11th April 2010, 02:47 PM
يک برنامه کاربردي حرفه اي مي باشد که بعنوان يک ابزار قدرتمند براي Blu-Ray demuxing طراحي شده است.مزيت اصلي Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro ديکامپايل کردن ديسک Blu-Ray به ويدئو، صدا و ديگر فايلها مي باشد.
The BD Demuxer Professional application was designed to be a powerful tool for Blu-Ray demuxing.The main function of Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is decompilation of Blu-Ray disk into video, audio and other files. All output data are ready for editing in any authoring software. It saves your time and allows to use only one tool for the reauthoring.
اين برنامه با سيستم عامل هاي زير سازگار است:
1. Windows XP
2. Windows Vista
دانلود (http://dl.p30island.com/ahmadi/software/farvardin/BD%20Demuxer%20Pro%201.0.zip)
حجم: 1.60 Mb
منبع (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/www.p30island.com)
رمز: www.p30island.com
The BD Demuxer Professional application was designed to be a powerful tool for Blu-Ray demuxing.The main function of Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is decompilation of Blu-Ray disk into video, audio and other files. All output data are ready for editing in any authoring software. It saves your time and allows to use only one tool for the reauthoring.
اين برنامه با سيستم عامل هاي زير سازگار است:
1. Windows XP
2. Windows Vista
دانلود (http://dl.p30island.com/ahmadi/software/farvardin/BD%20Demuxer%20Pro%201.0.zip)
حجم: 1.60 Mb
منبع (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/www.p30island.com)
رمز: www.p30island.com