توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : مکالمات روزمره در زبان انگلیسی(Daily Conversation )
15th January 2010, 07:51 PM
سلام به شما دوستان!{happy}
تو این تاپیک مکالمات روزمره که زیاد استفاده داره همراه با ترجمه فارسی قرار میگیره و تقریبا هر روز آپدیت میشه. امیدوارم که مورد استفاده شما قرار بگیره!!{big hug}
1- اگر رد بشی شانس دیگه ای نداری
If you flunk out you won't get a second chance
2- عصبانیم نکن
Don't get on my bad side.
۳- خوب گوش بده ( این رو تو مغزت فرو کن ) دیگه نباید او مسئله رو شروع کنی
Now , get it straight . You shouldn't get started on that again.
15th January 2010, 08:17 PM
4- دلم برایت می سوزد.
I feel sorry for you.
۵- این آخرین پیشنهاد منه ، می خوای بخواه ، می خوای نخواه.
That's my last offer, take it or leave it.
6- انتظار دارم این مسئله را خیلی جدی بگیری.
I expect you to take this seriously.
16th January 2010, 08:26 AM
7- اگر نمی خواهیم از پروازمون عقب بمونیم بهتره که الان حرکت کنیم.
We'd better take off now if we don't want to miss our flight.
8- بهتره تصمیمتو بگیری .
You'd better make up your mind.
9- فقط ایندفعه رو بهت اجازه میدهم ، بار دیگه نه.
I let you have it this time, but not anymore.
17th January 2010, 08:54 AM
10- تو دخالت نكن (اين به تو ارتباطي نداره )
Keep out of this - This is not your bussiness - Don't try to get involved.
11- همون قدر كه به تو ارتباط داره به من هم داره .
It's just as much my business as yours.
12- اگر روي اون نون را نپوشاني زود خشك مي شود.
.If you don't cover that bread, it will soon dry out
18th January 2010, 08:38 AM
13- صبرم داره تموم مي شه .
My patience is running out.
14 - با اون كاري نداشته باش .
Don't mess with him
20th January 2010, 08:41 AM
1- این قدر به اون ماشین ور نرو
Stop missing around with that car
2- شما دو تا بس کنید (از دعوا سر و صدا و ...) نمی بینید دارم کار می کنم.
Knock it off you two. Don't you see I'm working.
knock off (something): to stop working and go somewhere else بس کردن سراغ کار دیگری رفتن
21st January 2010, 07:30 PM
17-اون فقط داره از شما سو ء استفاده میکنه.
.He is just using you
to use: to make someone do something for you in order to get something you want
سو ء استفاده کردن (یکی از معانی آن ) و معنای دیگر آن همان استفاده کردن است که اینجا مراد نیست.
18-درست ازش استفاده کن (ازش بد استفاده نکن).
.Don't misuse it
22nd January 2010, 12:23 PM
19- این ممکنه باعث دردسرت بشه!
This might get you into trouble
20- تازگی ها تو مدرسه مشکل پیدا کردی (تو دردسر افتادی)؟
?Are you getting into trouble at school lately
24th January 2010, 11:06 AM
21- سیستم الکتریکی ایراد (عیب) داره.
There must be a flaw in the electrical system
22- اگر فکر میکنی مشکل الکتریکی داره بهش دست نزن.
Don't touch it if you think it's got an electrical fault
26th January 2010, 08:54 AM
23-بس کن وگرنه چغلی تو پیش بابات میکنم.( به بابات میگم)
.Stop it, or I'll tell your dad on you
tell on somebody : to tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone you know has done - used especially by children
چغلی کردن گزارش کار غلطی را دادن
24- این قدر فضولی (دخالت ) نکن.
Stop being so nosy
30th January 2010, 11:21 AM
25- این قدر بچه نشو (بچه بازی در نیار)
.Stop being such a baby
26- این که دلیل نمیشه.
.That's no excuse
27- اون کار دزدیه!
!That is called stealing
1st February 2010, 09:12 AM
28- خیلی با احتیاط رفتار کن.
Use extreme caution
29- باید آروم و با احتیاط کار کنی.
You have to do it slowly and always with caution
30- حواست جمع باشه.
Be alert
3rd February 2010, 09:59 PM
31- حماقت نکن.
Stop being a fool
32- از عواقب کارت خبر داری.
Are you aware of consequences to you
33- سعی خودتو بکن ممکنه فرصت دیگری گیرت نیاد.
Do the best you can, you might not get another chance
8th February 2010, 09:06 AM
34- مستقیم میرم سر اصل مطلب.
I come straight to the point
35- تمبر را با آب دهانش خیس کرد.
He moistened the stamp with his own saliva
36- اگر آب نباشد از تشنگی هلاک میشویم.
If there is no water, we will die of thirst
13th February 2010, 09:56 AM
37- ین سفر برایمان خیلی آب خورد.
This trip cost us a lot
38- این شایعات از کجا آب می خورد؟
Where these rumors originate from? Or : where is the source of these rumors?
مهمانی آنها خوب از آب درآمد
Their party ended up being good
17th February 2010, 09:15 AM
40- بی خود و بی جهت از همه انتقاد می کند.
.She criticizes everyone for no reason at all
41- با دیدن آن خوراک خوشبو دهانم آب افتاد.
.Upon seeing that Fragrant food, My mouth watered
42- تنها پخت و پزی که بلدم آب پز کردن تخم مرغ است.
.The only cooking I can do is to boil eggs
21st February 2010, 08:49 AM
43- یک مشت آبدار به سرش کوفتم.
I gave him a strong punch to his head
44- آبروی خوانده ام در خطر است.
my family's honor is at stake
at stake: if something that you value very much is at stake, you will lose it if a plan or action is not successful
در معرض خطر و نابودی بودن
45- برای حفظ آبرو این کار را کرد.
He did it to save his face
1st March 2010, 05:02 PM
46- مواظب باش ممکنه لیوان از دستت لیز بخوره و بیفته.
Be careful, the glass might slip out of your hand
47- در آینده ای نزدیک
In the near future
48- این آخرین مد لباس مردانه است .
This is the latest men's fashion
10th March 2010, 07:52 PM
49- یکی مانده به آخر
The last but one
The one before last
50- در این شرکت حتی یک آدم حسابی نداریم.
We don't have even one qualified person in this company
51- این آرزو را به گور خواهد برد.
She shall not live to see her wish fulfilled
25th March 2010, 06:45 PM
52. بهترین موفقیت ها را برایت آرزو میکنم.
I wish you the best of luck
53. ورود برای عموم آزاد است.
It is open to the public
54. آیا از عهده کار بر می آئید؟
Can you handle the job/task
9th May 2010, 10:34 AM
55- این روزها اوضاع و احوال چگونه است؟
How is everything going with you nowadays
56- وضع زندگیت چطور است؟
How is life treating you
57- یک کمی پکر به نظر می رسی.
You look a little bit down in the mouth
You look a little upset
17th May 2010, 10:06 AM
58. ای بد نیستم.
So so
58. دنبال یک لقمه نان می دویم.
Too much for an effort
59. امروز روز سختی را سپری کردم.
Today I had a hard day
I had a long day today
17th May 2010, 10:11 AM
61. تا دیر وقت بیدار بودم.
I stayed so late
62. از چه طریق امرار معاش می کنید؟
How do you make your bread and butter
63. مشغول چه کاری هستید؟
What are you busy with
6th June 2010, 02:58 PM
64- امیدوارم که همه چیز روبراه باشد.
I hope everything works out well
65- مغولها نیشابور را به آب بستند
The Mongols flooded Neishboor
66- سویس یکی از آبادترین کشورهای جهان است.
Switzerland is one of the world’s most prosperous countries
16th July 2010, 08:09 PM
ادامه بده ممنون![labkhand]
17th July 2010, 03:07 AM
i hope everything works out well
سلام .
من این جمله رو اکثر اوقات به این صورت به کار میبرم ،
i hope everything works fine
تفاوت چندانی داره و آیا این جمله هم صحیح هست؟
ممنون .
17th July 2010, 08:37 AM
ادامه بده ممنون![labkhand]
حتما ادامه داده میشه[cheshmak]
17th July 2010, 08:44 AM
سلام .
من این جمله رو اکثر اوقات به این صورت به کار میبرم ،
تفاوت چندانی داره و آیا این جمله هم صحیح هست؟
ممنون .
نه صحیح است[cheshmak]
17th July 2010, 08:51 AM
67- هیچ کشوری بدون برنامه صحیح آباد نمی شود
No country will become prosperous without a correct plan
68- ما خرمشهر را دوباره آباد خواهیم کرد.
We will make Khramshahr habitable again
69- آبادی شهر به خاطر کارخانه های متعدد آن است.
The city’s prosperity is due to it’s many factories
17th July 2010, 08:55 AM
70- سرزمین آبا و اجدادی اعراب جزیره العرب بود.
The ancestral home of the Arab was the Arabian Peninsula
71- آبراه پاناما چندین آب بند دارد.
The Panama Canal has several locks
72- میزان آبدهی سد کرج حدود پنج متر مکعب در ثانیه است.
The water yield of Karaj Dam is about five cuble meters per second
24th September 2010, 01:56 AM
ول کن بابا! من که منظوري نداشتم
Come off it! I didn't mean it
نيشتو ببند!
Wipe that smile of your face
به تو چه ربطي داره؟
What is that to you
دارم قاط مي زنم.
I'm going banana
تا سه نشه بازي نشه
Third time lucky
ايشالله دفعه بعد
Better luck next time
9th October 2011, 08:29 PM
دور منو خط بکش : Count me out
خوب بخوابی : Sleep well
خونسرد باش : Keep your hair on
رو حرفم حساب کن : Mark my words
شر بپا نکن : Let sleeping dogs lie
فضولی موقوف! : Non of your concern
farzaneh fard
27th December 2011, 11:28 PM
mamnoon,intori kheyli khoobe k hajme kamio bezarin[golrooz]
farzaneh fard
29th December 2011, 12:22 PM
farzaneh fard
29th December 2011, 12:28 PM
3rd January 2012, 12:11 PM
http://www.pic.iran-forum.ir/images/b2fil0xzqvc2e41wx8k.jpg (http://www.pic.iran-forum.ir/)
3rd January 2012, 12:12 PM
http://www.img4up.com/up2/12496083876800560389.jpg (http://www.img4up.com/)
3rd January 2012, 01:12 PM
hang around
to loister
to waste away time, doing nothing
3rd July 2012, 02:33 PM
19th August 2012, 05:14 PM
اینم چند تا secret language به سبک بچه های شرق لندن موسوم به کاکنی که هیج جا به کار نمیاد مگه خود لندن
i'd like to eat my sandwich with a lot of air force
your boat does look familiar i can not remember your name though
the septic tanks finished in first in the olympics again
i hurt my ankle descending the apple and pears today in the morning
this sort of slang was introduce in street market of london for the first time where sales stuff wanted to disguise their goods-realated conversatiosn and here is how it works
دو کلمه معمولا noun compound که کلمه دوم با کلمه واقعی هم ریتمه مثل boat race for face . و برخی اوقات کلمه دوم کاملا حذف میشه مثل:
ali is my best garden= ali is my best garden gate= ali is my best mate
یاد گرفتنشون هم فانه و هم به یادگیری زبانتون کمک میکنه
20th August 2012, 01:18 PM
you have probably found yourself baffled ,atleast once, by intricate tube lines(metro) especially if you have ever been to a foreign country
timetables could sometimes be very omplicated and you may need to ask people around for the right train to get on. and here are some useful expressions you can use
situation 1 : lets say that you are at the train station and you want to know about the times of available trains heading to Mashhad
answer: could you please tell me the times of trains for mashad?
1.1 to ask if you need to change your train at a particulare station you could simply say: Do i need to change?
you go on to the platform and see people boardin the train. to make sure if that's the right train you say excuese me, is this the right train for Mashhad?
Now here is my question for you to answer:
you are on the board and propped comfortably at the back of your chair when you see an Elderly woman getting on . she looks around and finds no where to sit. you stand up and offer your seat
how doy you describe this action in one sentence ?
2.you are travellin by BRT and you want to get off at a particulare place you have never been to. however you do not know which station is the nearest one to where you are heading to
What do you say to the man sitting next to you in order to find out where you should get? off
شاید اینها خیلی ساده به نظر بیان ولی باور کنید اگه بهشون مسلط نباشین تو شرایط واقعی به پته پته میفتین
منتظر جوابهاتون هستم.
21st August 2012, 02:44 PM
you have probably found yourself baffled ,atleast once, by intricate tube lines(metro) especially if you have ever been to a foreign country
timetables could sometimes be very omplicated and you may need to ask people around for the right train to get on. and here are some useful expressions you can use
situation 1 : lets say that you are at the train station and you want to know about the times of available trains heading to Mashhad
answer: could you please tell me the times of trains for mashad?
1.1 to ask if you need to change your train at a particulare station you could simply say: Do i need to change?
you go on to the platform and see people boardin the train. to make sure if that's the right train you say excuese me, is this the right train for Mashhad?
Now here is my question for you to answer:
you are on the board and propped comfortably at the back of your chair when you see an Elderly woman getting on . she looks around and finds no where to sit. you stand up and offer your seat
how doy you describe this action in one sentence ?
, I don't understand exactly your question ; do you mean for example:
there was an old woman and I stood up & said her :please take a seat"l"
2.you are travellin by BRT and you want to get off at a particulare place you have never been to. however you do not know which station is the nearest one to where you are heading to
What do you say to the man sitting next to you in order to find out where you should get? off
excuse me sir;I wanna go .......(name of the particular place),In which station is better to get off ?
شاید اینها خیلی ساده به نظر بیان ولی باور کنید اگه بهشون مسلط نباشین تو شرایط واقعی به پته پته میفتین
منتظر جوابهاتون هستم.
21st August 2012, 07:26 PM
Let's say that you are goping to get off near Ferdosi square and here how you should ask the other passenger sitting next to you
Excusme, are you getting off at Ferdosi square by any chance?
man: yes ,how come?
you: could you please tell me when we are almost there/ could you tell me when to get off please
and of the first question i should admit that i was not explicit enough to convey my question properly, you are right.
whenever you are in possession of something and you decide to let someone else have it you simply say : give up you spot/place/seat/..to sombody
* when i saw the old man slouching over , i gave up my seat to him
a very good place to find the right answer to your questions, i mean undisputed answers given by native speakers, is:
sign up at the mentioned websites if you haven't done already.
21st August 2012, 07:57 PM
more useful expressions when you ask for direction
could you tell me...... is a very polite way of asking somone for directions
could you tell me how i can get to London Eye? m
Is it within walking distance/ can i get there on foot پیاده میشه رفت؟
21st August 2012, 09:16 PM
so about the second question?Is my answer right ?i
22nd August 2012, 01:12 AM
so about the second question?Is my answer right ?i
It is right though a native speaker may find it a bit pecuilar.
and that's because you do not know the meaning of WANT.
WANT means KHASTAN in Farsi but you can not say i want to go to Ferdosi square and i don't know where to get off
have a look at the following examples
i want chocolate
i want to marry him
i want to go and study abroad
i want to know what they are talking about
i hope that through the given examples you have persived the fact that WANT refers to what you are interested in or thrill to
. therefore saying that i want to go go to Ferdosi implys that you have some interest there which doesn't sound sensible
moreover ,when you are to ask somebody for sth, it's a bit rude to request it directly
excuese me sir, i am going to (particulare place) but i have no idea where i should get off
and if you want to add a little of courtesy you could say : i was wondering if you could let me know when we are nearly there
22nd August 2012, 12:44 PM
You have to live moment to moment, you
Have to live each moment as if it is the
Last moment. So don’t waste it in
Quarreling, in nagging or in fighting
Perhaps you will not find the next
Moment even for an apology
22nd August 2012, 08:40 PM
خيلي خوبه [tashvigh]
استفاده از تمامی مطالب سایت تنها با ذکر منبع آن به نام سایت علمی نخبگان جوان و ذکر آدرس سایت مجاز است
استفاده از نام و برند نخبگان جوان به هر نحو توسط سایر سایت ها ممنوع بوده و پیگرد قانونی دارد
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