28th January 2010, 10:02 PM
The British Library is set to exhibit the Klencke Atlas, known as the world's largest book, during its summer exhibition of maps.
The 1.75x1.9-meter book, intended to be an encyclopedic summary of the world, was presented to King Charles II on his restoration by Dutch merchants.
It takes six people to carry the 350-year-old Atlas, which includes 37 maps and will be publicly displayed with its pages open for the first time, Guardian reported.
"It is going to be quite a spectacle," said Tom Harper, head of the library's antiquarian maps. "Even standing beside it is quite unnerving."
Visitors will also be able to see one of the world's smallest maps in the form of a German fingernail-sized coin showing a bird's eye view of Nuremberg in 1773.
The British Library's summer show will be focused on great maps, many of which will be on display for the first time.
The event will showcase about 100 maps, many of which are huge and as the library's head of map collections, Peter Barber said, "Hold their own with great works of art."
The exhibition is held in an effort to present an artistic aspect of maps as opposed to the general view that considers maps as measurement objects used for geographical accuracy.
"In a way we are trying to redress this. The official credo is the only thing that counts about a map is that they are utilitarian objects not really meant for display and that is not the case," he said.
"This is the first map exhibition of its type because, normally, when you think of maps you think of geography, or measurement or accuracy."
The British Library is set to exhibit the Klencke Atlas, known as the world's largest book, during its summer exhibition of maps.
The 1.75x1.9-meter book, intended to be an encyclopedic summary of the world, was presented to King Charles II on his restoration by Dutch merchants.
It takes six people to carry the 350-year-old Atlas, which includes 37 maps and will be publicly displayed with its pages open for the first time, Guardian reported.
"It is going to be quite a spectacle," said Tom Harper, head of the library's antiquarian maps. "Even standing beside it is quite unnerving."
Visitors will also be able to see one of the world's smallest maps in the form of a German fingernail-sized coin showing a bird's eye view of Nuremberg in 1773.
The British Library's summer show will be focused on great maps, many of which will be on display for the first time.
The event will showcase about 100 maps, many of which are huge and as the library's head of map collections, Peter Barber said, "Hold their own with great works of art."
The exhibition is held in an effort to present an artistic aspect of maps as opposed to the general view that considers maps as measurement objects used for geographical accuracy.
"In a way we are trying to redress this. The official credo is the only thing that counts about a map is that they are utilitarian objects not really meant for display and that is not the case," he said.
"This is the first map exhibition of its type because, normally, when you think of maps you think of geography, or measurement or accuracy."