8th April 2010, 10:52 AM
نرم افزاري مفيد در زمينه مخفي سازي تمامي آيکون هاي موجود در کنار ساعت همچنین پنجره های موجود در TaskBar
Easy Window & System Tray Icons Hider is a window hide tool that allows you to hide any window or hide all windows in the taskbar instead of closing or minimizing the program to the taskbar or sending it to the system tray, you can also hide any system tray icon. Version 1.2 includes changes in the installer.
اين برنامه با سيستم عامل هاي زير سازگار است:
1. Windows XP
2. Windows Vista
دانلود (http://dl.p30island.com/ahmadi/software/farvardin/Easy%20Window%20and%20System%20Tray%20Icons%20Hide r%201.20.0.zip)
حجم: 2.14 Mb
منبع (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/www.p30island.com)
رمز: www.p30island.com
Easy Window & System Tray Icons Hider is a window hide tool that allows you to hide any window or hide all windows in the taskbar instead of closing or minimizing the program to the taskbar or sending it to the system tray, you can also hide any system tray icon. Version 1.2 includes changes in the installer.
اين برنامه با سيستم عامل هاي زير سازگار است:
1. Windows XP
2. Windows Vista
دانلود (http://dl.p30island.com/ahmadi/software/farvardin/Easy%20Window%20and%20System%20Tray%20Icons%20Hide r%201.20.0.zip)
حجم: 2.14 Mb
منبع (http://www.p30island.com/2010/04/www.p30island.com)
رمز: www.p30island.com