13th April 2010, 09:59 PM
ارسال و دريافت چندين فکس از طريق يک کامپيوتر و مودم و يا از طريق يک شبکه با چندين مودم.اين نرم افزار همچنين يک درايور fax generating print به پرينتر هاي سيستم شما اضافه مي کند و اين امکان را به شما مي دهد که از هر سندي که مي خواهيد يک فکس ايجاد کرده و آن را به هر فکس ماشيني که در نظر داريد ارسال نماييد و...
Send and Receive fax from Single Computer and Modem or Network with Multiple Modems. FaxAmatic will add a fax generating print driver to your Windows Printer system, giving you the ability to generate a fax from any document, and send to any fax machine in the world. FaxAmatic has hundreds of useful features such as Dynamic View/Edit Cover Page, FaxBook Import/Export, Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver, and Technical Support.
اين برنامه با سيستم عامل هاي زير سازگار است:
1. Windows XP
2. Windows Vista
دانلود (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/Electrasoft%20FaxAmatic%2009.06.17)
حجم: 1.19 Mb
منبع (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/www.p30island.com)
رمز: www.p30island.com
Send and Receive fax from Single Computer and Modem or Network with Multiple Modems. FaxAmatic will add a fax generating print driver to your Windows Printer system, giving you the ability to generate a fax from any document, and send to any fax machine in the world. FaxAmatic has hundreds of useful features such as Dynamic View/Edit Cover Page, FaxBook Import/Export, Windows Dynamic All Class FaxModem Driver, and Technical Support.
اين برنامه با سيستم عامل هاي زير سازگار است:
1. Windows XP
2. Windows Vista
دانلود (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/Electrasoft%20FaxAmatic%2009.06.17)
حجم: 1.19 Mb
منبع (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/www.p30island.com)
رمز: www.p30island.com