توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : توضیح علائم اختصاری تکنولوژی خودرو

8th December 2009, 10:05 AM
2V - Two (Venturi) Valve (two barrel carburetor)
2WS - Two Wheel Steer
3GR - Third Gear
4GR - Fourth Gear
4EAT - Four speed Electronic Automatic Transmission
4R70W - Four speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 700 lb/ft torque rated, Wide ratio
4R100 - Four speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 1000 lb/ft torque rated
4V - Four (Venturi) Valve (four barrel carburetor)
4WAL - Four Wheel Antilock
4WAS - Four Wheel Air Suspension
4WD - Four Wheel Drive
4WS - Four Wheel Steer
5R55W - Five speed, Rear wheel drive, (up to) 550 lb/ft torque rated, Wide ratio
A - Amperes
A-6 - Axial 6 cylinder A/C compressor
AALA - American Automobile Labelling Act
AAT - Ambient Air Temperature
ABARS - Automobile Backward Automatic Ranging System
ABC - Active Body Control
ABS - Antilock Brake System
AC - Alternating Current
A/C - Air Conditioning
ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control
ACC - Air Conditioning Clutch
ACC - Automatic Climate Control
accel - Acceleration
ACCS - Air Conditioning Cyclic Switch
accum - Accumulator
accy - Accessory
ACD - Air Conditioning Demand
ACE - Active Cornering Enhancement
ACL - Air cleaner
ACM - Airbag Control Module
ACM - Audio Control Module
ACR4 - Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging
ACON - Air Conditioning On
ACP - Air Conditioning Pressure
act - Actual
ACT - Air Charge Temperature
actv - Activate
ACV - (thermactor) Air Control Valve
A/D - Analog to Digital
AD - Accomodated Device
adapt - Adaptive
adapts - Adapters
ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance System
ADBV - Anti Drainback Valve
ADC - Automatic Distance Control
ADG - Accomodated Device Gateway
adj - Adjust
ADL - Automatic Door Lock
ADS - Auxilliary Discriminating Sensor
ADU - Analog-Digital Unit
AECM - Airbag Electronic Control Module
A/F - Air Fuel Ratio (see also AFR)
AFC - Air Flow Control
AFC - Air Fuel Control
AFCD - Advanced Frontal Crash Dummy
AFCM - Alternate Fuel Control Module
AFECM - Alternate Fuel Engine Control Module
AFO - Alternate Fuel Operation
AFR - Air Fuel Ratio (see also A/F)
aft - After
AGSP - Auxilliary Gauge Switch Pack
AGVS - Automated Guided Vehicle System
AHLD - Automatic Headlamp Levelling Device
AHR - Active Head Restraint
ahrs - Amp Hours
AHS - Active Handling System
AIM - Automotive Interior Material
AIR - Air Injection Reaction (Secondary air injection)
AIRB - Secondary Air Injection Bypass
AIRD - Secondary Air Injection Diverter
AIS - Automatic Idle Speed
ALC - Automatic Lamp Control
ALC - Automatic Level Control
ALCL - Assembly Line Communications Link (replaced with DLC)
ALDL - Assembly Line Data Link (replaced with DLC)
ALM - Adaptive Learn Matrix
ALR - Automatic Locking Retractor
Alt - Alternative
ALT - Alternator (replaced with GEN)
AM - Amplitude Modulation
AMB - Ambient
AMM - Air Mass Meter
amp - Amplifier
amps - Amperes or Amperage
AMS - Automatic Music Search
AMT - Automated Manual Transmission
AOD - Automatic Overdrive
AODE - Automatic Overdrive Electronic (transmission)
AODE-W - Automatic Overdrive Electronic - Wide ratio (transmission)
AOS - Automatic Occupant Sensing
AP - Accelerator Pedal
APP - Accelerator Pedal Position
APADS - Air Conditioning Protection and Diagnostic System
APECS - Advanced Proportional Engine Control System
API - American Petroleum Institute
APT - Adjustable part Throttle
ARC - Active Roll Control
ARC - Automatic Ride Control
ARS - Adaptive Receptive System
ARS - Automatic Restraint System
ARTHUR - Automatic Radio system for Traffic situations on Highways and Urban Roads
ASA - Air Signal Attenuator
ASA - Automatic Slack Adjuster
ASARC - Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control
ASC - Anti Stall Control
ASD - Automatic Shutdown
ASF - Audi Space Frame
ASG - Automatic-Shift Gearbox
ASM - Acceleration Simulation Mode
ASM - Air Solenoid Module
ASM - Alarm Siren Module
asm - Assembly
ASR - Acceleration Slip Regulation
ASSYST - Active Service System
ASTC - Automatic Stability and Traction Control
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
A/T - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
ATC - Automatic Temperature Control
ATDC - After Top Dead Center
ATF - Active Transfer Case
ATF - Automatic Transfer Case
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATM - Actuator Test Mode
ATTS - Advanced Torque Transfer System
ATX - Automatic Transaxle
AWD - All Wheel Drive
AWG - American Wire Gage
AYC - Active Yaw Control
AXOD - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle
AXOD-E - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle - Electronically Controlled
B+ - Battery positive (voltage)
BARO - Barometric (pressure)
BAS - Brake Apply Sensor
batt - Battery
BBV - Brake Booster Vacuum
BCM - Body Control Module
BECU - Body Electronic Control Unit
BFC - Body Function Controller
BHP - Brake Horsepower
BLM - Block Learn Multiplier (replaced with LT FUEL TRIM)
B-LVL - Bilevel
BLW - Brake Lining Wear
BMAP - Barometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure
bn - Bank
BOB - Break-Out Box
BOO - Brake On/Off
BP - Back Pressure
BPA - Bypass Air
BPCM - Battery Pack Control Module
BPMV - Brake Pressure Modulator Valve
BPP - Brake Pedal Position
BPW - base pulse width
BSFC - Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
BTCM - Brake Torque Control Module
BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
BTSI - Brake Transmission Shift Interlock
Btu - British thermal units
BV - Battery Voltage
C3I - Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
CAB - Controller, Antilock Brake
CAC - Charge Air Cooler
CAFC - Company Average Fuel Consumption (Canada)
CAFE - Corporate Average Fuel Economy (USA)
cal - Calibration
calc - Calculated
Calif - California
CAN - Controlled Area Network
CANP - Canister Purge (solenoid)
CAMM - Computer Aided Manufacturing Measurement
CAMS - Computerized Automotive Maintenance System
CARB - California Air Resources Board
CARS - Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Council
CASE - Cranking Angle Sensing Error
cass - Cassette
CATS - Computer Aided Test Suite
CC - Climate Control
CC - Cruise Control
CCC - Computer Command Control
CCD - Chrysler Collision Detection
CCCD - Catalytic Converter Cool-Down
CCD - Computer Controlled Dwell
CCDIC - Climate Control Driver Information Center
CCFL - Cold-Cathode Flourescent Lamp
CCM - Central Control Module
CCO - Converter Clutch Override
CCOT - Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube
CCP - Climate Control Panel
CCP - Controlled Canister Purge
CCRM - Constant Control Relay Module
CCS - Coast Clutch Solenoid
CCW - Counter ClockWise
CD - Compact Disc
CDA - Cylinder De-Activation
CDR - Chrysler Diagnostic Readout
CDRV - Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve
CDX - Compact Disc Changer
CE - Commutator End
CEL - Check Engine Lamp (replaced with MIL)
CEAB - Cold Engine Air Bleed
CEMF - Counter Electromotive Force
CEMS - Catalyst Efficiency Management System
CEMS - Carbureted Engine Management System
CFI - Central Fuel Injection (replaced with TBI)
CFI - Continuous Fuel Injection
CFI - Cross Fire Injection
CHMSL - Center High Mounted Stop Lamp
CID - Cubic Inch Displacement
CID - Cylinder Identification
CJC - Collision Judgement Coefficient
CKP - Crankshaft Position
CKT - Circuit
CL - Closed Loop
CLC - Converter Lockup Clutch (replaced with TCC)
CLCC - Closed Loop Carburetor Control
CLTBI - Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection
CLYC - Closed Loop Yaw Control
CLNT - Coolant
CMFI - Central Multi-port Fuel Injection
cmd - Command
cmdd - Commanded
CMP - Camshaft Position
CMVSS - Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
COBDIMR - Customer On Board Diagnostics Inspection/Maintenance Readiness
COMBATT - Commercially Based Tactical Truck
combo - Combination
comm - Communication
cond - Condition
const - Constant
COP - Coil On Plug
COP - Computer Operating Properly
CP - Canister Purge
CPA - Connector Position Assurance
CPI - Central Port Fuel Injection
CPL - Control Parts List
CPM - Cellular Phone Module
CPP - Clutch Pedal Position
CPS - Cam Profile Switching
CPS - Center Panel Switches
CPS - Central Power Supply
CPS - Childseat Postioning Sensor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CRR - Cool Running Rotor
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
CRTS - Continuously Regenerating Trap System
CS - Charging System
CSE GND - PCM Case Ground
CSI - Compression Sense Ignition
CSM - Central Security Module
cSt - Centistokes
CSTO - Compression Sense Time-Out
CTD - Content Theft Deterent
CTM - Central Timer Module
CTOX - Continuous Trap Oxidizer
CTP - Closed Throttle Position (switch)
CTS - Coolant Temperature Sensor
CV - Constant Velocity
CVRSS - Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspenion
CVRTD - Continuously Variable Real Time Damping
CVS - Canister Vent Solenoid
CVT - Continuously Variable Transmission, Transaxle
CWS - Continental Wheel System

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