توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : Write whatever you want

1st June 2010, 03:51 PM
Hi guyssh_omomi51

We would like to improve our English surface in this topicsh_omomi36

So,here is the place you can write and talk about the issues you wantsh_omomi127
This is a good opportunity for you to develop your English smilee_new2 (6)

Here are some rules and guidance to prevent the chaos in the topicsmilee_new2 (24)

1. Please write by English, never mind which level you are, because every body comes here to learn some thingsh_omomi103

2. Respect to each other. No body is allowed to abuse or insult any member sh_omomi35

3. Avoid from political issuesshgangi8

Opinions are welcomed sh_omomi31

I am waiting for you all sh_omomi34

سلام به همهsh_omomi51

ما میخوایم تو این تاپیک سطح انگلیسی مون رو ارتقاء بدیم.sh_omomi36
خوب اینجا جایی هست که شما میتونین درباره مسایلی که میخواین بنویسین و حرف بزنین.sh_omomi127
این فرصت خوبی است که انگلیسی خودتون رو رشد بدین.smilee_new2 (6)

اینجا یه سری قوانین و راهنماییهایی رو برای جلوگیری از هرج و مرج در تاپیک گذاشتم:smilee_new2 (24)

1. لطفا به انگلیسی بنویسید، مهم نیست که تو چه سطحی هستید چون همه اینجا برای یادگرفتن میان.sh_omomi103

2. به همدیگر احترام بگذارید. هیچکس حق بدرفتاری و بی احترامی به بقیه رو نداره.sh_omomi35

3. از مسایل سیاسی دوری کنید.shgangi8

هر کسی نظری داره خوشحال میشیم که ارائه کنه.sh_omomi31

منتظر همه شما هستیم.sh_omomi34

1st June 2010, 03:54 PM
I'm ganna start the topic as a first attendee


I would like to welcome every member who attend here in this topic

1st June 2010, 06:25 PM
hi everybody
dear matrix thanks for the great topic. as i'm learning another language, it's a great chance for me, not to forget ENGLISH{big green}

i just hope that all of you join your time.
that's it.
best wishes@};-

1st June 2010, 07:29 PM
be or not to be
this is a problem
i think this word have a magic power but we cant use it for make yourself happy
i use it for live with another person
i dont know what typing in this time
but i want write something here then i write

2nd June 2010, 11:20 AM
Thanks from the guys who attended here{big hug}
I am still waiting for other friends;;)

Z a H r A
2nd June 2010, 11:40 AM
be or not to be
this is a problem
i think this word have a magic power but we cant use it for make yourself happy
i use it for live with another person
i dont know what typing in this time
but i want write something here then i write

at first tnx u for your good topic
i dont know what can i say ?
you said about "LOVE"
a word full of meaning
i think we cant talking about this word easily
its a great feeling that these days getting dirty with lust...
love is rare ....

2nd June 2010, 11:44 AM
i dont know write about what ? then

i'm write a sentence from jan florio

Good words anoint a man , ill words kill a man


i hope to see all guys to participate in this discussion

2nd June 2010, 11:50 AM
i dont know write about what ?

Hi, you can write anything you like
Try to improve your English here

2nd June 2010, 02:09 PM
hi this topic is very useful for me ....
thank u very very;;)

2nd June 2010, 02:16 PM
at first tnx for ur great idea
a very thugh day a had !
tomorrow i will have exam {worried}

2nd June 2010, 04:27 PM
Thank u for inviting me

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else;
And for everything you gain, you lose something else.
It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice

God bless all of you

2nd June 2010, 06:06 PM
at first tnx u for your good topic
i dont know what can i say ?
you said about "LOVE"
a word full of meaning
i think we cant talking about this word easily
its a great feeling that these days getting dirty with lust...
love is rare ....
i mean is too love is rare
because i am rare
when i come down love is coming down
زیر نویس
من هم میگم عشق خیلی نادره
به خاطره اینکه من نادر هستم
وقتی من خودم رو پایین بیارم عشق هم پایین میاد

2nd June 2010, 06:10 PM
Thank u for inviting me

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else;
And for everything you gain, you lose something else.
It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice

God bless all of you

it is a ( dar hade tim meli
mishe yeki bege manie tim meli chi mishe
it is a about ...

2nd June 2010, 06:12 PM
at first tnx for ur great idea
a very thugh day a had !
tomorrow i will have exam {worried}

i wish that your exam end with the best score

2nd June 2010, 06:16 PM
excuse me
could u plz check our speaking weather is right or not ?

2nd June 2010, 08:37 PM
Thanks for your useful topic , I do not get any invitation for here . OK I support this topic because it is really useful for anyone to improve his/her English writing.
Linux is very great OS that everyone can use it, but when you start with linux you must learn basic rules that you will need in future. By installing Linux you have Freedom and you can take all thing you need by your choice .. You can know what will happen if you install packages , you can change packages because these packages are under GNU. .,
If you are a beginner user I suggest you to start with Ubuntu or Parsix or Fedora.
These Linux are very simple to work .
You can install any package with Graphical interface that help you to choose what package you want to install.
If you want to get more info about Linux you can see the Linux section in this forum . In this link : http://njavan.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=639
I am almost online there.

2nd June 2010, 08:49 PM
at first tnx for ur great idea
a very thugh day a had !
tomorrow i will have exam {worried}

والپیپرهاي موفقيت (http://njavan.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63578)
this topic is for u ... u Can....U Can successful , such always

i have exam in the sunday ,it's lab exam {big green} i hop i get 20 , but it's just dream 8->

2nd June 2010, 08:57 PM

but it's just dreamYou can change any thing if you want. If you increase your practice and want from GOD to help you it will be a reality that you can not believe it.
It is very simple to take all advantages but it need more and more practice and finally pray for it.
Good Luck

2nd June 2010, 09:55 PM
excuse me
could u plz check our speaking weather is right or not ?

whats up

2nd June 2010, 10:26 PM
http://www.uc-njavan.ir/images/8f99ra0498oft2uq24n.gifAccording to rules, to write in Persian

LaDy Ds DeMoNa
2nd June 2010, 10:43 PM
thanks for this topic

i came here
just for say :

happy mothers day


2nd June 2010, 11:11 PM
Excuse me for editing two last posts :

i am came here
just for say :

happy mothers day
I am here to say : happy mother's day
or I come here ...
You cannot use "am" in this sentence and you must use apostrophe s for mother.
and in the last post :

According to rules, to write in PersianAccording to the rules Please write your sentence in Persian
Sorry for editing
Good luck

LaDy Ds DeMoNa
2nd June 2010, 11:26 PM
Excuse me for editing two last posts :

I am here to say : happy mother's day
or I come here ...
You cannot use "am" in this sentence and you must use apostrophe s for mother.
and in the last post :
According to the rules Please write your sentence in Persian
Sorry for editing
Good luck


i Edit that :


3rd June 2010, 08:40 AM
i mean is too love is rare
because i am rare
when i come down love is coming down
زیر نویس
من هم میگم عشق خیلی نادره
به خاطره اینکه من نادر هستم
وقتی من خودم رو پایین بیارم عشق هم پایین میاد

Hi dear
you can say:
I mean the love is too rare;)

it is a ( dar hade tim meli
mishe yeki bege manie tim meli chi mishe
it is a about ...

National team
I think it could be used for your sentence

excuse me
could u plz check our speaking weather is right or not ?

Yes I can
I do try my best to help you all

والپیپرهاي موفقيت (http://njavan.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63578)
this topic is for u ... u Can....U Can successful , such always

i have exam in the sunday ,it's lab exam {big green} i hop i get 20 , but it's just dream 8->

With the background which I have got from you, I think it is too easy for you to get 20;)
Impossible is nothing
I wish you all the best@};-@};-

Z a H r A
3rd June 2010, 11:14 AM
You're my world ,mummy
Happy Mother's Day
with best wishes for all mothers
Happy Women's Day too

3rd June 2010, 11:16 AM
my exam was good enough {tongue}

3rd June 2010, 11:50 AM
my exam was good enough {tongue}

Oh good, I am happy u did well{big hug}
Please encourage MINA {big green}{big green}
I think she is nervous about her Sunday Exam ;)

3rd June 2010, 12:48 PM
Oh good, I am happy u did well{big hug}
Please encourage MINA {big green}{big green}
I think she is nervous about her Sunday Exam ;)

no she is kiding {big green}

3rd June 2010, 12:58 PM
Happy Mother's Day

Thanks Dear Matrix(Dear Manager) for your attractive topic...
everybody can write his point of view in this topic

Thanks,Thanks so much

3rd June 2010, 05:31 PM

Please continue writing your posts here , it's very well .You learn to challenge your mind to write a correct sentence.
If you try more you can grow up your writing level.

As I told you, You can try Linux . When you choose your distro you must install it, For installing it you must create 3 partitions. Before creating 3 partition you must look for a free partition on your hard disk that you do not need it at this time.
In the Next step your 3 partitions must format with its file system.
For swap partition you must select swap file system . It need a partition around 2*Your RAM. If you use 1GB (and more) RAM on your system you do not need to specify exactly this rule and you can create only 2 Gb partition for it.
Another partition must select for root and use ext3 (in newer version use ext4) file system.
For remain partition you must select it for home partition and format it with ext3/ext4.

Good Luck

3rd June 2010, 08:20 PM

Please continue writing your posts here , it's very well .You learn to challenge your mind to write a correct sentence.
If you try more you can grow up your writing level.

As I told you, You can try Linux . When you choose your distro you must install it, For installing it you must create 3 partitions. Before creating 3 partition you must look for a free partition on your hard disk that you do not need it at this time.
In the Next step your 3 partitions must format with its file system.
For swap partition you must select swap file system . It need a partition around 2*Your RAM. If you use 1GB (and more) RAM on your system you do not need to specify exactly this rule and you can create only 2 Gb partition for it.
Another partition must select for root and use ext3 (in newer version use ext4) file system.
For remain partition you must select it for home partition and format it with ext3/ext4.

Good Luck

? linux is'nt a windows , is it true

3rd June 2010, 09:07 PM
Thanks for your reply

? linux is'nt a windows , is it trueYou can change your sentence by removing "a" word. So :
Linux is not Windows ... .
Your sentence is very well and I get you 19.5/20 score! Although when I add
./5 to all (;) )you will get 20 score.
Please use Capital letter at first in general word such as Windows Linux ... .
In fact Linux is very different from Windows ,you cannot compare Linux and Windows because Linux build from packages that may be already compiled or you compiled these
As a I mentioned Linux is an operating system and Windows too.
But when you talk a bout Linux you must think it is an OS that has own capabilities and performance.
Linux and Windows both are good OS but when you use it ,in fact you will select it for all time because it is really funny and graphical and very stable.
Good Luck


3rd June 2010, 11:30 PM
Linux has very features that help you to improve your functionality and stability .
If you look at the Linux section you will find very good reasons that you must(and is better to use)use Linux for any fields
I want you to try Linux and give me some feedbacks about it.
Please try it. It is very easy to use. It is very similar to new version of Windows in user interface.
It has two popular graphic interface such as Gnome and KDE although you can find some GUI for it if you do not like this interfaces
When you use Linux you feel security in any fields while in Windows you must use up to date anti virus and firewalls.
In Linux you enter in your own environment that you was created it or edited or changed .It has very flexibility .
Linux do not need any antivirus or anti spyware or .... It has very good music players and movie players that you can not find these and these players support many formats.
Good Luck

4th June 2010, 10:35 PM
It seems nobody wants to write a sentence here

Ok , If you try to writing your sentence here we can discuss about it but at this time all members are Offline or they are reading their courses
If you have no internet connection you can buy Linux at shops that provide new releases about it
There are some web sites that sell Linux and post it for you
such as

Good Luck

5th June 2010, 09:40 AM
Happy Mother's Day

Thanks Dear Matrix(Dear Manager) for your attractive topic...
everybody can write his point of view in this topic

Thanks,Thanks so much

Hi dear BMK
Your wolcome, I am so happy you all attend in this topic
I hope other members come up and write some thing

6th June 2010, 08:41 AM
Hi guys, good morning, how are you doingsh_omomi82
I am sleepy today[khabalood]. I have lots of stuffs to dosh_omomi103sh_omomi24sh_omomi57sh_omomi95
You know, I was tired yesterdaysmilee_new2 (3), so I slept early last night and woke up late in the morning[khabalood][khabalood]
All right, I'm ganna try to do strongly all my tasks sh_omomi8sh_omomi8

All the best for you all[gol][gol]

6th June 2010, 03:34 PM
Hi friends;
I want to write a sentence that I've read it and it's beautiful:

Time is very slow for those who wait,
very fast for those who are scared,
very long for those who lament,
very short for those who celebrate,
but for those who love , tmie is eternity!


6th June 2010, 03:36 PM
hi all
how is every thing with you?
im installing babylon at the time
becaus i have a sentence from the bottem of my hurt
and it cant be displayed by words
babylon may can help me to translate my feelings to words
this is my sentence translated by babylon
((i love you all

9th June 2010, 09:16 AM
Hi, good morning[shaad]
The weather is very hot today[negaran]
It was windy and dusty yesterday [nadidan]

How is the weather down there in your city now[soal]

9th June 2010, 12:20 PM

Im a new member in this club and I want to write in english

but Iam not good at it

9th June 2010, 12:25 PM
the wheather is good here

realy good

its aboat 25 centigrade

and its pretty claudy

i am studying for my exam now

9th June 2010, 12:35 PM

?what does that mean
today is wedensday and i am stuying

you know its not good at all
it is boaring

realy boring
i scape from there and im writing here now

9th June 2010, 01:17 PM

Im a new member in this club and I want to write in english

but Iam not good at it

Welcome to this forum[esteghbal]
I hope you enjoy in this forum[golrooz][golrooz]
It's good you like to write by English[cheshmak]
It helps you to raise your English knowledge[labkhand]

14th June 2010, 02:22 PM

?what does that mean
today is wedensday and i am stuying

you know its not good at all
it is boaring

realy boring
i scape from there and im writing here now

Lament = سوگواری کردن، تاسف خوردن
You have some mistakes in your sentences

Start your sentence with capital letters
You should use ' character between I and m
Example: I'm It's

It's good to say
I scaped from there. I am writing here now

14th June 2010, 03:36 PM
Some of Linux need libraries to play audio and video files.
In some Linux this libraries already installed and you can play any files .
Linux use native format such as OGG . It plays this format easily and it is not required any libraries.
You can install Codecs for it to support any formats that you like.
If you want to get this Codecs you must install it via your Linux package manager.
Good Luck

14th June 2010, 04:16 PM
hi to all
it is a hot day from summer
i cant do any things because i dont like hot
i like to swim in the ice

14th June 2010, 07:56 PM
If you want to swim in ice be aware about catching the cold!
[bamazegi] It is very dangerous to swim in ice for you although you must break the ice to swim in it!
You may not endure this status [nadidan]!sh_omomi125
Just go and take shower with cold water.

14th June 2010, 08:19 PM
Some of Linux need libraries to play audio and video files.
In some Linux this libraries already installed and you can play any files .
Linux use native format such as OGG . It plays this format easily and it is not required any libraries.
You can install Codecs for it to support any formats that you like.
If you want to get this Codecs you must install it via your Linux package manager.
Good Luck

?i think , u love linuX so much[nishkhand] yes
Do you work with linuX now?
Can u put a Picture form Linux desctop , here ?

14th June 2010, 08:55 PM
hi to all
it is a hot day from summer
i cant do any things because i dont like hot
i like to swim in the ice

If you want to swim in ice be aware about catching the cold!
[bamazegi] It is very dangerous to swim in ice for you although you must break the ice to swim in it!
You may not endure this status [nadidan]!sh_omomi125
Just go and take shower with cold water. :cool:

[nishkhand][nishkhand]Oh nooo , when he swiming in the ice , he will become ice Cream
[khande][bamazegi][bamazegi] So when walks in street , any child will eat he

14th June 2010, 09:45 PM
?i think , u very love linuX[nishkhand] yes
Are you work with linuX now?
Can u put a Picture form Linux home work , here

Thanks for your reply. Yes I love Linux so much and it loves me so much too!
I use Linux for all the time while I have Windows too.
I use Linux for web browsing , writing an comment for njavan.com playing games, programming and ....,
Yes I will put some pics here.
Good Luck

Note:Excuse me for editing your text :
You can change your sentence with these statements :
I think , u love Linux very much / so much
Is it true?
Do you work with Linux at this time/now?
Can u put a picture from your Linux work space/desktop here

14th June 2010, 11:25 PM
This is not fair
I'm complaining
Played with my feelings

Of course, with the help of Google's brother i wrote this text

15th June 2010, 01:23 AM
Thanks for your reply. Yes I love Linux so much and it loves me so much too!
I use Linux for all the time while I have Windows too.
I use Linux for web browsing , writing an comment for njavan.com playing games, programming and ....,
Yes I will put some pics here.
Good Luck

Note:Excuse me for editing your text :
You can change your sentence with these statements :
I think , u love Linux very much / so much
Is it true?
Do you work with Linux at this time/now?
Can u put a picture from your Linux work space/desktop here

thanks for your heelp[golrooz]

Canu put a picture from your linuX desktop here ?

15th June 2010, 09:13 AM
Some of Linux need libraries to play audio and video files.
In some Linux this libraries already installed and you can play any files .
Linux use native format such as OGG . It plays this format easily and it is not required any libraries.
You can install Codecs for it to support any formats that you like.
If you want to get this Codecs you must install it via your Linux package manager.
Good Luck

Hello dear dodor[shaad]
I think you like Linux so much[nishkhand]
I have a question about Linux[soal]
A friend of mine have installed Linux in his laptop[cheshmak]
He told me just install Linux. It is such a nice Operation System[tafakor]
He also told Linux doesn't need to any antivirus[taajob]
I just want to know is it right or no[nadanestan]
I think the version he installed is 10.4 if i did not make mistake[sootzadan]

15th June 2010, 09:22 AM
[nishkhand][nishkhand]Oh nooo , when he swiming in the ice , he will become ice Cream
[khande][bamazegi][bamazegi] So when walks in street , any child will eat he

Hi dear Mina[shaad]
Please take a look to this [esteghbal]
Oh nooo, when he is swiming in the ice, he will become ice cream
So, when he walks in the street, any child will eat him[cheshmak]

15th June 2010, 09:25 AM
Yes I will put some pics here

I am also waiting to see a picture of Linux[nishkhand]

15th June 2010, 09:31 AM
Hi dear Mina[shaad]
Please take a look to this [esteghbal]
Oh nooo, when he is swiming in the ice, he will become ice cream
So, when he walks in the street, any child will eat him[cheshmak]

[khejalat] thanks your heelp
I think that , I shoud have more mistake , from this

اشتباه های بیشتر از این ؟[soal]

[khanderiz][sootzadan]But it is n't More

15th June 2010, 09:35 AM
I am also waiting to see a picture of Linux[nishkhand]

And Mee [entezar2]

15th June 2010, 09:41 AM
This is not fair
I'm complaining
Played with my feelings

Of course, with the help of Google's brother i wrote this text

Hi dear[shaad]
Hey man what is wrong with you[taajob]
What is your complain[soal]
Do you think some thing wrong is taking place[tafakor]
If so please clarify that [cheshmak]


Please Read this one [labkhand]
I have some complaints
Some one played with my feelings
Of course, I wrote this text by helping of brother Google[cheshmak]

15th June 2010, 10:01 AM
you right
but when i write it i have


now i felt that i am a lucky man because i have many friend in here

15th June 2010, 01:40 PM
you right
but when i write it i have


now i felt that i am a lucky man because i have many friend in here

You have to use past form of verb here[cheshmak]
But when I wrote it
I had stress

But past form of verb should not be used here[nishkhand]
Now I feel (am feeling) that I am a lucky man, because I have many friends here

Thanks for joining us in this topic[esteghbal]

15th June 2010, 02:24 PM

i have 3 mistake in my text
it is a good sign

15th June 2010, 03:56 PM
Hello dear dodor[shaad]
I think you like Linux so much[nishkhand]
I have a question about Linux[soal]
A friend of mine have installed Linux in his laptop[cheshmak]
He told me just install Linux. It is such a nice Operation System[tafakor]
He also told Linux doesn't need to any antivirus[taajob]
I just want to know is it right or no[nadanestan]
I think the version he installed is 10.4 if i did not make mistake[sootzadan]

Thanks for your reply. Yes Linux does not need any anti virus.
Linux is secure OS. It has a rule for security :
You must enter into your environment with your user name.
If you login with super user(root) you may hacked by someone.
In Linux you can change you permission of your directory for yourself or anyone. By doing this any one cannot edit,delete or ... your files and directories.
Also Linux does not any firewall or anti spyware.
Linux is clean OS that you can use it for all the time. In Linux virues or spywares or ... cannot do anything.[nishkhand] But when your user name and password steal by someone (or your root password) it is bad time for you (although hackers must know your IP address too) .
You must change your password immediately
Sorry I cannot upload a picture(even this site). Because all file host for storing pictures do not work at this time. I think upload port has closed . I try to upload it but it takes one hour[esteress] for uploading a small file and at the end it fails. [taajob]
I will try later for it.
Good Luck

15th June 2010, 05:38 PM
linux is a open source operation system and you can edit them with your able
for management and monitoring network is a safe operation system
ok now i want say to all please put your hands up in the desk and look to here
who come with me to swim


17th June 2010, 10:11 AM
Thanks for your reply. Yes Linux does not need any anti virus.
Linux is secure OS. It has a rule for security :
You must enter into your environment with your user name.
If you login with super user(root) you may hacked by someone.
In Linux you can change you permission of your directory for yourself or anyone. By doing this any one cannot edit,delete or ... your files and directories.
Also Linux does not any firewall or anti spyware.
Linux is clean OS that you can use it for all the time. In Linux virues or spywares or ... cannot do anything.[nishkhand] But when your user name and password steal by someone (or your root password) it is bad time for you (although hackers must know your IP address too) .
You must change your password immediately
Sorry I cannot upload a picture(even this site). Because all file host for storing pictures do not work at this time. I think upload port has closed . I try to upload it but it takes one hour[esteress] for uploading a small file and at the end it fails. [taajob]
I will try later for it.
Good Luck

Hi dear dodor
Thanks for your information
No problem with picture
You can upload it any time you can
All the best

17th June 2010, 10:17 AM
who come with me to swim

I want to swim too[porenerji]
You know, I like swimming[labkhand]
But, I haven't gone to the pool for a long time[negaran]
It's enough hot to go to the pool[nishkhand]
Let's go man [cheshmak]

17th June 2010, 03:51 PM
Thanks for your reply. Yes Linux does not need any anti virus.
Linux is secure OS. It has a rule for security :
You must enter into your environment with your user name.
If you login with super user(root) you may hacked by someone.
In Linux you can change you permission of your directory for yourself or anyone. By doing this any one cannot edit,delete or ... your files and directories.
Also Linux does not any firewall or anti spyware.
Linux is clean OS that you can use it for all the time. In Linux virues or spywares or ... cannot do anything.[nishkhand] But when your user name and password steal by someone (or your root password) it is bad time for you (although hackers must know your IP address too) .
You must change your password immediately
Sorry I cannot upload a picture(even this site). Because all file host for storing pictures do not work at this time. I think upload port has closed . I try to upload it but it takes one hour[esteress] for uploading a small file and at the end it fails. [taajob]
I will try later for it.
Good Luck

one hour for a pictur ? why?sh_omomi112
U can used this link for Upload your pictiur


17th June 2010, 11:01 PM

Yes, I try more times to upload it even this link that you give me(I know this link and I used it for uploading but ... ).
I will try to upload it again but at this time I can not do it.

Good Luck

19th June 2010, 09:07 AM
one hour for a pictur ? why?sh_omomi112
U can used this link for Upload your pictiur


He may faced with some problems
would you mind if you take a look to this

U can use this link to upload your picture

22nd June 2010, 08:10 PM
Hello ,
Linux is very secure. You can trust to it.! If you are in another city and you need some files from your PC you can get them via Internet. Yes You can.
You can do it with SSH:
SSH means Secure Shell that you can use it for configuring your PC or upgrading or uploading and ... .
It provides a secure connection for you that you can do anything remotely.
Just you must tell your one of your family member that turn on your PC and tell you your IP address.
If you have an static IP address and you know it. You can connect to your PC every time you need.
Connect to your PC via secure tunnel and do your jobs that you need.
Also you can bring up your desktop environment via this perfect feature.
Good Luck

29th June 2010, 11:58 AM
Hi guys[shaad]
Have u followed the world cup 2010
It's really fantastic because it's in sensitive level now
U know some powerful teams are now right back in their country
Because they are out of competition now
Such as England, Italy, France
Specially Italy because it's the previous world cup champion

I really like the Portugal team[esteghbal]
I hope this team won the world cup[khejalat]

Which team do u like[tafakor]

3rd July 2010, 10:04 AM
Oh, shit[taajob]
My favorite team defeated in the match
It's now out of competition now
I am not happy for that[negaran]

3rd July 2010, 10:15 AM
i can't believe that brazil lose this cup just for emotion playing

3rd July 2010, 10:29 AM
i can't believe that brazil lose this cup just for emotion playing

Do u think Brazil defeated due to emotion playing

I was surprised yesterday when I saw Brazil lose against Netherlands

What is happening in the World Cup 2010

8th July 2010, 01:34 PM
I am really waiting for the final match of World Cup 2010

I like my favorite team Spain (after Portugal) win this match

Any other advocate of Spain is here

If so, I am waiting for point of view

8th July 2010, 04:44 PM
oh my god
it is a Tragic world cup

8th July 2010, 06:52 PM
hope spain be the first!!

10th July 2010, 09:36 AM
oh my god
it is a Tragic world cup
That's right

but it will be better at the end because the Spain is ganna win over Netherlands and I'm happy for that

10th July 2010, 09:40 AM
hope spain be the first!!

Don't worry[nishkhand]

It's ganna happen [cheshmak]

Spain is the best [porenerji]

12th July 2010, 01:58 PM
Congratulation to all Spain's advocates[golrooz]
Finally Spain won over Netherlands and got the cup[porenerji]

Although the match was so important for me[cheshmak]
but I didn't watch that completely because I was so sleepy[negaran]

12th July 2010, 03:19 PM
Never let school get in the way of learning
- Mark Twain

12th July 2010, 04:31 PM
! If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person, he will find the easiest way to do it

13th July 2010, 12:48 PM
! If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person, he will find the easiest way to do it

Oh yes[taajob]
It's really a good way[cheshmak]
How did u get to this point[nadanestan]

I would like to try this solution[nishkhand][nishkhand]

13th July 2010, 01:34 PM
Yes, Of course it's true, I faced with this sentence in a Computer Security Book which I studied about 4 months ago. try it

13th July 2010, 01:44 PM
Yes, Of course it's true, I faced with this sentence in a Computer Security Book which I studied about 4 months ago. try it

Ok thanks[esteghbal]
I'm ganna do it as well[nishkhand]
Although it's quite funny but seems so useful[cheshmak]

19th July 2010, 09:01 AM
Hi, good morning[shaad]
It's a long time nobody has written any thing here[nadidan]

I think your English is gone[negaran]

Ok no problem[cheshmak]
How is the weather down there in your city[tafakor]

It's really hot here[negaran]
The day before yesterday it was very hot
It's getting better day by day[cheshmak]

19th July 2010, 11:04 AM
hi mr usef
how are u?
are u fine?

I think you must come here to understand heat

Things such as agriculture have dry

19th July 2010, 11:31 AM
hi every body
i miss u
yes the weather is soooooooooooo hot
the bird in the sky wile be cooking and came down to the earth


19th July 2010, 12:34 PM
hi mr usef
how are u?
are u fine?

I think you must come here to understand heat

Things such as agriculture have dry

Although it's not enough hot to be compared with the weather here[nishkhand][nishkhand]
but I accept the hot weather down there in your city[nishkhand]

19th July 2010, 12:36 PM
hi mr usef
how are u?
are u fine?

I think you must come here to understand heat

Things such as agriculture have dry

Sorry man
I was surprised of hot weather there
So I forgot to say
I am fine
I hope u r fine too

19th July 2010, 12:42 PM
hi every body
i miss u
yes the weather is soooooooooooo hot
the bird in the sky wile be cooking and came down to the earth


Hi my friend[shaad]
I missed u too[esteghbal]

Oh really[nadidan]
Is the weather as hot as u exaggerate that[taajob]

If so I'm ganna come there to eat launch there together[khande]
I like to eat partridge[labkhand]
Take a look to the sky for that[khanderiz]
What do u like[nishkhand]

6th August 2010, 05:57 PM
hot is no thing
im boiling here
in English جهنم idont know what is
but its the same as it
anyway we should tolerate
forget about the weather every where is warm
now how are u doing with holidays
do u have any plan to travel or picnic
and do u take part in learning English classes
if u do name the institute
thanks so much

6th August 2010, 06:28 PM
hot is no thing
im boiling here
in English جهنم idont know what is
but its the same as it
anyway we should tolerate
forget about the weather every where is warm
now how are u doing with holidays
do u have any plan to travel or picnic
and do u take part in learning English classes
if u do name the institute
thanks so much

جهنم Hell is suitable for

saba azad
6th August 2010, 08:25 PM
in my opinien this topic is

it helps me very much i extremely grate ful of you for all aids that you have given me &

sincerely yours


6th August 2010, 08:32 PM
Hi saba, welcome to njavan website, yes this topic is one of the helpful ones for learning english & increase your knowledge while reading or writing english .
There's some little issues in your writing, they aren't serious , however it's important to know

1 ) Opinein is not right, use Opinion
2 ) There's no space between Grate and Ful, right is grateful, however in this situation it's better to use appreciate instead of grateful

7th August 2010, 11:09 AM
hot is no thing
im boiling here
in English جهنم idont know what is
but its the same as it
anyway we should tolerate
forget about the weather every where is warm
now how are u doing with holidays
do u have any plan to travel or picnic
and do u take part in learning English classes
if u do name the institute
thanks so much

Hi my friend[shaad]
I actually have no plan to pass the holidays[tafakor]

You know I am a little bit busy [kootak]
So, It's better to do my works instead going for sightseeing[cheshmak]

Even I have enough time to go to any class[negaran]

7th August 2010, 11:09 AM
at first tnx u for your good topic
i dont know what can i say ?
you said about "LOVE"
a word full of meaning
i think we cant talking about this word easily
its a great feeling that these days getting dirty with lust...
love is rare ....
. you had mate a mistake in your topic
in line 5
you wrote i think we can't talking
but it is wrongyou had to write simple words after auxiliary verbs.
I think we can't talk

7th August 2010, 11:12 AM
in my opinien this topic is

it helps me very much i extremely grate ful of you for all aids that you have given me &

sincerely yours


Thanks to let us know your opinion

I am so happy you like this topic
You can practice English by talking here

7th August 2010, 11:26 AM
Hi saba, welcome to njavan website, yes this topic is one of the helpful ones for learning english & increase your knowledge while reading or writing english .
There's some little issues in your writing, they aren't serious , however it's important to know

1 ) Opinein is not right, use Opinion
2 ) There's no space between Grate and Ful, right is grateful, however in this situation it's better to use appreciate instead of grateful

Thanks for helping Saba[golrooz][golrooz]

7th August 2010, 11:32 AM
. you had mate a mistake in your topic
in line 5
you wrote i think we can't talking
but it is wrongyou had to write simple words after auxiliary verbs.
I think we can't talk

Yeah that's right
We can not use verb+ing after can

10th August 2010, 08:16 PM
i have an idea
it can improve our English
i will upload a song here
you will listen and you will try to understand it then you will write the lyrics here and i will take a look at youre lyric and if it had some problems i will warn you
it can improve youre English sooooooooooooo much
after one week when almost all of you listened it i will up load the right lyric here

i wanted to start a new topic for this but first lets see how many answers will i have
if the answers will be more than 5
i will start a new topic with your help

for beginning i want you to listen one of these songs
((who is it)) is a bite difficult
but ((You Are Not Alone)) is easy

http://dc112.4shared.com/download/hIbG02HS/Michael_Jachson_-_Who_is_it.mp3?tsid=20100810-111223-3052928e (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdc112.4shared.com% 2Fdownload%2FhIbG02HS%2FMichael_Jachson_-_Who_is_it.mp3%3Ftsid%3D20100810-111223-3052928e)

http://dc122.4shared.com/download/QQl9WkIQ/You_Are_Not_Alone_-_Michel_Jac.mp3?tsid=20100810-111529-73b321c4 (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdc122.4shared.com% 2Fdownload%2FQQl9WkIQ%2FYou_Are_Not_Alone_-_Michel_Jac.mp3%3Ftsid%3D20100810-111529-73b321c4)

11th August 2010, 03:07 AM
Cool idea :)

13th August 2010, 02:20 PM
i have an idea
it can improve our English
i will upload a song here
you will listen and you will try to understand it then you will write the lyrics here and i will take a look at your lyric and if it had some problems i will warn you
it can improve your English sooooooooooooo much
after one week when almost all of you listened it i will up load the right lyric here

i wanted to start a new topic for this but first lets see how many answers will i have
if the answers will be more than 5
i will start a new topic with your help

for beginning i want you to listen one of these songs
((who is it)) is a bite difficult
but ((You Are Not Alone)) is easy

http://dc112.4shared.com/download/hIbG02HS/Michael_Jachson_-_Who_is_it.mp3?tsid=20100810-111223-3052928e (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdc112.4shared.com% 2Fdownload%2FhIbG02HS%2FMichael_Jachson_-_Who_is_it.mp3%3Ftsid%3D20100810-111223-3052928e)

http://dc122.4shared.com/download/QQl9WkIQ/You_Are_Not_Alone_-_Michel_Jac.mp3?tsid=20100810-111529-73b321c4 (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdc122.4shared.com% 2Fdownload%2FQQl9WkIQ%2FYou_Are_Not_Alone_-_Michel_Jac.mp3%3Ftsid%3D20100810-111529-73b321c4)

It's great man
Just make a new topic for that
U can introduce ur topic to others by putting ur topic's link in the members profile and also administrators profile too

16th August 2010, 09:21 PM
It's great man
Just make a new topic for that
U can introduce ur topic to others by putting ur topic's link in the members profile and also administrators profile too

so im going to start a new topic
and i will inform members to visit here
and i suold say that i need youre help too
i need every ones help to grow up this topic

18th August 2010, 03:38 PM
so im going to start a new topic
and i will inform members to visit here
and i suold say that i need youre help too
i need every ones help to grow up this topic

Hopefully I could help u
God is kind[cheshmak]
All the best[golrooz]

12th September 2010, 01:36 PM
im so dissapointed
my english is fallen
u know
i forgot how to speak ! [nadidan]
just i remember the spicality terms in my field !
could you guid me [negaran]

16th September 2010, 02:59 PM
im so dissapointed
my english is fallen
u know
i forgot how to speak ! [nadidan]
just i remember the spicality terms in my field !
could you guid me [negaran]

Don't worry about dear
It's too much easy to remember what u knew
Just review the things u knew
U will be surprised of that
Reviewing is the best way to refresh ur English

16th September 2010, 03:09 PM
Don't worry about dear
It's too much easy to remember what u knew
Just review the things u knew
U will be surprised of that
Reviewing is the best way to refresh ur English

u mean reviewing what,s i read befor?
our read new one?

16th September 2010, 03:31 PM
u mean reviewing what,s i read befor?
our read new one?

I mean to review the past and new lessons

28th December 2010, 11:51 PM
hi everyone
i just want to say that love is graceful
and we all want some true loves
but everyone shuold know that

love can tear us apart[narahatish]

love is not cansolation
its light...
and nothing els[khanderiz]

29th December 2010, 12:31 AM
hi everyone
i just want to say that love is graceful
and we all want some true loves
but everyone shuold know that

love can tear us apart[narahatish]

love is not cansolation
its light...
and nothing els[khanderiz]

Love 's true.
the life is not beautiful without it.
the life 'll be empty,
I have a question ??
the love is on our heart or on our soul?
do you know?

Z a H r A
29th December 2010, 03:48 PM
Love 's true.
the life is not beautiful without it.
the life 'll be empty,
I have a question ??
the love is on our heart or on our soul?
do you know?

Love is on our souls.
Brain is Center of the thoughts.
Heart is Center of feelings.
It's our souls that decides, and feels.
After the death we don’t lose our understanding.
So everything is on the soul.
And sympathetic feeling of love comes from our spirits...


29th December 2010, 10:47 PM
Love is on our souls.
Brain is Center of the thoughts.
Heart is Center of feelings.
It's our souls that decides, and feels.
After the death we don’t lose our understanding.
So everything is on the soul.
And sympathetic feeling of love comes from our spirits...


I 'm agree with you
what's your idea about 'Ghahve talkh' ??

30th December 2010, 06:09 PM
hi every body
my idea is awosome[bamazegi]

6th January 2011, 11:27 AM
Hi. I have seen 30 sections of this good program and I have enjoyed this. I think downloaad ing this film isn't good? but unfortunatly some people download it. what about you? do you think ike me?

sheri khoshgele
4th May 2011, 10:01 PM
the real love is on our soul becouse real love is when some one love God so he or she will love him with all his or her soul.i yhink every body fell in love one day and at last all the real lovers will fell in love with their God.these earthy loves can make us to become a real lover and some of them...can you htink about when every body will just love the real god!do you think that day will come one day?[soal]

7th May 2011, 01:07 PM
Hi. I have seen 30 sections of this good program and I have enjoyed this. I think downloaad ing this film isn't good? but unfortunatly some people download it. what about you? do you think ike me?

yes , I am agree with you . I like all of the films that Mr.Modiri is their director


7th May 2011, 03:47 PM
Thanks all,
Pls, say another question,

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