Health Education, Health Service Management, Mother & Child Health).
We would be very delighted to receive your Original papers, Short communication, Case report and Letters to the Editor on the above mentioned research areas.
Prof. Dariush D. Farhud, MD, PhD, MG
Editor-in- Chief
Member of WHO Expert Advisory Committees, Geneva
Fellow of Third World Academy of Sciences, Italy
Indexing and abstracting
This Journal is indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)by Thompson/ISI USA, EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts, SCOPUS, ASCI, Biological Abstracts, IMEMR, CABI Publishing, Index Copernicus, Medscape, VCU Library, Extra MED, DOAJ, Ovid Medline (R), Magiran, SID and Iran Medex.
The Iranian Journal of Public Health published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences. This Journal is the official Publication of the Iranian Public Health Association and the School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research.
The Journal is available on the World Wide Web at: http://ijph.ir/
Annual subscription for Iran 60000 Rials and for other countries USD 50, transferable to the account of Iranian Public Health Association, A/C No., 101905 Bank Melli Iran, Tehran University branch, Bank Code 87, Tehran, Iran
Contact: Miss Bazranbar: Tel/ Fax: +98 21 88950184
E-mail: ijph@tums.ac.ir (ijph@tums.ac.ir)
ISSN 0304-4556