توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : English short stories
6th March 2010, 01:26 PM
Once upon a time a baby elephant named Jumbo used to live in a forest. He always used to dream that one day he would be able to swim. His mother tried hopelessly to make him believe that he is very heavy in weight that's why he could not swim. But he never listened.
He would reach by the river and happily look at his glance in it.
Once he slept early and then he dreamed that he was swimming deep in the river. He was swimming here and there and frolicking happily. He made friendship with some small but harmless fishes. He even found a place to take rest in nights. He was very happy. He could see the colors of different lights that were flickering ceaselessly. The lights were coming out from some fishes that were very beautiful and colorful.
After seeing him, the colorful fishes went to him and they asked his name. He said his name was Jumbo and from the very next day he became friends with them.
Now they would daily play hide and seek together. But in the meanwhile Jumbo could not realize the mischievous plan of those fishes. The fishes actually were very amused at the look of Jumbo. They wanted to make his big ears there home. They thought how would it like be if they play hide and seek in Jumbo's big fans like ears and his mouth.
One day when Jumbo was fast asleep after playing, all those colorful fishes arrived and entered his mouth and making exit from his ears. They were playing and making fun of Jumbo. When Jumbo woke up he realized that he made a big mistake by making friendship with them.
He cried but nobody came for his help. At last his mother woke him up from his dream. Seeing his mother in front of him, Jumbo cried inconsolably and promised that he would never ever think of swimming in future. That made his mother happy and she served him hot delicious food
7th March 2010, 07:15 PM
The Little Frog and the Big Buffalo
One day a Little Frog happens to see a buffalo on its way to the pond and is stopped by it. The little frog got surprised.
What are you doing by jumping like this? Yelled the big buffalo at the little frog
This is how I walk responded the frog with a surprise
You have got four legs like any other animal and why can’t you just walk? Buffalo again yelled with the same anger.
Now the little frog understood the confusion the big buffalo had and it turned upside down and asked:
Look my dear big buffalo how my legs are made. I do have four legs but the hind ones are differently made hence I can’t walk and I can only jump to cover distances.
Oh I am sorry – pleaded the big buffalo
I am really sorry for showing my anger at you without knowing the reason. I shall be your friend from now on wards and I shall carry you now to wherever you want to go. Please let me know where do you want to go – requested the buffalo
The little frog felt very happy with the sudden change in the behavior of the big buffalo.
I need to got to the pond near that banyan tree but I do not know how to climb on to your back – said the little frog
Do not worry I shall sit down so that with one leap you can jump on to my back – suggested the big buffalo
The frog did as suggested but the smooth skin of the buffalo made its efforts futile. Both the big buffalo and the little frog were disappointed but continued their efforts. At one point the frog could jump on to the back of the buffalo but as the big buffalo started standing up it had slipped down. As their struggle continued they saw Dr.Dove coming towards them.
What’s the matter why are you here asked Dr.Dove by alighting on the branch of a neem tree near them.
I made a promise to carry this small frog on my back to the pond near that banyan tree but it has become difficult for this small frog to reach my back.
You want to carry the frog on your back. Isn’t it? Asked Dr.Dove.
Yes told the buffalo
Then I have suggestion to you. You both come along with me lead Dr.Dove towards the pond. All three reached the pond.
Dear small frog you first jump into the water – said Dr.Dove
The small frog jumped into the water and looked up by turning back towards the buffalo and Dr.Dove.
Now dear Buffalo you walk into the water and sit down in such a way that your back is just touching the surface of the water level in the pond – said Dr.Dove.
The big buffalo did as suggested.
The little frog understood what is to be done. Immediately it jumped onto the back of the buffalo with ease and settled down there.
Soon the buffalo too understood and came slowly out of the water with the little frog on its back. The little frog and the big buffalo were happy and thanked Dr.Dove.
Now tell me where shall I take you - asked the big buffalo
Not to the pond again but back to my home in the woods in the north pointed the little frog.
Seeing their happiness Dr.Dove flew away.
8th March 2010, 05:43 PM
It was a bright, sunny morning in Magical Wood and Bitsy Bunny was fast asleep. Her mama was in the kitchen baking carrot cookies and the wonderful smell of the warm cookies woke Bitsy. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and wiggled her nose. Something smelled good! She wiggled her nose again. Something smelled very good! She jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen.
"Mama, Mama," said Bitsy, "those cookies smell so good that they woke me up! May I have some? Please?"
"I'm baking these cookies for Granny Bunny," Mama replied. "She's not feeling well and I think some homemade cookies might help her feel better."
"May I take the cookies to Granny?" asked little Bitsy.
Mama thought for a moment. Magical Wood could be a dangerous place for a little bunny all by herself. There was still so much for Bitsy to learn about the Wood. But, Granny did not live far, and Mama and Bitsy had gone to Granny's house together lots of times.
"Bitsy, you have never visited Granny by yourself before. There are all kinds of dangers, so many things can happen. You must promise me that you will not stop along the way, you will not go near the clearing to pick flowers, you will not go to the creek to watch the fish and you will stay on the trail all the way to Granny's. Do you promise?"
"Oh, yes Mama, I promise! I will not stop along the way, I will not go to the clearing to pick wildflowers, I will not watch the fish swimming in the creek and I will stay on the trail all the way to Granny's. And I will call you as soon as I get to Granny's, so you won't worry!"
"Okay, then you may go to Granny's and bring her the cookies," said Mama.
"Yipee!!" shouted Bitsy as she ran down the hall to get dressed.
After breakfast, Mama gave Bitsy a pretty yellow basket filled with the warm carrot cookies. Bitsy gave Mama a big hug and started off to Granny's house.
"Now remember, Bitsy, go straight to Granny's house," Mama called to Bitsy.
Little Bitsy was so excited! Mama had never let her walk by herself to Granny's before.
"Mama doesn't think I'm a baby anymore," thought Bitsy as she walked along the path to Granny's house. Bitsy was so happy that she began to skip along the path.
Well, Bitsy hadn't skipped very far when she saw the most beautiful wildflowers in an open field.
"Oh, those flowers would make Granny feel better," Bitsy said to herself.
"I shall bring Granny a beautiful bouquet." Then, as Bitsy started toward the field, she stopped and remembered what Mama had said: Don't pick flowers in the clearing and stay on the trail! Well, thought Bitsy, I don't want to break my promise to Mama. She trusts me and even though I don't understand why she won't let me pick flowers by myself, I must remember my promise, I just must!
Just then, as she was standing on the path and looking at the flowers, a huge hawk swooped down into the very flowers Bitsy had wanted to pick and flew away with a mouse!!
"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!" Bitsy exclaimed, "That poor mouse!" Then, Bitsy realized something very important: if she had not kept her promise to Mama, the hawk might have grabbed her instead of the mouse! This made Bitsy feel scared, but she continued to Granny's house, staying on the path, just as she had promised.
After a little while, Bitsy was no longer scared and she was again skipping down the path with her basket of cookies. Soon, she was able to hear the bubbling and gurgling of the creek. And that made Bitsy suddenly feel very thirsty!
Soon, Bitsy was able to see the creek! As she was about to race off the path, she again remembered her promise to Mama. "Well, the creek is closer to the path than the field was, and there are certainly no hawks this deep in the Wood," thought Bitsy. She was watching a frog by the creek as she was trying to decide what to do.
"A promise is a very important thing," thought Bitsy. "Mama will be so proud of me for keeping my promises and staying on the trial. But, maybe I could just run over for a quick sip, say hello to the frog and run right back to the trail."
When Bitsy looked back at the frog, it was gone! In its place was a great big snake! "Oh, no!" said Bitsy. "I hope that little frog got away!" Then Bitsy thought of something else: if she had broken her promise and gone over to the frog, the snake might have grabbed her! Bitsy began to tremble! As she stared at the snake, it slowly crawled away into the dense forest.
Bitsy took a deep breath and continued to Granny's house.
Bitsy was quite close to Granny's now. She couldn't wait to tell Granny everything that had happened on this adventure over a big glass of milk and some of Mama's cookies.
As she was hopping along, Bitsy noticed something unusual. There, near the trail, in the middle of a pile of old brown vines and brambles, was a clump of bright green grass and flowers! Why would someone pick grass and wildflowers and then just dump them in the old brambles, Bitsy wondered. Maybe someone new is moving in and they're building a house!
"Hello! Hello!" Bitsy called to the pile of grass, but no one answered. "Maybe I should go find the door and knock." Bitsy started to leave the trail and head for the brambles, when she remembered a promise she made to Mama a long time ago: Never talk to strangers!
As Bitsy turned to hop back onto the trail, she tripped and a twig bounced up and landed by the clump of grass and flowers. SNAP!! It had been a trap! The top of the trap had been covered with the grass and when the twig landed on it, the trap closed tight! If Bitsy had been caught in the trap, would Mama have been able to find her? Bitsy's heart raced as she dashed the rest of the way to Granny's. She hopped up the steps and knocked very hard. Granny opened the door and Bitsy leaped into her arms!
"Bitsy! Your Mama told me you were coming! My, you're getting to be such a big bunny that now you can visit all by yourself!" Granny exclaimed.
Bitsy gave Granny a big kiss and the yellow basket filled with cookies.
"Granny, may I call Mama?" Bitsy asked. "I promised her I would call as soon as I got here so she wouldn't worry. I've kept all my other promises to Mama on my way here and I wouldn't want to break this one. I also want to ask Mama to come and have cookies with us so she and I can walk home together. Even though I'm big enough to come and visit by myself, I would rather have Mama with me."
Granny smiled. "You are a very smart bunny, Bitsy. Let's go call Mama right now."
26th March 2010, 06:03 PM
Once upon a time down in the bog there lived a little frog who was different from all the others. This little frog had three hind legs, and his name was Tri-Boy. All the other little frogs had two hind legs. Tri-Boy was kidded unmercifully because he was different. The other little frogs at times talked down to Tri-Boy. They would not let him play any of the games that little frogs usually play.
One day all of the little frogs were going on a picnic, and their mamas had packed them a lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and lemonade. This time they reluctantly included Tri-Boy in the picnic. He was so happy, and he ran and told his mama and daddy that he was going on the picnic and to hurry and pack his lunch. The picnic was to be held near Farmer Brown's animal farm. All of the little frogs wanted to hike over to the farm, have lunch, and look at all of Farmer Brown's animals--the mules, the pigs, the chickens, the cows, and the goats.
The little frogs didn't know it, but Farmer Brown had dug a deep pit along the path that leads from the bog to his farm. The pit was there to catch foxes and other predators who wanted to get his chickens, and the pit was covered over with sticks and leaves so that it would not be seen. As the little frogs happily danced and jumped down the path, singing songs, and hooting and hollering, they suddenly all fell in the pit and were trapped. They were very upset and were afraid that Farmer Brown would come along and find them in the pit and be very mad at them. He had very little patience with any animals outside his farm. And his wife had a wonderful recipe for Southern fried frog legs.
All of the boy frogs tried to jump high and out of the pit so that they could go and get help. They all fell back in the pit, though, unable to reach the top. Finally, Tri-Boy said, "I think I can do it," and the other frogs laughed--they didn't think that Tri-Boy could do anything that they couldn't do. But little were they thinking that Tri-Boy had three hind legs while they only had two.
His third leg gave him the ability to jump with a super force. Tri-Boy exhaled, took five deep frog breaths, and jumped as high as he could and jumped up and out of the pit! All of the frogs in the pit were surprised that Tri-Boy could accomplish this amazing feat and began to cheer. Then they asked each other, "What will Tri-Boy do now?" But Tri-Boy was already running to find a long stick, which he brought back and dropped down in the pit. He hollered down and told all of the frogs to climb up the stick and out of the pit. The little frogs, one by one, crawled up the stick, and when they all reached the top, they gave three cheers for Tri-Boy. "Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!"
The little girl frogs were especially thankful to him for saving them from Farmer Brown. Then they all carefully hopped on down the path. They stopped and had their picnic lunch. Tri-Boy was offered any extra treats that the others had. They finally reached the animal farm and enjoyed watching and naming all of the animals. From that time on, Tri-Boy was looked up to by the others and always included in the little frogs' activities
25th May 2010, 08:13 AM
The Beaver Lodge
Shay was born with a big imagination. Big enough to do
anything and everything. Her imagination could move the
biggest mountain and fly to the highest star. Shay lived
beside a river bed of marshland, where a beaver family had
its lodge. Mama and Papa beaver had three kits, Billy, Randy,
and Lizzie. Billy was the reckless one, always getting into
trouble. Randy was cautious and considerate and never once
got in trouble. Lizzie was very ambitious and always helpful to
her parents. You might say she was a busy little beaver.
Mama and Papa beaver were very proud of their lodge.
Papa beaver liked to brag about their lodge to anyone who
would listen. Of course, there was always a lot of repair work
to be done because the logs would often shift in the water.
- 2 -
And then there was Billy. He helped with the repairs but often
as not he ended up playing with the building materials and
things would be worse after than before he began to help.
Randy was usually there to stop him before things got really
out of hand.
The turtles living near by always kept a wary eye open for
Billy's presence. Nothing the turtles loved better than to sun
tan on a log. A bunch of them would line up on a log for a bit
of rest and sun tanning.
Billy would sneak up quietly and twist the log, laughing his
head off when they all plopped into the water.
They wondered how they could ever repay him with a trick
of their own. One day they had an idea; they tied the end of
Billy's favorite balancing log to a tree. When Billy showed up
to drag his log to the river, the turtles were all there to watch
25th May 2010, 08:16 AM
The Beaver Lodge
- 3 -
"Let us see how strong you are, Billy," they called out to him.
"You are strong enough to tilt our log and make us plunge into
the water. Are you strong enough to pull your log out to the
"Nothing to it," said Billy.
He began to pull on the log. He moaned and groaned but the
log did not budge.
"What is the matter, Billy, didn't have your breakfast this
The turtles enjoyed the scene.
After a lot of pulling and tugging, Billy discovered the rope.
He blushed and must have turned red as a beet.
After that the turtles were left to suntan in peace.
- 4 -
One day the beaver living up stream came rushing over, he
was all excited.
"A big, huge log is drifting down the river heading straight
toward your lodge," he yelled
Everybody panicked.
Papa beaver said "everybody out of the lodge."
The only thing going through Billy's head was just how big a
crash it would be. Randy had a lot of study material that he
wanted to save and Lizzie gathered up all her valuable
The big log was getting very close.
"Time to leave!" Papa Beaver shouted.
It wasn't the big crash that Billy was expecting, but the tail
end of the big log damaged the lodge.
"What will we do now," said Mama beaver. "There isn't enough
time to do the repairs before dark."
25th May 2010, 08:21 AM
The Beaver Lodge
- 5 -
Papa beaver said "we have to try. Everybody get to work."
Shay had seen the big log drift against the lodge and all the
damage it caused. She felt really sorry for the beavers.
"I know you can do it," she shouted to the beavers as she
watched them repair their lodge.
But things didn't look so good because it would soon be dark.
It was getting dark and the lodge was not yet finished. There
was a full moon but the dark clouds didn't let the moon's rays
shine through. The beavers asked Shay for help.
"Can you move the clouds for us?" they pleaded.
Shay said she would ask her imagination.
Shay's imagination flew up to the clouds.
- 6 -
"Please help us," she said. "The beavers need to finish their
lodge but it's too dark because you are not letting the moon
shine through."
"We can't go anywhere without the wind," the clouds said.
"Yu can talk to the wind but remember the wind understands
only poetry language."
Shay's imagination then talked to the wind:
And not blow a feather from our palm.
Some days we are not even aware of you
Because nothing shows what you can do.
But other days you really blow and howl,
Birds are tossed about, even the mighty owl.
It is then that we see leaves and dust arise,
And all clouds disappear from the skies.
So please, wind, do show me your power,
Because it is getting dark this very hour.
Make all the clouds disappear from the sky,
So the beavers can fix the lodge they occupy."
25th May 2010, 08:27 AM
The Beaver Lodge
- 7 -
After that, the imagination went back to Shay at the beaver
lodge. Nothing was happening and it was getting dark.
"I tried," Shay said, "sorry I couldn't help."
It was time for her to go home, but as she was about to leave
the wind picked up and the clouds started to roll away.
"Whoopee!" the beavers shouted in unison. "Now we can
finish our lodge."
Shay went home very happy that her imagination worked
hard to help the beavers finish repairing their lodge.
And every day after when she passed by the beaver's lodge,
they would make a point of thanking her for all the help.
The End
AuthorErwin Schalm
IllustrationsShayla Schalm
14th June 2010, 11:09 AM
Max, The Adventurous Flea
There once was a family of fleas that lived on a great big Saint Bernard dog. Now this dog belonged to a wonderful family. There was a dad, a mom, and two little kids, Mollie and Jonathan. This family lived in a nice, peaceful country town somewhere in the south, around Louisiana or maybe even Mississippi. Since the Flea Family lived on the great big Saint Bernard, that was their home and what part of the world the great big Saint Bernard lived in made no difference to them.
The Flea Family had oodles of kids. Max was the youngest of the Flea Family kids and also was the adventurous one. He had an itch for adventure. No pun intended! He liked to roam from one end of the great big Saint Bernard to the other end. It was quite a distance since Saint Bernard's are very huge dogs. Sometimes his parents would have to scold Max for roaming so far from home. He was not allowed to go past the middle of the great big Saint Bernard. Max did not always listen to his mom and dad and usually got into trouble for misbehaving. He sure did have a bold personality.
Well, on with the story. One day, the nice country family decided to take a trip to the big city. They decided to take the family dog with them and leave him in a kennel in the city until they got ready to go back home to the country. They were only going to be gone for a couple of days and thought the family pet would do better in a city kennel rather than being left back home alone with just a neighbor caring for him. So, after arriving in the big city, the country family bid farewell to the family pet at the kennel and set out to tour the big city and do some shopping at the big city mall.
The family pet did not like the kennel at all. It was too noisy. The other animals in the kennel were not very friendly and the family pet was tired of all the commotion. The family pet decided to do something about this situation. He believed that if he could just find a way out, he could be reunited with the country family and go back home.
When the kennel keeper came in to feed all the noisy pets, the family Saint Bernard made his escape. He was so quick that the kennel keeper did not have a chance to stop him. He was out the door and down the street bouncing and running as swiftly as he could. He was mighty fast for such a large dog.
Well, all this confusion was starting to make the Flea Family a bit upset. They were not used to so much excitement. They had always led such a calm and peaceful existence on the great big Saint Bernard. Of course, the adventurous Max loved the new feeling of the excitement. What was going to happen next, he thought.
The family pet made his way down three streets, two avenues and across a four lane highway without getting a scratch on him. A miracle, indeed! The Flea Family was just holding on for dear life. The smell of fumes from cars, the sound of sirens, people talking, horns honking and the great big Saint Bernard panting was starting to make their calm lives turn upside down. Max, on the other hand, was having a fantastic adventure. He had never been this far from home before. He had traveled all the way to the great big Saint Bernard's nose. From this point of view, he could see everything. "Say, what a big, big city", Max said. Max could see the mall, the people, the cars, and the big tall buildings. The city was enormous. The adventurous Max was having so much fun except for the occasional wet lick from the great big Saint Bernard's tongue. Now that was a little too dangerous for Max. One lick and he could be a goner. But, no, the great big Saint Bernard missed him by a mile. Thank goodness, Max thought.
The great big Saint Bernard did not know which way to turn next but luckily, just about the time he was about to give up finding the country family, they found him. He had made it all the way to the mall. They could not believe their eyes. There was the family pet, the great big Saint Bernard, standing at the mall entrance. "How in the world did he find his way here?" they said to each other. My goodness, what a story we will have to tell when we get back home.
The country family put the great big Saint Bernard in the family vehicle and away they started toward home. Max was a little sad but happy as well. This had been a memorable adventure but now it was time for him to go home too. He made his way from the nose of the great big Saint Bernard back to his home at the tail. Of course, his mom and dad scolded him for venturing so far from home. They had been so worried. After the scolding and Max promising not to wander so far from home again without permission, the whole Flea Family hugged him. Max was so happy. Not only did he get to have a fun, wonderful adventure but also he got to go back home to his loving family.
Max was an explorer at heart. But, he also was smart enough to realize that you could find happiness and adventure right in your own backyard whether it is in the country, the city or the bushy tail of a great big Saint Bernard.
Max, the flea, had many more adventures in his life. He lived a long and happy existence on that great big Saint Bernard
14th June 2010, 11:15 AM
Part One
Billy’s Wedding
One evening the beaver family was sitting around the
dinner table when Lizzie began to snicker.
"What's the matter?" Asked Mama Beaver.
"Oh, nothing," said Lizzie.
"Come on now, I know you want to tell us something,"
insisted Mama Beaver.
Lizzie cleared her throat.
"Billy has a girlfriend," she blurted out.
Billy blushed and nudged her with his forehead.
"What is her name," asked Randy.
I think her name is Bevy, said Lizzie "I think she
lives near the tall birch tree."
"Nothing to be embarrassed about," said Papa Beaver.
"You are old enough to start noticing girls."
14th June 2010, 11:19 AM
Part Two
As time went by, Billy spent more and more time with
Bevy. They tried to keep it a secret by meeting in tall
grass where nobody could see them.
The day came when Billy and Bevy started to talk
about getting married. Lizzie was concerned about
where they would live. Billy had not given it much
"As long as I am with you, I don't care where we live,"
said Billy.
But Lizzie wanted a nice lodge. Nothing too big, but big
enough for them and maybe three or four kits they might
have sometime in the future.
14th June 2010, 11:22 AM
Part Three
Both Bevy's parents and Billy's parents were excited
about the idea of them getting married. Building a lodge
for them was now foremost on their minds.
Billy and Bevy spent a lot of time looking for a suitable
site for their lodge. At last they found the perfect spot
along the river bank with a nice view of the pond.
What they loved most about the site was the many red-
winged blackbirds making their home around the pond.
"Imagine relaxing along the river bank and listening to
the beautiful songs of all the red-winged blackbirds,"
Bevy said.
"I know," said Billy. "We will see not only red-winged
blackbirds but also a lot of other birds. Even big birds
like swans and blue herons
14th June 2010, 11:24 AM
Part Four
Everybody was excited about building the lodge for
Bevy and Billy.
"You picked the perfect site for a lodge," Billy's dad told
them. "There are enough trees nearby to build the lodge."
Construction had started. The busy beavers were really
busy felling trees and hauling branches too the site.
Billy and Bevy discovered a hole in the ground along
the river bank. Billy talked Bevy into joining him in the
shallow cave for a bit of necking. Nobody could see them
Just then the other beavers were ready to fell another tree.
"This tree is leaning already and all we need to do is sever
a few roots," said Papa Beaver.
14th June 2010, 11:26 AM
Part Five
It didn't take long and the tree was ready to fall.
"Timber !" yelled Papa Beaver, as he watched the tree
go down.
"Oh no," shrieked Bevy. "The tree has fallen smack
across our cave and sealed us in." They cried out for help.
"What were you doing in this hole?" asked Mama Beaver.
"Sorry about that," said Billy. "We just wanted to see
how deep the hole is."
But the other beavers all knew better. They knew Billy
and Bevy had climbed in there to do some hugging
and kissing.
"We are in big trouble," said Papa Beaver. "We can't
chew the log because there is wire mesh around it and we
can't dig you out because there are big rocks in the ground.
What will we do?"
14th June 2010, 11:30 AM
Part Six
Some beavers had ideas, but none were too practical.
"We have to think of something because how long can they
go without food and water," Randy observed.
Randy swam over to the beaver Search a Rescue squad and
asked them for help. They came quickly, but after
studying the situation, even they had no solution.
"We don't have a shovel and even if we did, we would not
know how to use it," they said.
"There is only one thing we can do," volunteered Lizzie.
"I will call on Shay to help us out."
Shay is the girl who had helped them out before and the
beavers were her friends.
Lizzie ran to Shay's house as fast as she could. Luckily
Shay was outside in the garden. After Lizzie explained the
situation, Shay grabbed a shovel and crow bar and
followed Lizzie.
14th June 2010, 11:33 AM
Part Seven
It was hard work but Shay managed to remove the rocks
and dig a whole big enough for Bevy and Billy to crawl out.
It was a big relief for all of them. They all hugged each
other but they were especially grateful to Shay for having
rescued them.
"We will never forget what you did for us," they all said.
Papa Beaver had a stern talk with Billy and told him to stay
out of holes while they are felling trees.
Of course, no one really believed it would be the last time
Billy got in trouble.
14th June 2010, 11:35 AM
Part Eight
When the lodge was finished, all were very excited.
Billy and Bevy were very proud of their new home.
They could not wait to get married.
The day of the wedding came and it was a big affair with
many guests showing up. Shay was the guest of honor.
The beavers had prepared a special place for her along the
river bank, lined with twigs and grass, where she could sit
and watch the ceremony.
Shay called it her beaver throne and she would sit there
often in days to come and watch the activities of the beavers.
ستاره کویر
18th July 2011, 12:19 PM
Hip –hop style
Teenagers who listen to the same music often have a common look one hot style in music and fashion is hip-hop .simply put hip-hop is a type of urban music with a heavy beat .typical hip-hop fashion are loose-fitting street clothes . the style includes baggy pants sweatshirt ,hiking boots,baseball caps(usually worn backward),jackets with sports logos ,and expensive athletic shoes. In the hip-hop style ,boys and girls often dress the same way.
African-American Kids in detroitand shicago first made hip-hop fashion trendy more than 20 years ago . They wore street clothes to dance clubs.Then North American and European bands also began wearing this style.Thanks to the popularity of music videos and movies ,hip-hop soon became an international fashion sensation.
Teens around the world ,from Britian to south Africa to japan ,now wear hip-hop clothing .
Seventeen-year-old Melanie Borrow,of Manchester,England,says,"My pride and joy in life are my Levi's jeans.". In the United states,teens spend a lot of money on hip-hop fashion.David Bowen,17,of Evanston,IIIinois ,has five pairs of hiking boots,each costing around $100.David says ,"They are popular because a lot of hop-hop performers wear them."
*Vocabulary ( English to English and English to Persian)
مد Style =fashin=
یک نوع موسیقیHip-hop=a kind of music=
رایج شدن=popular=hot style
به سادگی=appearance=typical
خیلی بزرگ=loose-fitting=very large;baggy
مد روز=trendy=fashion
پوشیدن=wore=past of wear
نشان یا مارک= logo=mark=symbol
جوان یا دوره ی جوانی=teen=between 13 to 19 years old
چیز هایی که به آن می توان غرور ورزید=pride and joy=something to be proud of
منبع :starman1.blogsky.com
1st May 2012, 05:21 PM
Peter was eight and a half years old, and he went to a school near his house. He always went there and came home on foot, and he usually got back on time, but last Friday he came home from school late. His mother was in the kitchen, and she saw him and said to him, "Why are you late today, Peter "My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after our lessons," Peter answered ?""To the headmaster?" his mother said. "Why did she send you to him "Because she asked a question in the class; Peter said, "and none of the children gave her the answer except me." His mother was angry. "But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then? Why didn"t she send all the other stupid children?" she asked Peter ."Because her question was, "Who put glue on my chair?" Peter said
استفاده از تمامی مطالب سایت تنها با ذکر منبع آن به نام سایت علمی نخبگان جوان و ذکر آدرس سایت مجاز است
استفاده از نام و برند نخبگان جوان به هر نحو توسط سایر سایت ها ممنوع بوده و پیگرد قانونی دارد
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