26th May 2010, 01:49 PM
Presents the practice-proven experience of today's authorities to enable you to diagnose with confidence.
http://www.mdconsult.com/about/book/Bostwick9780323019705.jpg (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdconsult.com% 2Fbook%2Fplayer%2Fbook.do%3Fmethod%3Ddisplay%26typ e%3DaboutPage%26decorator%3Dheader%26eid%3D4-u1.0-B978-0-323-01970-5..X5001-5--TOP%26isbn%3D978-0-323-01970-5%26uniq%3D202935057%23lpState%3Dopen%26lpTab%3Dco ntentsTab%26content%3D4-u1.0-B978-0-323-01970-5..X5001-5--TOP%253Bfrom%253Dcontent%253Bisbn%253D978-0-323-01970-5%253Btype%253DbookHome)
Completely revised with practical guidance in daily urologic pathology sign-out and the latest recommended diagnostic approaches, the new edition of this comprehensive reference equips you to accurately diagnose specimens of the entire urinary tract and male reproductive system plus the adrenal glands. It begins with a look at normal anatomy and histology for each organ system, followed by discussions of the pathology of congenital anomalies, inflammations, non-neoplastic diseases, and neoplasia. An emphasis on clinicopathologic and radiographic-pathologic correlations makes this a true diagnostic decision-making guaide. A consistent format enables you to locate critical information quickly, and more than 1500 high-quality illustrations - most in full color - make diagnosis even easier.
http://www.mdconsult.com/about/book/Bostwick9780323019705.jpg (http://njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdconsult.com% 2Fbook%2Fplayer%2Fbook.do%3Fmethod%3Ddisplay%26typ e%3DaboutPage%26decorator%3Dheader%26eid%3D4-u1.0-B978-0-323-01970-5..X5001-5--TOP%26isbn%3D978-0-323-01970-5%26uniq%3D202935057%23lpState%3Dopen%26lpTab%3Dco ntentsTab%26content%3D4-u1.0-B978-0-323-01970-5..X5001-5--TOP%253Bfrom%253Dcontent%253Bisbn%253D978-0-323-01970-5%253Btype%253DbookHome)
Completely revised with practical guidance in daily urologic pathology sign-out and the latest recommended diagnostic approaches, the new edition of this comprehensive reference equips you to accurately diagnose specimens of the entire urinary tract and male reproductive system plus the adrenal glands. It begins with a look at normal anatomy and histology for each organ system, followed by discussions of the pathology of congenital anomalies, inflammations, non-neoplastic diseases, and neoplasia. An emphasis on clinicopathologic and radiographic-pathologic correlations makes this a true diagnostic decision-making guaide. A consistent format enables you to locate critical information quickly, and more than 1500 high-quality illustrations - most in full color - make diagnosis even easier.