1st July 2009, 01:42 AM
One of the most controversial discussions in the theory of relativity to reach the speed of light is because according to the below equations and chart:
msh is Mass of spacecraft on the move, mosh is mass of static spacecraft, V is speed of spacecraft and C is speed of light. Above chart is of the mass for a kilogram of the. As it is clear is that with the increase in mass, speed of spacecraft increase.
F is force , m is mass , a is acceleration, Foa is preliminary force to accelerate static spacecraft, a is considering accelerate, and Fa is necessary force to accelerate on move spacecraft that in below chart seemed 10 meter per squared second for a kilogram of mass of the spacecraft.
Down curve as the increase in mass with the increase speed and up curve to increase the necessary force to accelerate 10 meters per squared second compared to the increase in mass of a kilogram of ship. Surely, with increasing speed, the increase in mass also will create, and to accelerate and add to speed of spacecraft always need more power that will be extreme in speed of light, as the mass of spacecraft will be extreme in speed of light. Despite this general conclusion from these equations, some people believe that the closing to speed of light is also impossible, because a reactor’s energy cannot provide too much power supply and production and restrictions that relativity founded the speed of light and even close to it for humanity into a dream and goal impossible, let alone be more speed of light. The key to opening the door locks and breaking the limits near the speed of light is suppose spacecraft for energy supply and the need to rush to a nuclear power reactor that ripped or reactor fuel for use as usual a radioactive element or gas and hydrogen. . . And with the increase in mass and speed of ship, reactor fuel mass will increase too, and with the increase in mass of fuel, power and energy of reactor of the ship can also increase. Now by checking physical equations in this regard, we check supply power and energy to accelerate ship.
E is energy, E0R is reactor energy in the static status of ship, m0F is mass of reactor fuel in static status, and ER is reactor energy on move status.
Above chart is for energy of a kilogram of the nuclear reactor in the accelerating ship. As it is clear, energy of accelerating reactor also will be as much as infinites speed of light and provide energy and power to achieve the speed of light. But what is very important is checking necessary power to accelerate ship in the speed of light and comparison with the power of accelerating reactor to ship in the limit of light speed.
W is work, d is distance, P is power, t is time, P0a is preliminary power to accelerate static ship, d' is reduced length or distance, t' slowed time, Pa is necessary power to accelerate on move ship.
As above diagrams shows by reaching the speed of light, stopped time and three dimensions become also zero. This means that density will be extreme too, because:
ρ is density, ρ0 is density of static object, ρa is density of on move object, and ma is mass of on move object.
msh is Mass of spacecraft on the move, mosh is mass of static spacecraft, V is speed of spacecraft and C is speed of light. Above chart is of the mass for a kilogram of the. As it is clear is that with the increase in mass, speed of spacecraft increase.
F is force , m is mass , a is acceleration, Foa is preliminary force to accelerate static spacecraft, a is considering accelerate, and Fa is necessary force to accelerate on move spacecraft that in below chart seemed 10 meter per squared second for a kilogram of mass of the spacecraft.
Down curve as the increase in mass with the increase speed and up curve to increase the necessary force to accelerate 10 meters per squared second compared to the increase in mass of a kilogram of ship. Surely, with increasing speed, the increase in mass also will create, and to accelerate and add to speed of spacecraft always need more power that will be extreme in speed of light, as the mass of spacecraft will be extreme in speed of light. Despite this general conclusion from these equations, some people believe that the closing to speed of light is also impossible, because a reactor’s energy cannot provide too much power supply and production and restrictions that relativity founded the speed of light and even close to it for humanity into a dream and goal impossible, let alone be more speed of light. The key to opening the door locks and breaking the limits near the speed of light is suppose spacecraft for energy supply and the need to rush to a nuclear power reactor that ripped or reactor fuel for use as usual a radioactive element or gas and hydrogen. . . And with the increase in mass and speed of ship, reactor fuel mass will increase too, and with the increase in mass of fuel, power and energy of reactor of the ship can also increase. Now by checking physical equations in this regard, we check supply power and energy to accelerate ship.
E is energy, E0R is reactor energy in the static status of ship, m0F is mass of reactor fuel in static status, and ER is reactor energy on move status.
Above chart is for energy of a kilogram of the nuclear reactor in the accelerating ship. As it is clear, energy of accelerating reactor also will be as much as infinites speed of light and provide energy and power to achieve the speed of light. But what is very important is checking necessary power to accelerate ship in the speed of light and comparison with the power of accelerating reactor to ship in the limit of light speed.
W is work, d is distance, P is power, t is time, P0a is preliminary power to accelerate static ship, d' is reduced length or distance, t' slowed time, Pa is necessary power to accelerate on move ship.
As above diagrams shows by reaching the speed of light, stopped time and three dimensions become also zero. This means that density will be extreme too, because:
ρ is density, ρ0 is density of static object, ρa is density of on move object, and ma is mass of on move object.