توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : فایل دانلود نرم افزارهای تخصصی مهندسی آب و فاضلاب و محیط زیست

21st September 2013, 01:53 AM
جهت دسترسی بهتر کاربران به نرم افزارها ، نرم افزارهای تخصصی آب و فاضلاب و مهندسی محیط زیست در این تاپیک ارایه میشود. از کاربران درخواست میشود از این پس این مساله را رعایت و اگر نرم افزاری مربوط به این رشته را میخواهند در سایت برای دانلود قرار دهند از طریق همین تاپیک این کار را انجام دهند.
البته غیر از این تاپیک و قبل از تاریخ مذکور نرم افزارهای متعددی در این زمینه در سایت قرار گرفته است که به دلیل تعداد زیاد آنها امکان قرارگیری دوباره آنها در این تاپیک نیست

21st September 2013, 01:55 AM
دانلود نرم افزار طراحی خطوط آب و فاضلاب Fathom v7.0


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

AFT Fathom 7.0 provides comprehensive,incompressible pipe flow analysis and system
modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use.
Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Fathom includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings,
variable model configurations, pump and control valve modeling and much more. With the optional
Chempak add-in, a thermo-physical database of over 600 fluids is available to further expand the
envelope of your analysis and design. AFT Fathom goes beyond the boundaries of traditional pipe flow
analysis, with thermal analysis capabilities including piping heat transfer, heat exchanger
modeling and varying fluid properties.

Use any serial when asked or 3471502010.

لینک دانلود:
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 01:59 AM
دانلود نرم افزار Pipe Flow Wizard 1.12

Pipe Flow Wizard is able to perform four different calculations depending on the known information.


Pipe Flow Wizard will calculate results for LIQUIDS or COMPRESSED GASES.
A database of viscosity and density for a number of common fluids is included

لینکهای دانلود:
پسورد : FromCivilEA
https://rapidshare.com/#!download|103tl|2647044132|PFW1.12.rar|2416|R~A5C 1052E650405C85A63470EF5454621

www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:00 AM
دانلود نرم افزار 1.11 pipe Flow Advisor

Flow Advisor can be used to estimate water flow rates from various open channels, closed channels and differently shaped supply tanks. It can calculate:
Open Channel Flow and Flow in Part Filled Pipes
Water Flow Rates
Time taken to empty tanks
Volume, Capacity, Weight and Expansion
Flow Advisor's Materials Database is included with density and coefficient of expansion of many common materials..

A Fluid Database is included with density of common fluids.

[ Download Free Trial ]

Open-channel flow occurs when a liquid flows due to gravity. Usually the flowing liquid has a free surface, as in a channel, flume or partially full pipe. The liquid is not under pressure, other than atmospheric pressure. Many formulae have been developed to estimate the flow rate in open-channels, the Manning formula has become widely accepted as the usual method of estimating flow rate.

The Manning formula uses a coefficient to correct for the type of channel in use. The cross-sectional area of the flow, the wetted perimeter of the flow and the slope ratio must be calculated. The results are more accurate if the flow cross-section, velocity, depth and slope are constant (steady flow). The flow rate estimates are applicable to water or fluids similar to water.

The flow rate from a tank outlet will be dependant on the orifice size, orifice type and the head of fluid above the outlet position. The additon of an oulet pipe may restrict the oulet flow rate unless the outlet pipe is relatively short. As the tank empties the fluid head will reduce progressively, reducing the outlet flow rate. The shape of the tank will also affect the time taken to empty, as changes in shape will affect the rate of change of the fluid head available.

The inner volume, fluid capacity, weight and expansion of various pipes, sections, channels and tanks can be calculated. The weight of a pipe, channel or tank in various material constructions (steel, wood, aluminium, brass etc.) and the fluid contents may be displayed by entering the appropriate dimensions and choosing the material and fluid type.

لینک دانلود:

www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:02 AM
RocsciencePillar v3.04
RocsciencePillar v3.04
نرم افزار ارزیابی پایداری سطوح یا ستون های نگاه دارنده سطح و رویه های چند لایه

لینک دانلود:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6330477/leran/RocsciencePillar v3.04.exe
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:04 AM
دانلود نرم افزار Rocscience RocFall v4.039


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Statistical Analysis of Rockfalls

RocFall is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with assessment of slopes at risk for rockfalls. Energy, velocity and "bounce height" envelopes for the entire slope are determined by the program, as is the location of rock endpoints. Distributions of energy, velocity and bounce-height are also calculated along the slope profile; Distributions can be graphed and comprehensive statistics are automatically calculated.
RocFall can also assist in determining remedial measures: the material properties of each slope segment can be changed allowing for comparison of results. Information about the kinetic energy and location of impact on a barrier can help determine the capacity, size and location of barriers. RocFall provides various ways of interacting with other Windows programs. All input and output data (formatted in tabular form) and screen captures, can be "pasted" into a word processor for speedy report writing. RocFall also allows "raw" data (e.g. the impact location on a barrier) to be "pasted" into a spreadsheet for more detailed analysis. (e.g. determining what fraction of the impact locations were above a certain height or fitting a probability distribution to the data).

To assist with determining coefficients of restitution, RocFall 4.0 now includes a large table of coefficients of restitution that was compiled after an extensive literature search. RocFall also provides a Material Wizard that uses statistics to determine the coefficient of restitution (RN) for a material, based on the back-calculation of rock endpoints. Rock paths can be filtered. (e.g. you can right-click on a barrier and select, from the many impacts on the barrier, 10 paths that had the highest velocity when they contacted the barrier).

RocFall 4.0 now allows you to create faster and easier high quality output. Printing and margins are improved, as is the quality of the printed graphs. Graphs can be exported to Excel with 1-click and the slope and rock-paths can easily be exported to a DXF file for import into a CAD program. The Drawing toolkit has been improved to include importing of bitmap files, multi-line text-boxes that can be auto-filled with relevant simulation data, axes that can be dragged-and-dropped to show coordinates on a printed page and much more.

لینک دانلود:
پسورد :
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:05 AM
دانلود نرم افزار Pipe Flow Expert 4.60


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Pipe Flow Expert calculates the balanced steady flow and pressure conditions of the system.

It will allow you to perform analysis of alternate systems under various operating conditions.

The reported results include:

· flow rates for each pipe
· fluid velocities for each pipe
· reynolds numbers
· friction factors
· friction pressure losses
· fitting pressures losses
· component pressure losses
· pressures at each node
· HGL (hydraulic grade line) values
· pump operating points
· NPSHa at pump inlet

The input and display of system information on the Pipe Flow Expert
drawing and in the results tables can be shown in metric or imperial
units to suit your preference and specific units for each item
(such as flow rate) can also be configured and set on an individual
basis as required

لینک دانلود:

21st September 2013, 02:08 AM
دانلود نرم افزار RES2DINV v3.52
RES2DINV software
For Windows 98/Me/2000/NT/XP

Supports on land, underwater and cross-borehole surveys
Supports the Wenner (alpha,beta,gamma), Wenner-Schlumberger, pole-pole, pole-dipole, inline dipole-dipole, equatorial dipole-dipole, gradient and non-conventional arrays.
Supports exact and approximate least-squares optimisation methods
Supports smooth and sharp constrasts inversions
Supports up to 16000 electrodes and 21000 data points on computers with 1GB RAM
Seamless inversion of very long survey lines using sparse inversion techniques
(RES2DINV only license includes limited used of RES3DINV 3D inversion program)

Two-dimensional (2D) electrical imaging surveys are now widely used to map areas of moderately complex geology where conventional 1D resistivity sounding and profiling techniques are inadequate. The results from such surveys are usually plotted in the form of a pseudosection (Figure 1a) which gives an approximate but distorted picture of the subsurface geology.

The RES2DINV program uses the smoothness-constrained least-squares method inversion technique to produce a 2D model of the subsurface from the apparent resistivity data alone. It is completely automatic and the user does not even have to supply a starting model. This program has been optimised for the inversion of large data sets. The use of available memory is optimised so as to reduce the computer time by minimising disk swapping. On a Pentium based microcomputer, the inversion of a single pseudosection is usually completed within minutes. Four different techniques for topographic modelling are available in this program. Together with the free 2D forward modeling program RES2DMOD, it forms a complete 2D resistivity forward modeling and inversion package.

The program will automatically choose the optimum inversion parameters for a particular data set. However, the parameters which affects the inversion process can be modified by the user. Three different variations of the least-squares method are provided; a very fast quasi-Newton method, a slower but more accurate Gauss-Newton method, and a moderately fast hybrid technique which incorporates the advantages of the quasi-Newton and Gauss-Newton methods. The smoothing filter can be adjusted to emphasize resistivity variations in the vertical or horizontal directions. Two different variations of the smoothness constrained least-squares method are provided; one optimised for areas where the subsurface resistivity varies in a smooth manner (such as chemical plumes), and another optimised for areas with sharp boundaries (such as massive ore bodies). A robust data inversion option is also available to reduce the effect of noisy data points. Resistivity information from borehole and other sources can also be included to constrain the inversion process.

The figure below shows an example from an electrical imaging survey in an area with fairly complex subsurface geology and significant surface topography. This survey was carried out across a circular mound which is thought to contain some important Irish archaeological burial chambers (Waddell, J. and Barton, K, 1995, Seeing beneath Rathcroghan. Archaeology Ireland, Vol. 9, No. 1, 38-41.). The inversion of this data set, which has 67 electrode positions and 339 data points, took about 81seconds on a 266 MHz Pentium II computer.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

The second example is from a combined resistivity and IP survey over the Magusi River massive sulphide ore (Edwards L.S., 1977. A modified pseudosection for resistivity and induced-polarization. Geophysics, 42, 1020-1036.). This survey was conducted with 30.5 meters (100 feet), 61.0 meters (200 feet) and 91.4 meters (300 feet) dipoles. The resulting pseudosection has a very complex distribution of the data points with overlapping data levels measured with different dipole spacings. The measured apparent resistivity and IP pseudosections, together with the model sections obtained are shown in Figure 2. The ore body shows up as a distinct low resistivity body with high IP values near the middle of the survey line in the model sections. Note the sharp boundaries between ore body and the surrounding rocks


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

لینک دانلود :
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:09 AM
دانلود نرم افزار RES3DINV v2.15
RES3DINV software
For Windows 98/Me/2000/NT/XP

Now available as a combined package together with RES2DINV, the 2D Resistivity & IP inversion program.
Supports exact and approximate least-squares optimisation methods
Supports smooth and sharp constrasts inversions
Supports up to 5041 electrodes and 67500 data points on computers with 1GB RAM
Supports trapezoidal survey grids
Supports parallel calculations on Pentium 4 (and compatible) based computers
Multi-core support with RES3DINVx32

In areas where the geological structures are approximately two-dimensional (2D), conventional 2D electrical imaging surveys have been successfully used. The main limitation of such surveys is probably the assumption of a 2D structure. In areas with complex structures, there is no substitute for a fully 3D survey. This program is designed to invert data collected with a rectangular grid of electrodes. The arrays supported include the pole-pole, pole-dipole, inline dipole-dipole, equatorial dipole-dipole and Wenner-Schlumberger. The RES3DINV program uses the smoothness-constrained least-squares inversion technique to produce a 3D model of the subsurface from the apparent resistivity data alone. Like RES2DINV, it is completely automatic and the user does not even have to supply a starting model. A Pentium 4 (or compatible CPU) based microcomputer with at least 512 megabytes RAM and an 80 gigabyte hard-disk is recommended. It supports parallel calculations that significantly reduces the inversion time. On a modern Pentium 4 based microcomputer, the data inversion takes less than a minute for small surveys with 100 electrodes in a flat area, to a day for extremely large surveys with 6000 electrodes in rugged terrain. Topographic effects can be modelled by using a distorted finite-element grid such that the surface of the grid matches the topography. The program will automatically choose the optimum inversion parameters for a particular data set. However, the parameters which affects the inversion process can be modified by the user. Three different variations of the least-squares method are provided; a very fast quasi-Newton method, a slower but more accurate Gauss-Newton method, and a moderately fast hybrid technique which incorporates the advantages of the quasi-Newton and Gauss-Newton methods. Two different variations of the smoothness constrained least-squares method are provided; one optimised for areas where the subsurface resistivity varies in a smooth manner (as in many hydogeological problems), and another optimised for areas with sharp boundaries (such as massive ore bodies). A robust data inversion option is also available to reduce the effect of noisy data points. To handle very large data sets, the program also supports the incomplete Gauss-Newton optimisation method. When used together with a data compression technique, it enables the inversion of very large data sets with over 20000 data points and model cells. As an example, a data set with nearly 65000 data points and 32000 model cells was inverted on a 2Ghz P4 computer in slightly less than 2 days. On a more modern 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo computer, this takes less than 1 day. An example of the results obtained from an electrical imaging survey in an area with a very complex subsurface geology is shown in Figure 1. This survey was carried out at Lernacken in Southern Sweden over a closed sludge deposit using the pole-pole array (Dahlin, T. and Bernstone, C., 1997. A roll-along technique for 3D resistivity data acquisition with multi-electrode arrays, Procs. SAGEEP’97 , vol 2, 927-935.). A fairly large survey grid of 21 by 17 electrodes with a 5 metres spacing between adjacent electrodes was used. The former sludge ponds containing highly contaminated ground water show up as low resistivity zones in the top two layers. This was confirmed by chemical analysis of samples. The low resistivity areas in the bottom two layers are due to saline water from a nearby sea. Figure 2 shows a 3D plot of the inversion model using the Slicer/Dicer plotting program.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Figure 1. The 3D model obtained from the inversion of the Lernacken Sludge deposit survey data set. The model is shown in the form of horizontal slices through the earth.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Figure 3 shows an interesting example of a 3D resistivity and IP survey provided by Arctan Services Pty. and Golden Cross Resources, Australia. Copper Hill is the oldest copper mine in NSW, Australia. Copper porphyry with minor gold and palladium mineralization were found to occur in structurally controlled fractures and quartz veins. However, due to the very complex geology, large differences in ore grades were found in drill-holes that were less than 200 meters apart.

To map the ore deposit more accurately, a new 3D resistivity and IP survey using the pole-dipole array was used. The survey covered a large (1.6 x 1.1km) area using a series of 1.6 km lines with a spacing of 25m between adjacent electrodes. The entire survey took 10 days giving a total of over 7000 measurements (Denne, R., Collin, S., Brown, P., Hee, R. and White, R.M.S. 2001. A new survey design for 3D IP inversion modelling at Copper hill. ASEG 15th Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, August 2001, Brisbane). A copy of the paper describing the survey and results can be downloaded from the http://www.arctan.com.au web site. Other interesting information about the mineralization at the Copper Hill area is available at the Golden Cross Resources Ltd. http://www.reflections.com.au/GoldenCross/ web site.

The data was inverted with the RES3DINV program that produced a 3D resistivity as well as a 3D IP model for the area. The 3D IP model below shows the location of the mineralized zones more clearly. The inversion model output from the RES3DINV program was rearranged into a VRML format that could be read by a 3D visualization program (please contact Arctan Services for the details) that enables the user to display the model from any direction.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

The above model shows two en-echelon north-south trends and two approximately east-west trends forming an annular zone of high chargeability. The results from existing drill-holes that had targeted the shallower part of the western zone agree well with the resistivity and IP model. A drill-hole, CHRC58, intersected a 217m zone with 1.7 g/t gold and 0.72% copper coincided well an IP zone of greater than 35mV/V. The lower boundary of the western zone with high chargeability coincides well with low assay results from existing drill-holes. The eastern zone with high chargeability and resistivity values do not outcrop on the surface and very little drilling has penetrated it. Further surveys, including drilling, is presently being carried out.

لینک دانلود:
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:14 AM
دانلود نرم افزار Flow Science Flow-3D v9.3

FLOW-3D is a powerful and highly-accurate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software that gives engineers valuable insight into many physical flow processes. With special capabilities for accurately predicting free-surface flows, FLOW-3D is the ideal CFD software to use in your design phase as well as in improving production processes.

FLOW-3D is an all-inclusive package. No special additional modules for meshing or post-processing are needed. An integrated graphical user interface ties everything together, from problem setup to post-processing. For a description of key features in our latest FLOW-3D release, Version 9.4, go to the What's New in 9.4


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید



بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


ارسال: #2
دانلود نرم افزار Flow Science Flow-3D v9.3
مراحا نصب و کرک:
1)ابتدا خود برنامه Flow Science Flow-3D v9.3 نصب میکنید
2)سپس فایل Flow-3D_9.3_Corrector.exe را در دایرکتوری نصب drive:\flow3d\v9.3(درایو منظور درایو نصب هر چی باشه در همان مسیر قرار دارد) میریزید و اجرا میکنید
3)فایل license.dat را در محل drive:\flow3d\v9.3\licenses and setup/start license server

لینکهای دیگر کرک شده توسط گروه lnd

21st September 2013, 02:16 AM
CE CALC - Civil Calculator 1.0
Civil Calculator - Civil Engineering calculation software, performs calculations for hydrology, open channels, culverts, gravity sewer, pressure pipe, traffic, road geometry, topo surveying, earthwork, pavement, concrete floors and unit conversions. Available in two versions x86 for 32 bit architecture and x64 for 64 bit architecture.
File Size :
15.26 MB
Download Link 1
http://www.topshareware.com/download.aspx?id=74892&p=&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.up2specs.com%2fTrialx86%2fCE+ CALC+Trialx86.exe

21st September 2013, 02:18 AM
چند نرم افزار مربوط به شاخه مهندسی محیط زیست :
منبع : http://www.elme-omran.com/portal/tabid/153/Default.aspx

پسورد : www.elme-omran.com (http://www.elme-omran.com)

21st September 2013, 02:19 AM
Storm Water Management Model Version 5.0.018



The EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single event or long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. The runoff component of SWMM operates on a collection of subcatchment areas that receive precipitation and generate runoff and pollutant loads. The routing portion of SWMM transports this runoff through a system of pipes, channels, storage/treatment devices, pumps, and regulators. SWMM tracks the quantity and quality of runoff generated within each subcatchment, and the flow rate, flow depth, and quality of water in each pipe and channel during a simulation period comprised of multiple time steps.

SWMM was first developed in 1971, and has since undergone several major upgrades since then. It continues to be widely used throughout the world for planning, analysis and design related to stormwater runoff, combined sewers, sanitary sewers, and other drainage systems in urban areas, with many applications in non-urban areas as well. The current edition, Version 5, is a complete re-write of the previous release. Running under Windows, SWMM 5 provides an integrated environment for editing study area input data, running hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality simulations, and viewing the results in a variety of formats. These include color-coded drainage area and conveyance system maps, time series graphs and tables, profile plots, and statistical frequency analyses.

This latest re-write of SWMM was produced by the Water Supply and Water Resources Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Risk Management Research Laboratory in a joint development effort with CDM, Inc., a global consulting, engineering, construction, and operations firm.

Top of page

SWMM accounts for various hydrologic processes that produce runoff from urban areas. These include:

* time-varying rainfall
* evaporation of standing surface water
* snow accumulation and melting
* rainfall interception from depression storage
* infiltration of rainfall into unsaturated soil layers
* percolation of infiltrated water into groundwater layers
* interflow between groundwater and the drainage system
* nonlinear reservoir routing of overland flow.

Spatial variability in all of these processes is achieved by dividing a study area into a collection of smaller, homogeneous subcatchment areas, each containing its own fraction of pervious and impervious sub-areas. Overland flow can be routed between sub-areas, between subcatchments, or between entry points of a drainage system.

SWMM also contains a flexible set of hydraulic modeling capabilities used to route runoff and external inflows through the drainage system network of pipes, channels, storage/treatment units and diversion structures. These include the ability to:

* handle drainage networks of unlimited size
* use a wide variety of standard closed and open conduit shapes as well as natural channels
* model special elements such as storage/treatment units, flow dividers, pumps, weirs, and orifices
* apply external flows and water quality inputs from surface runoff, groundwater interflow, rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow, dry weather sanitary flow, and user-defined inflows
* utilize either kinematic wave or full dynamic wave flow routing methods
* model various flow regimes, such as backwater, surcharging, reverse flow, and surface ponding
* apply user-defined dynamic control rules to simulate the operation of pumps, orifice openings, and weir crest levels

In addition to modeling the generation and transport of runoff flows, SWMM can also estimate the production of pollutant loads associated with this runoff. The following processes can be modeled for any number of user-defined water quality constituents:

* dry-weather pollutant buildup over different land uses
* pollutant washoff from specific land uses during storm events
* direct contribution of rainfall deposition
* reduction in dry-weather buildup due to street cleaning
* reduction in washoff load due to BMPs
* entry of dry weather sanitary flows and user-specified external inflows at any point in the drainage system
* routing of water quality constituents through the drainage system
* reduction in constituent concentration through treatment in storage units or by natural processes in pipes and channels

Top of page

Since its inception, SWMM has been used in thousands of sewer and stormwater studies throughout the world. Typical applications include:

* design and sizing of drainage system components for flood control
* sizing of detention facilities and their appurtenances for flood control and water quality protection
* flood plain mapping of natural channel systems (SWMM 5 is a FEMA-approved model for NFPI studies)
* designing control strategies for minimizing combined sewer overflows
* evaluating the impact of inflow and infiltration on sanitary sewer overflows
* generating non-point source pollutant loadings for waste load allocation studies
* evaluating the effectiveness of BMPs for reducing wet weather pollutant loadings

صفحه دانلود:

21st September 2013, 02:22 AM
نرم‌افزار برداشت هيدروگرافی Hypack(رشته نقشه برداری - آبنگاری)
نرم‌افزار برداشت هيدروگرافی Hypack

نرم‌افزار Hypack يك نرم‌افزار برداشت هيدروگرافی است كه در سراسر جهان بصورت گسترده كاربرد دارد و تمام ابزار لازم برای طراحی، جمع‌آوری داده‌ها، پردازش و محاسبات آنها و توليد نقشه‌های نهايی را در اختيار كاربر قرار می‌دهد، در جمع‌آوری داده‌های هيدروگرافی، محيط زيستی و يا پروژه‌های مهندسی. گستره قابل استفاده اين نرم‌افزار از يك قايق كوچك با يك دستگاه GPS و يك اكوساندر تك پرتو تا كشتی‌های حاوی سامانه‌ها و حسگرهای تحت محيط شبكه را در بر می‌گيرد.
پروژه ايجاد شده در Hypack شامل كليه اطلاعات فنی لازم بوده و كاربر مي‌تواند به سهولت مبنای ژئودزی و سيستم مختصات مورد نياز را انتخاب يا تعريف نموده و در صورت لزوم از فايلهای TIF، DXF يا DGN بعنوان تصاوير زمينه كه در مراحل مختلف كار ديده می‌شوند استفاده كند.
بخش برداشت نرم‌افزار Hypack شامل راه‌اندازهای لازم برای بيش از 200 دستگاه جانبی از قبيل GPSها، اكوساندرها و حسگرها و ساير وسايل بوده و اطلاعات دريافتی با دقت بالا (سريعتر از يك هزارم ثانيه) جمع شده و اين اطلاعات را می‌توان در محيط شبكه به يك رايانه ديگر نيز ارسال نمود. نمايش بلادرنگ، توابع كنترل كيفيت و جمع‌آوری داده از اغلب سامانه‌های چندپرتو از قبيل محصولات Atlas، Odom، Reson، Sea Beam و Simrad نيز امكانپذير می‌باشد.

بخش ويرايش نرم‌افزار برای بررسی سريع اطلاعات برداشت شده بكار می‌رود و اين اطلاعات بطور همزمان به صورتهای پلان، پروفيل و ليست نمايش داده ‌شده و تصحيحات مربوط به سطح آب نيز كه از اطلاعات دريافتی از GPS بدست آمده اعمال می‌شوند.
پشتيبانی از سامانه‌های Side Scan Sonar نيز فراهم شده و از كليه دستگاههای آنالوگ و برخی از انواع ديجيتال می‌توان استفاده کرد.
توانايی توليد نقشه‌های نهايی، اين نرم‌افزار را از ساير نرم‌افزارهای مشابه متمايز مي‌كند: بخش پلات با امكان ايجاد و نمايش شيتهای حرفه‌ای و ارسال به ساير نرم‌افزارها، محاسبات احجام و ساخت سطوح TIN قابل استفاده در تهيه منحنی ميزان و نمايش سطوح سه بعدی. همچنين مي‌توان يك دوربين فرضی را در مسير مورد مطالعه به پرواز درآورده و تصاوير حاصل از سطح برداشت شده را به صورت يك فايل AVI در اختيار كارفرما قرار داد.
امكان ارسال اطلاعات به فرمتهای DXF يا DGN و همچنين دريافت خطوط طراحی‌شده در ساير نرم‌افزارها با اين فرمتها در Hypack از ديگر قابليتهای اين نرم‌افزار است.

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نرم‌افزار برداشت هيدروگرافی Hypack

نرم‌افزار Hypack يك نرم‌افزار برداشت هيدروگرافی است كه در سراسر جهان بصورت گسترده كاربرد دارد و تمام ابزار لازم برای طراحی، جمع‌آوری داده‌ها، پردازش و محاسبات آنها و توليد نقشه‌های نهايی را در اختيار كاربر قرار می‌دهد، در جمع‌آوری داده‌های هيدروگرافی، محيط زيستی و يا پروژه‌های مهندسی. گستره قابل استفاده اين نرم‌افزار از يك قايق كوچك با يك دستگاه GPS و يك اكوساندر تك پرتو تا كشتی‌های حاوی سامانه‌ها و حسگرهای تحت محيط شبكه را در بر می‌گيرد.
پروژه ايجاد شده در Hypack شامل كليه اطلاعات فنی لازم بوده و كاربر مي‌تواند به سهولت مبنای ژئودزی و سيستم مختصات مورد نياز را انتخاب يا تعريف نموده و در صورت لزوم از فايلهای TIF، DXF يا DGN بعنوان تصاوير زمينه كه در مراحل مختلف كار ديده می‌شوند استفاده كند.
بخش برداشت نرم‌افزار Hypack شامل راه‌اندازهای لازم برای بيش از 200 دستگاه جانبی از قبيل GPSها، اكوساندرها و حسگرها و ساير وسايل بوده و اطلاعات دريافتی با دقت بالا (سريعتر از يك هزارم ثانيه) جمع شده و اين اطلاعات را می‌توان در محيط شبكه به يك رايانه ديگر نيز ارسال نمود. نمايش بلادرنگ، توابع كنترل كيفيت و جمع‌آوری داده از اغلب سامانه‌های چندپرتو از قبيل محصولات Atlas، Odom، Reson، Sea Beam و Simrad نيز امكانپذير می‌باشد.

بخش ويرايش نرم‌افزار برای بررسی سريع اطلاعات برداشت شده بكار می‌رود و اين اطلاعات بطور همزمان به صورتهای پلان، پروفيل و ليست نمايش داده ‌شده و تصحيحات مربوط به سطح آب نيز كه از اطلاعات دريافتی از GPS بدست آمده اعمال می‌شوند.
پشتيبانی از سامانه‌های Side Scan Sonar نيز فراهم شده و از كليه دستگاههای آنالوگ و برخی از انواع ديجيتال می‌توان استفاده کرد.
توانايی توليد نقشه‌های نهايی، اين نرم‌افزار را از ساير نرم‌افزارهای مشابه متمايز مي‌كند: بخش پلات با امكان ايجاد و نمايش شيتهای حرفه‌ای و ارسال به ساير نرم‌افزارها، محاسبات احجام و ساخت سطوح TIN قابل استفاده در تهيه منحنی ميزان و نمايش سطوح سه بعدی. همچنين مي‌توان يك دوربين فرضی را در مسير مورد مطالعه به پرواز درآورده و تصاوير حاصل از سطح برداشت شده را به صورت يك فايل AVI در اختيار كارفرما قرار داد.
امكان ارسال اطلاعات به فرمتهای DXF يا DGN و همچنين دريافت خطوط طراحی‌شده در ساير نرم‌افزارها با اين فرمتها در Hypack از ديگر قابليتهای اين نرم‌افزار است.

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منبع :وبلاگ نقشه برداري جامع و حرفه ای

21st September 2013, 02:24 AM
نرم افزار طراحی خطوط آب و فاضلاب Piping System Fluid Flow 3.09

A truly original software program for the design and optimization of pipe networks,
transporting compressible, incompressible, gas-liquid two phase, settling slurries or non-Newtonian fluids.

The efficient and accurate modelling of your networks is essential to the design of energy efficient, safe, reliable flow systems that are easy to operate and maintain.

This product is used succesfully in many diverse industries to model new and existing systems, size pipes, select boosters, controllers and other fluid equipment.



بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

لینک دانلود:
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:25 AM
PipeData-Pro v8.0.27


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


- PipeData-PRO is an easy to use program, giving access to a vast knowledge-base on pipe, pipe fittings, flanges and valves
- Information is quick and easy to find us clearly presented on screen in tabular and schematic form
- PipeData-PRO is an essential electronic reference for engineers preparing welding procedures and qualification tests
- PipeData-PRO is a useful dimensional reference for engineers undertaking re-ratings and fitness for service (FFS) assessments


PipeData-PRO increases efficiency by lightening the burden of 'looking-up' piping information. Information can be found by navigation using the drop-down menus or by a search utility.

Display units can be set to inches/millimetres and weights to pounds/kilograms.

The program has been reviewed by the committee members of ASME B31 Mechanical Design Committee, MSS-SP-97 Committee, and several committees to "right justify" ASME codes with ISO to properly metrify US standards.

The software is updated to comply with changes in piping specifications and Microsoft Windows operating system. Data and functionality are also added at regular intervals. These incremental enhancements are free to registered users and are available as inter-version updates from

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www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

21st September 2013, 02:27 AM
دانلود جدید ترین ورژن Bentley WaterGEMS V8i بصورت تریال


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

WaterGEMS is an easy-to-use hydraulic and water quality modeling solution for water distribution systems.
It features advanced interoperability, model building, optimization, and asset management tools. WaterGEMS runs on your choice of four platforms (stand alone, Microstation, AutoCAD, or ArcGIS). From fire-flow and constituent-concentration analyses, to energy-consumption and capital-cost management, WaterGEMS helps engineers and utilities analyze, design, and optimize water distribution systems. Water utilities, municipalities, and design engineering firms trust WaterGEMS as a reliable, resource-saving, decision-support tool for their water infrastructure. Criticality Analysis allows users to find the weak links in a water system and assess the adequacy of isolation valves. They depend upon its robust hydraulic analysis, practical model management, eloquent result interpretation tools, and unrivaled ease of use.

لینک دانلود:
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%AC%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D8%AA%D8%B1%DB%8C%D9%86-%D9%88%D8%B1%DA%98%D9%86-Bentley-WaterGEMS-V8i-05-11-01-32-%D8%A8%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AA-%D8%AA%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%84)

21st September 2013, 02:29 AM
دانلود آخرین نسخه نرم افزار آب و فاضلاب Bentley WaterCAD V8i همراه با کرک


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

WaterGEMS is an easy-to-use hydraulic and water quality modeling solution for water distribution systems.
It features advanced interoperability, model building, optimization, and asset management tools. WaterGEMS runs on your choice of four platforms (stand alone, Microstation, AutoCAD, or ArcGIS). From fire-flow and constituent-concentration analyses, to energy-consumption and capital-cost management, WaterGEMS helps engineers and utilities analyze, design, and optimize water distribution systems. Water utilities, municipalities, and design engineering firms trust WaterGEMS as a reliable, resource-saving, decision-support tool for their water infrastructure. Criticality Analysis allows users to find the weak links in a water system and assess the adequacy of isolation valves. They depend upon its robust hydraulic analysis, practical model management, eloquent result interpretation tools, and unrivaled ease of use.

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کرک از پیوست
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%A2%D8%AE%D8%B1%DB%8C%D9%86-%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%AE%D9%87-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A2%D8%A8-%D9%88-%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B6%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%A8-Bentley-WaterCAD-V8i-08-11-01-32-%D9%87%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%A7-%DA%A9%D8%B1%DA%A9)

21st September 2013, 02:32 AM
دانلود نرم افزار Bentley watercad


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

توضیحات برنامه Model hydraulics, operations, fire flow, criticality, and water quality with ease using your favorite environment.
Customize your WaterCAD with advanced calibration, automatic design, and
skeletonization modules as your modeling requirements grow.

نحوه نصب:

Test with Bentley.liclib.dll from ProSteel.V8i.32Bit.for.AutoCAD.2004-2009.v19.11.08.MULTiLANGUAGE-SUBSTANCE

1. Copy Bentley.liclib.dll to <installdir>\...\Prg
2. Start WTCAD-registry.bat and generate -> Registry_WaterCAD.reg
3. Double-click (activate) Registry_WaterCAD.reg
4. Start WaterCAD & Evaluate

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21st September 2013, 02:35 AM
نرم افزار Bentley Culvert Master 3.2
Bentley CulvertMaster helps civil engineers design and analyze simple culverts or complex embankment cross-drain systems.
You can use Bentley CulvertMaster to:
· Create design trials of single or multi-barreled culvert components, with a choice of cross-sectional shapes including circular, arch, box, and elliptical.
· Analyze various designs for complex embankment cross-drain systems comprised of one or more culvert components and/or embankment overtopping.
· Calculate watershed discharge rates using rainfall tables, equations, or Hydro-35 data, and plot rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves.
· Generate professional-looking reports and graphs.

Bentley CulvertMaster provides flexible tools that you can use for all phases of your project:

Quick Culvert Calculator
Use the Quick Culvert Calculator whenever you need a quick answer for a simple culvert design or analysis. This worksheet style dialog requires the minimum amount of descriptive input information to solve for discharge, headwater elevation, or culvert size. The Quick Culvert Calculator is a terrific tool for verifying the performance of an existing culvert crossing or for spot-checking design calculations!

Culvert Designer/Analyzer - Design mode
For a new design, you supply basic site and roadway data that will apply for a specific culvert crossing. You can then develop any number of culvert design trials for the specific site and roadway embankment conditions. You have options for computing watershed discharge, design headwater, tailwater conditions, stream channel grades and embankment slopes. In Design mode, you create individual culvert trials and solve for:
· Size of a culvert of a specified shape, material, and roughness to pass the design discharge under design elevation headwater conditions;
· Discharge for a specific culvert under design elevation headwater; or,
· Elevation headwater for a specific culvert under design discharge conditions.

Culvert Designer/Analyzer - Analysis mode
For Analysis, you have options for computing watershed discharge, tailwater conditions and stream channel grades, and roadway profiles for overtopping. You then specify each of the culvert structures that work together to provide cross-drainage at the site. You may also import a design trial culvert component into the culvert set if you want to evaluate the effects of adding supplemental structures. Use the New Analysis option if you are:
· Verifying the hydraulic performance of existing culverts;
· Analyzing complex situations such as main-stream culverts working in combination with relief culverts in overbank areas;
· Performing road overtopping analysis of existing culverts or new designs; or,
· Supplementing existing culvert structures to correct inadequate capacities resulting from urbanizing watersheds or undersized cross-drain conditions.

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کرک را از پیوست دریافت نمایید
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1-Bentley-Culvert-Master-3-2)

21st September 2013, 02:38 AM
نرم افزار Elite Software DPipe V2.00.8
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1-Elite-Software-DPipe-V2-00-8)


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Elite DPipe is a program that computes optimal pipe sizes for waste drainage systems in both residential and commercial buildings. DPipe can handle systems with virtually unlimited numbers of pipes. Besides computing pipe sizes, DPipe can also perform a system analysis complete with a bill of materials and labor estimate.

Using the Elite Software Waste Drainage Pipe Sizing Program DPipe, you can evaluate pipe sizes, fixture units, and stack and vent sizes in waste drainage piping systems. DPipe provides an intuitive program interface with on-line help and dynamic error checking, making it practical and easy to use. All the information you enter into DPipe is checked for correctness, and calculation results are returned so DPipe can create nicely formatted, useful output, including a list of pipe size results and a bill of materials.

The equations used in DPipe calculations are developed from the procedure described in the 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code and the International Plumbing Code 2000, with some references to 1984 BOCA Basic/National Plumbing Code and ASPE drainage pipe sizing procedures. The program employs a unique table look-up approach in computing optimal pipe sizes. This approach allows the program to obtain exactly the same results that you would obtain manually. Therefore, the output can be quickly and easily verified by hand so that you can have the utmost confidence and assurance in the program output. The DPipe user's manual contains more details on the calculation procedure, demonstrating with an input example.

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24th September 2013, 09:37 PM
نرم افزار محاسبات هیدرولوژی HydroWorks 1.0
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%87%DB%8C%D8%AF%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%DA%98%D B%8C-HydroWorks-1-0)


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

HydroWorks is a Storm Water analysis software using Rational Method for calculations. Prior to calculations, a storm drainage system is entered to the program graphically. Overland flow, Shallow concentrated flow and channel flow can be added. Addition of each type of flow is limited to twenty different sub-basins.

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کرک از پیوست

24th September 2013, 09:39 PM
Watercom Pipes Plus Plus V2005.8
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-Watercom-Pipes-Plus-Plus-V2005-8)


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

PIPES++ is a program that does Single Balance or Extended Period Simulations of flow and water quality in a town water supply system. Components that can be modelled include:
• Reservoirs
• Pipes
• Pumping Stations
• Minor Head Losses
• Check Valves
• Reservoir Inlet Control Valves
• Various specialised control valves
• Pressure Reducing Valves
• Pressure Sustaining Valves
• Flow Control Valves
• Sprinklers
Pipe flows may be calculated using either the Colebrook White equation or the Hazen Williams equation. You draw the network on screen using lines to represent pipes and pre defined symbols to represent pumps, valves, reservoirs etc. If you already have the pipes drawn in a CAD system (eg Autocad) you can create a DXF file directly from that.

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24th September 2013, 09:41 PM
نرم افزار PipeSupport PRO
منبع (http://www.civilstars.com/Thread-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1-PipeSupport-PRO-3-1-5-5)


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

The object of PipeSUPPORT PRO is to enable the easy selection, design and numbering of pipe supports and to make it simple to find the details of a particular support given that the number is to hand.

Annexed my trial renew. Apply from every folder but keep ther two files in the same folder when running.

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پسورد :
www.civilstars.com (http://www.civilstars.com)

24th September 2013, 09:43 PM
نرم افزار HEC-RAS يكي از سري مدلهاي Hydrologic Engineering Center است كه جهت رونديابي جريان در رودخانه قابل استفاده مي باشد. اين مدل بسيار ساده و در عين حال كاربردي است. مدل فوق رونديابي در رودخانه را هم در حالت جريان ماندگار و هم غير ماندگار را انجام مي دهد. چند شاخه‌اي شدن آبراهه ها را نيز در اين مدل مي توان تعريف كرد. علاوه بر اين مي توان در اين مدل در صورت وجود هرگونه سازه هاي آبي شامل پل، بند، سد، آبگذر(كالورت) و .... را به مدل تعريف و اضافه نمود و تاثير آن را در رونديابي مشاهده نمود. در مقايسه با مدل MIKE11 كه يكي از قسمتهاي آن مدلسازي هيدروليكي است بسيار ساده و كاربردي تر است. هرچند كه مدل MIKE11 تا حدودي داراي دقت بيشتري نسبت به HEC-RAS است در عين حال مي توان به اين مدل اعتماد كرد. از خروجيهاي مدل فوق مي توان به تغييرات پروفيل سطح آب در دبي هاي با دوره بازگشتهاي مختلف در بازه هاي مورد نظر در رودخانه، مقادير سرعت جريان، عمق نرمال، عمق بحراني، و خصوصيات و پارامترهاي هيدروليكي در رودخانه اشاره كرد. وروديهاي مدل شامل مقاطع عرضي آبراهه، ضرايب زبري (در اين بخش مي توان ضرايب زبري مختلفي را در يك مقطع عرضي با توجه به تغييرات عمق و شكل مقطع تعريف كرد) و دبي هاي طرح در دوره بازگشتهاي مختلف و فاصله بين مقاطع است.

لینک دانلود برنامه : http://www.4shared.com/file/n4YPRL-u/HEC-RAS313_Setup.html

24th September 2013, 09:48 PM
Aquaveo GMS 7
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive
groundwater modeling environment. GMS provides GIS based
graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline
the modeling process. GMS interfaces with MODFLOW and
several other standard groundwater models, and provides
advanced graphical features for viewing and calibrating
model results. With thousands of users at U.S. and foreign
government agencies, private firms, and universities, GMS
has proven to be the modeling system of choice for
groundwater professionals.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

RAR Password: FromCivilEA

24th September 2013, 09:55 PM
Aquaveo GMS v7.1.3.0
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive groundwater modeling environment. GMS provides GIS based graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline the modeling process. GMS interfaces with MODFLOW and several other standard groundwater models, and provides advanced graphical features for viewing and calibrating model results. With thousands of users at U.S. and foreign government agencies, private firms, and universities, GMS has proven to be the modeling system of choice for groundwater professionals.

The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive graphical user environment for performing groundwater simulations. The entire GMS system consists of a graphical user interface (the GMS program) and a number of analysis codes (MODFLOW, MT3DMS, etc.). GMS is used as a preprocessor to graphically create numerical models, and as a post processor to import and visualize model results.GMS uses a Conceptual Modeling Approach to create and manage numerical models using GIS based objects. Other powerful GMS features include 3D Model Conceptualization, Site Visualization, Advanced Geostatistics, Automated Calibration, and Stochastic Modeling. GMS also has advanced tools for Data Import, Data Export and Data Visualization and Animation.

GMS Features:-
• Conceptual Model Approach
• 3D Model Conceptualization
• Site Characterisation & Visualization
• Geostatistics
• Model Calibration
• Stochastic Modeling
• Visualization & Animation
• Data Import
• Data Export


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید



24th September 2013, 09:57 PM
Aquaveo GMS v7.1.9 | 241 Mb



http://www.unibytes.com/YYz9WNjk7SoB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part1.rar
http://www.unibytes.com/ptl5_yupHywB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part2.rar
http://www.unibytes.com/7zXtTTxZxMMB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part3.rar

24th September 2013, 10:02 PM
[b][align=center]Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SelectSERIES 1)
Water Distribution Modeling and Management
Model hydraulics, operations, fire flow, criticality, and water quality with ease using your favorite environment.
WaterCAD is an easy-to-use hydraulic and water quality modeling solution for water distribution systems. It features advanced interoperability, model building, optimization, and asset management tools. From fire-flow and constituent-concentration analyses, to energy-consumption and capital-cost management, WaterCAD helps engineers and utilities analyze, design, and optimize water distribution systems. Water utilities, municipalities and design engineering firms trust WaterCAD as a reliable, resource-saving, decision-support tool for their water infrastructure. They depend upon its robust hydraulic analysis, practical model management, eloquent result interpretation
tools, and unrivaled ease of use.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


Medicine (the password is for this file only)
Mirror Links:

Password: FromCivilEA
as per request mirror to med!c!ne
password: FromCivilEA
Mirror Links:
as per request mirror to med!c!ne
password: FromCivilEA

24th September 2013, 10:13 PM
Steel Water Pipe 2007
The computer program SteelWaterPipe has been developed to facilitate the design of fabricated steel pipe in accord with AWWA M11 (1989) or AISI Welded Steel Pipe Volume 3 (1996). The program has been written to run on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista and the latest versions of Windows NT operating systems.
The Program consists of three main modules and nine secondary modules. The three main modules are primarily design modules. These modules are for Hydraulic Design of Pipe, Design of Above Ground Pipe Installations, and Design of Buried Pipes. The secondary modules have been arranged in nine modules of similar subject matter. They are used to analyze some special aspect of pipe design such as required size of weld, distance between expansion joints etc. Some secondary modules contain two or three subtopics to select from. The user selects the desired module from the Main Screen menu by clicking on the Toolbar Buttons or by selecting File Menu and then New Project Item and then clicking on the Icon of the module.
The modules are interactive with input data boxes provided for all needed data. After entering the required data for the given module the user can click on the Calculate Button to see the results of the analysis or design calculations. The results of an interactive calculation can be printed directly by clicking on the Print Button or may be saved on a file by clicking on the Save Button for subsequent editing and printing. In addition to the Calculate Button each module is supplied with a Refresh Button and a Cancel Button. By clicking on Refresh Button the input data, in the input boxes will be erased. To return to Main Screen when finished, click on the Cancel Button. After returning to Main Screen the user may select another module to continue the design process. To edit a file click on the Open Project Button on the Tool Bar or click on the File Menu and then on Open Project Item .The file would open in the appropriate module then edit the file as required.
Several proposed (at the time of software development) revisions to M11 (1989) to be included in M11 (2000) have been implemented in the software. They include updating of E' (modulus of soil reaction), steel properties tables and an expanded thrust restraint section.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Pass: FromCivilEA

24th September 2013, 10:18 PM
Wilo-Select - The pump planning software
Size: 335 MB
Everything at the click of the mouse! The pump planning software Wilo-Select.
Select the right pump and see all the important information in seconds. With the new planning software from Wilo.
Select the right pump and see the product description, installation and operating instructions and specification text in seconds. This is possible with the new planning software from Wilo - an ideal tool for SHK specialists, installation technicians and planners.


24th September 2013, 10:25 PM
Aquaveo GMS 7
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive
groundwater modeling environment. GMS provides GIS based
graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline
the modeling process. GMS interfaces with MODFLOW and
several other standard groundwater models, and provides
advanced graphical features for viewing and calibrating
model results. With thousands of users at U.S. and foreign
government agencies, private firms, and universities, GMS
has proven to be the modeling system of choice for
groundwater professionals.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


Aquaveo GMS v7.1.3.0
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive groundwater modeling environment. GMS provides GIS based graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline the modeling process. GMS interfaces with MODFLOW and several other standard groundwater models, and provides advanced graphical features for viewing and calibrating model results. With thousands of users at U.S. and foreign government agencies, private firms, and universities, GMS has proven to be the modeling system of choice for groundwater professionals.

The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive graphical user environment for performing groundwater simulations. The entire GMS system consists of a graphical user interface (the GMS program) and a number of analysis codes (MODFLOW, MT3DMS, etc.). GMS is used as a preprocessor to graphically create numerical models, and as a post processor to import and visualize model results.GMS uses a Conceptual Modeling Approach to create and manage numerical models using GIS based objects. Other powerful GMS features include 3D Model Conceptualization, Site Visualization, Advanced Geostatistics, Automated Calibration, and Stochastic Modeling. GMS also has advanced tools for Data Import, Data Export and Data Visualization and Animation.

GMS Features:-
• Conceptual Model Approach
• 3D Model Conceptualization
• Site Characterisation & Visualization
• Geostatistics
• Model Calibration
• Stochastic Modeling
• Visualization & Animation
• Data Import
• Data Export


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


Aquaveo GMS v7.1.9 | 241 Mb

http://www.unibytes.com/YYz9WNjk7SoB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part1.rar
http://www.unibytes.com/ptl5_yupHywB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part2.rar
http://www.unibytes.com/7zXtTTxZxMMB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part3.rar

Aquaveo GMS v7.1.10
Size: 250 MB
Thx to the team that patched this
1.Unrar and install the application.
2.Replace original .exe with the patched one.




24th September 2013, 10:36 PM
Aquaveo GMS 7
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive
groundwater modeling environment. GMS provides GIS based
graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline
the modeling process. GMS interfaces with MODFLOW and
several other standard groundwater models, and provides
advanced graphical features for viewing and calibrating
model results. With thousands of users at U.S. and foreign
government agencies, private firms, and universities, GMS
has proven to be the modeling system of choice for
groundwater professionals.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


Aquaveo GMS v7.1.3.0
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive groundwater modeling environment. GMS provides GIS based graphical preprocessing tools to automate and streamline the modeling process. GMS interfaces with MODFLOW and several other standard groundwater models, and provides advanced graphical features for viewing and calibrating model results. With thousands of users at U.S. and foreign government agencies, private firms, and universities, GMS has proven to be the modeling system of choice for groundwater professionals.

The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive graphical user environment for performing groundwater simulations. The entire GMS system consists of a graphical user interface (the GMS program) and a number of analysis codes (MODFLOW, MT3DMS, etc.). GMS is used as a preprocessor to graphically create numerical models, and as a post processor to import and visualize model results.GMS uses a Conceptual Modeling Approach to create and manage numerical models using GIS based objects. Other powerful GMS features include 3D Model Conceptualization, Site Visualization, Advanced Geostatistics, Automated Calibration, and Stochastic Modeling. GMS also has advanced tools for Data Import, Data Export and Data Visualization and Animation.

GMS Features:-
• Conceptual Model Approach
• 3D Model Conceptualization
• Site Characterisation & Visualization
• Geostatistics
• Model Calibration
• Stochastic Modeling
• Visualization & Animation
• Data Import
• Data Export


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


Aquaveo GMS v7.1.9 | 241 Mb

http://www.unibytes.com/YYz9WNjk7SoB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part1.rar
http://www.unibytes.com/ptl5_yupHywB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part2.rar
http://www.unibytes.com/7zXtTTxZxMMB - Aquaveo.GMS.v7.1.9-BEAN.part3.rar

Aquaveo GMS v7.1.10
Size: 250 MB
Thx to the team that patched this
1.Unrar and install the application.
2.Replace original .exe with the patched one.




24th September 2013, 10:39 PM
Bentley Flowmaster
Hydraulic Analysis for Open Channels, Pipes, Weirs, and Orifices

Use FlowMaster to quickly perform hydraulic calculations for dozens of element types, from pipes and open channels to drop inlets and weirs.

The use of FlowMaster is approved by FEMA for normal depth calculations to establish base flood elevations for Letter of Map Amendment and Letter of Map Revision based on fill requests along streams, creeks, and rivers designated as approximate Zone A on NFIP maps. (Note: FlowMaster is not on FEMA’s Nationally Accepted Hydraulic Models list.)

Inlet and Gutter Hydraulics

Design and analyze grate, curb, ditch, slotted, and combination inlets using calculations based on the FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 and Circular No. 22 methodologies.

You can consider in sag or on grade conditions with a continuously or locally depressed gutter and calculate water spread and gutter depth for a gutter or pavement section.

Pressure Pipe Design

Perform a quick check or design by plugging in the known information and automatically solving for pipe length, start and stop elevations and pressures, discharge, diameter and roughness.

FlowMaster supports the Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, Kutter and Manning friction loss methods.

Usability and Data Management

It is often the simplest features that can dramatically improve your productivity. Here are some examples:

* Copy and paste data from and to Windows applications
* Relax with unlimited undo and redo
* Create unlimited worksheets on a single file
* Enter data once, use it many times with engineering libraries
* Document multiple design trials on the same file
* Exercise complete control over units and decimal precision.
* Use the Project Explorer to save and manage projects
* Customize the graphical user interface to suit your workflow

Open Channel Hydraulics

Design and analyze channels, ditches, and free surface pipes of any shape including circular, box, elliptical, parabolic, and irregular channels.

Under uniform flow solve for discharge, normal depth, channel dimensions, slope, or roughness, and compare the results using different friction methods.

Perform gradually varied flow calculations for any free surface flow element, generate profile views from the calculated results, and view the points in tabular form.

Weir and Orifice Modeling

Size weirs considering discharge, weir coefficients, and crest, headwater and tailwater elevations for the following types:

* Rectangular
* V-notch
* Cipolletti
* Broad crested
* Custom

Design rectangular, circular and generic orifice structures accounting for submergence with rating tables of graph for tailwater elevation.

Graphing and Reporting

Using FlowMaster's comprehensive reporting capabilities, you can quickly create summary reports or complete records of your analysis and design.

Build customized tabular reports, graphs, cross-sectional plots, performance curves, and rating tables to support smarter decision-making.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Download with medicine
pass: lavteam.com

24th September 2013, 10:43 PM
Geodelft Mwell_v2.8.4.4
Size: 15.9 MB
MWell determines the transient flow and settlement by pumping, in a set of
horizontal permeable aquifers and less permeable aquitards. MWell gives quick
solutions and is easy to use.
The first version of MWell was built by GeoDelft in 1997, based on the
mathematical method developed by Maas (1983).
Release 2.7 uses a new licensing method. The storativity parameter has been
replaced by the oedometer stiffness. The deformation contribution of aquifers is
now included in the total settlement.
Release 2.8 has some corrections in the user interface. Plots have been improved
by added a title header with relevant information. The Help file was updated.
-Just read the instructions given in the tbe.nfo file at medicine folder.
www.deltaressystems.com (http://www.deltaressystems.com)
medicine included
پسورد :

24th September 2013, 10:49 PM
Infoworks V11.5 (Demo)
Size: 350 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

MWH Soft, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced the worldwide release of Generation 11.5 of InfoNet, its industry-leading asset management modeling solution. The latest release adds significant customer-requested functionality to improve the management and operation of water, wastewater and stormwater networks.

full installer runs with limited number of pipes and nodes


24th September 2013, 10:53 PM
Bentley PondPack V8i
(30 days trial and renew)

Size: 100.16 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

PondPack is a powerful stormwater modeling program that helps engineers analyze and design simple and complex watershed networks. PondPack lets you:

Analyze pre- and post-developed watershed conditions and pond sizes
Compute outlet rating curves with tailwater effects, pond infiltration, pond detention times, and analyzes channels
Compute interconnected pond routing with divergent (multiple) outfalls
Use any rainfall duration or distribution to compute hydrographs
Computes hydrographs for multiple events, adds them at junctions, and routes them through multiple reaches and ponds
Automate almost every aspect of your drainage design computations
Display fully-scalable color graphics on-screen
Display watershed diagrams, hydrographs, rainfall curves, I-D-F curves, outlet rating curves, volume curves, cross sections, channel rating curves, and a wide variety of other output diagrams
Build customized reports organized by categories
Create report section and page numbers, tables of contents, and indices
Create an executive summary for an entire watershed, or build an elaborate drainage report showing any or all report items

Tested in Windows 7 x64 using the crack posted in Lavteam by Istigatore. The registry patch transform the software to Trial Unlimited Size but after 30 days the trial expire. I added a file (BentNew.exe). Running it will restore the 30 days trial. And by the way it will restore the trial period for almost every Bentley trials posted here.

Bentley PondPack V8i


Bentley PondPack V8i - Cumulative Patch Set for build


24th September 2013, 10:55 PM
Bentley CivilStorm V8i SELECT Series 2 (30 days trial and renew)
Size: 105 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Bentley CivilStorm V8i simulates your entire stormwater system within one intuitive scaled layout model for the MicroStation, Stand-Alone, or AutoCAD environments. The Bentley CivilStorm V8i dynamic stormwater modeling engine calculates runoff hydrographs and analyzes the hydraulic response through interdependent systems of inlets, pipes, channels, culverts, and ponds.

Bentley CivilStorm V8i helps you:

Avoid Costly Oversights

Stormwater components can dramatically impact each other. With Bentley CivilStorm V8i, you can quickly check for any domino effects between interdependent elements in the system to identify backwater storage effects and bottlenecks in the system that can result in costly unexpected flooding.

Visualize Dynamic Flooding

Bentley CivilStorm V8i provides a rich variety of presentation tools that make it easy for you and your clients to visualize flooding problems and how they can be eliminated. Animate profiles, plan views, and other presentations to observe water levels rising and falling over the course of a storm event.

Design Efficient Solutions

Bentley CivilStorm V8i provides "What if?" scenario management for pre- and post-development analysis, system rehabilitation, and other circumstances. Directly compare results for pre/post conditions or analyze the differences between design possibilities.

Bentley CivilStorm V8i features:

Dynamic integration of rainfall, runoff, surface flow, storm sewers, open channels, culverts, and ponds—in one model
True scaled layout environment, in a stand-alone environment or directly inside AutoCAD
Looped systems with diversions
Pressure and gravity profiles
Fast and stable computations
Infiltration and runoff
Unit hydrograph methods
Complex pond outlet structures
Capture and carryover between inlets
Hydraulic grade profile animations
Animated color mapping
Customizable presentations and graphs
"What if?" scenario management
Flexible management tools, from units to modeling options to a graphical environment
Tested in Windows 7 x64 using the crack posted in Lavteam by Istigatore. The registry patch transform the software to Trial Unlimited Size but after 30 days the trial expire. I added a file (BentNew.exe). Running it will restore the 30 days trial. And by the way it will restore the trial period for almost every Bentley trials posted here.


24th September 2013, 10:58 PM
AFT FATHOM VERSION 7.0(2011.03.22)
Size: 28.18 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Incompressible Pipe Flow Network Analysis & System Modeling
AFT Fathom 7.0 provides comprehensive, incompressible pipe flow analysis and system modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use. Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Fathom includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings, variable model configurations, pump and control valve modeling and much more. With the optional Chempak add-in, a thermo- physical database of over 600 fluids is available to further expand the envelope of your analysis and design. AFT Fathom goes beyond the boundaries of traditional pipe flow analysis, with thermal analysis capabilities including piping heat transfer, heat exchanger modeling and varying fluid properties.
AFT Fathom Add-on Modules
Extend AFT Fathom's modeling capabilities with three, available Add-on Modules:
XTS-eXtended Time Simulation to model dynamic system behavior
GSC-Goal Seek and Control to automate the determination of input parameters that will yield desired output values and simulate control functions within systems
CST-CoST calculations of pipes and components
See a listing of the many new features found in version 7.0 here.
AFT Fathom employs a robust solver using proven matrix methods to solve the governing equations of pipe flow. The full power of this technical sophistication is readily accessible through an advanced visual interface. From the powerful drag- and-drop model building features to the fully customizable output, AFT Fathom becomes an extension of the engineer’s mind, freeing him or her to focus on their system, not the mechanics of software manipulation. Scenario Manager raises the what-if potential of system modeling to a new level. Multiple system configurations varying by any modeling parameter are easily managed within a single model file with a familiar hierarchical interface. Changes in the base model are automatically inherited by dependent design cases.
More than just pipe flow analysis, AFT Fathom lets you build your piping system in software. Vary pipe sizes, pump curves, valve settings, fluid properties, operating lineup... virtually anything you can do with the real system can be done within AFT Fathom, accurately simulating the individual system components and their interaction. Whether you're designing new systems, modifying existing ones or analyzing system operations, The ability to analyze alternates and the insight provided by an AFT Fathom model significantly improves the quality of systems engineering you can achieve, leading to less costly, more efficient and more reliable piping systems.
Known issue:
AFT Fathom uses a third party tool for graphing called the Graphics Server. There are four files that are used to load and run the Graphics Server:
Because of how the Graphics Server is written, multiple copies of GSW32.EXE or GSWDLL32.DLL in your Path will cause problems when your try to load AFT Fathom 7.0.
In practice, the most common problem is a network installation where all AFT Fathom files have been installed into the network folder along with AFT Fathom. Thus, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL will exist in the AFT Fathom network folder. A client PC which happens to have copies of either or both of these files on the local hard drive (usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder on Windows 9x and WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT) will fail to load properly. The most likely reason copies exist on the local hard drive is another application installed locally uses them.
A complete list of your options is given below, along with an explanation of the impact of each option. In the following explanations, the term conflicting files means the GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL files. Your WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder is just called your SYSTEM folder.

https://rapidshare.com/#!download|933dt|355693777|AFT_Fathom_V7__2011.03. 22_.rar|28855|R~0
Remember for Professional use think of buying this software, support the developers work.

Be advised
Tested for: virus, installation (xp sp3)
Not tested for: Output Results
Engineering Software its not a Videogame.
crack :

24th September 2013, 11:01 PM
AFT TITAN VERSION 4.0 (2011.04.15)


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Piping System Optimization for Compressible Flow
With ever increasing complexity, sizing today’s compressible flow systems for minimal cost surpasses the best traditional design methods. Human intelligence cannot comprehensively handle the often staggering number of variables involved, resulting in missed opportunities to reduce cost. Now, AFT Titan™ with IntelliFlow® eliminates these boundaries. Providing the systems engineer a new technology to intelligently size the system as a whole, your compressible flow piping system can be optimally sized resulting in substantial cost savings. With comprehensive system modeling capabilities, a flexible graphical interface and an advanced optimization engine, AFT Titan offers a quantum leap improvement to the traditional pipe and duct design process.
What is intelligent system sizing? Traditional engineering methods are limited in their ability to select pipes, ducts and equipment sizes on a system basis. Even simple systems will have billions of potential size combinations to consider for their various components, far too many to evaluate by traditional methods. In contrast, intelligent system sizing selects all components simultaneously as a unit. This is the essence of IntelliFlow® technology. AFT Titan harnesses this technology to automatically identify and select the lowest cost design to meet your requirements.
With AFT Titan, you specify the design requirementsand sizing criteria. Sizing criteria may be to minimize initial or life cycle cost, or parameters such as pipe weight, volume or surface area. AFT Titan then performs a comprehensive analysis of the complex interaction among the various components to intelligently determine the optimal sizes of piping, ducting, compressors and fans, valves and other system components. The savings in materials, installation, energy and other costs associated with your piping or ducting system can be dramatic. Traditional methods of system sizing simply can’t compare. No matter how good your design methods are, AFT Titan is guaranteed to reduce cost.
Known issue:
AFT Titan uses a third party tool for graphing called the Graphics Server. There are four files that are used to load and run the Graphics Server:
Because of how the Graphics Server is written, multiple copies of GSW32.EXE or GSWDLL32.DLL in your Path will cause problems when your try to load AFT Titan 4.0.
In practice, the most common problem is a network installation where all AFT Titan files have been installed into the network folder along with AFT Titan. Thus, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL will exist in the AFT Titan network folder. A client PC which happens to have copies of either or both of these files on the local hard drive (usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder on Windows 95/98/ME and WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT, 2000 and XP) will fail to load properly. The most likely reason copies exist on the local hard drive is another application installed locally uses them.
A complete list of your options is given below, along with an explanation of the impact of each option. In the following explanations, the term conflicting files means the GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL files. Your WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder is just called your SYSTEM folder.

https://rapidshare.com/#!download|685tl|774900549|AFT_Titan_V4__2011.04.0 5_.rar|20166|R~0

For Professional use think of buying this software. Support the developers work.

Be advised

Tested for: virus, installation (xp sp3)
Not tested for: output results.
Engineering Software its not a Videogame


24th September 2013, 11:07 PM
AFT IMPULSE VERSION 4.0 (2011.05.12)
Size: 19.5 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

Waterhammer analysis tools of the past have been noted for being difficult to use and requiring extensive specialized knowledge. As a result, this critical aspect of piping system design and operation has often been overlooked. But no longer. Now AFT Impulse™ offers the ease-of-use of a drag-and-drop interface and built-in waterhammer modeling expertise. AFT Impulse helps you design and operate your systems with greater reliability and safety by avoiding the potentially catastrophic effects of waterhammer and other undesirable system transients.

Known issue:
AFT Impulse uses a third party tool for graphing called the Graphics Server. There are four files that are used to load and run the Graphics Server:
Because of how the Graphics Server is written, multiple copies of GSW32.EXE or GSWDLL32.DLL in your Path will cause problems when your try to load AFT Impulse 4.0.
In practice, the most common problem is a network installation where all AFT Impulse files have been installed into the network folder along with AFT Impulse. Thus, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL will exist in the AFT Impulse network folder. A client PC which happens to have copies of either or both of these files on the local hard drive (usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder on Windows 95/98 and WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT) will fail to load properly. The most likely reason copies exist on the local hard drive is another application installed locally uses them.
A complete list of your options is given in help files, along with an explanation of the impact of each option.

https://rapidshare.com/#!download|790l3|815565681|AFT_Impulse_V4__2011.05 .12_.rar|19924|R~0
For Professional use think of buying this software. Support the developers work

Be advised

Tested for: Virus, Installation (xp sp3) Not for: output results
Engineering Software is no Videogame

crack :

24th September 2013, 11:12 PM
Applied Flow Technology Arrow v4.0.2010.02.01
AFT Arrow 4.0 provides comprehensive, compressible pipe flow analysis and system modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use. Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Arrow includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings, variable model configurations, fan/compressor and control valve modeling and much more. With the optional Chempak add-in, a thermo-physical database of approximately 600 gases is available to further expand the envelope of your analysis and design.
AFT Arrow goes beyond the boundaries of fluid flow analysis, with thermal analysis capabilities including piping heat transfer, heat exchanger modeling and varying fluid properties.

Use any data for registering and replace the exe.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

AFT Arrow Version 4.0 (2011.03.31)
Size: 22.82 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

AFT Arrow 4.0 provides comprehensive, compressible pipe flow analysis and system modeling capabilities combined with ease-of-use. Addressing open and closed loop systems, AFT Arrow includes a built-in library of fluids and fittings, variable model configurations, fan/compressor and control valve modeling and much more. With the optional Chempak add-in, a thermo- physical database of approximately 600 gases is available to further expand the envelope of your analysis and design. AFT Arrow goes beyond the boundaries of fluid flow analysis, with thermal analysis capabilities including piping heat transfer, heat exchanger modeling and varying fluid properties.
Now available.
Extend AFT Arrow's modeling capabilities with two, available Add-on Modules:
GSC-Goal Seek and Control to automate the determination of input parameters that will yield desired output values and simulate control functions within systems
CST-CoST calculations of pipes and components
AFT Arrow employs a robust solver using proven matrix methods to solve the governing equations of pipe flow to conduct a true and rigorous compressible flow solution. AFT Arrow is unique in its ability to solve for adiabatic, isothermal and generalized heat transfer conditions and with sonic choking. The full power of this technical sophistication is readily accessible through an advanced visual interface. From the powerful drag-and-drop model building features to the fully customizable output, AFT Arrow becomes an extension of the engineer’s mind, freeing him or her to focus on their system, not the mechanics of software manipulation.
More than flow analysis, AFT Arrow lets you build your piping system in software. Vary pipe sizes, compressor/fan curves, valve settings, fluid properties, operating lineup...virtually anything you can do with the real system can be done within AFT Arrow, accurately simulating the individual system components and their interaction. Whether you're designing new systems, modifying existing ones or analyzing system operations, The ability to analyze alternates and the insight provided by an AFT Arrow model significantly improves the quality of systems engineering you can achieve, leading to less costly, more efficient and more reliable piping systems.
Known issue:
AFT arrow 4.0 uses a third party tool for graphing called the Graphics Server. There are four files that are used to load and run the Graphics Server:
Because of how the Graphics Server is written, multiple copies of GSW32.EXE or GSWDLL32.DLL in your Path will cause problems when your try to load AFT arrow 4.0.
In practice, the most common problem is a network installation where all AFT Impulse files have been installed into the network folder along with AFT arrow. Thus, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL will exist in the AFT Impulse network folder. A client PC which happens to have copies of either or both of these files on the local hard drive (usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder on Windows 95/98 and WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT) will fail to load properly. The most likely reason copies exist on the local hard drive is another application installed locally uses them.
A complete list of your options is given in help files, along with an explanation of the impact of each option.

https://rapidshare.com/#!download|801tl|3412699985|AFT_Arrow_V4__2011.03. 31_CEA.rar|23325|R~0
For Professional use think of buying this software. Support the developers work.
Be advised
tested for: virus, installation (xp sp3)

not tested for: output results.
Engineering Software is no Videogame
crack :

24th September 2013, 11:17 PM
OLGA is the market-leading simulator for engineering the flow of oil, water and gas in wells, pipelines and receiving facilities. Pipeline flow assurance and well dynamics with OLGA ensure technical, operational and HSE integrity during design and operation of production systems throughout the entire life cycle. This results in capital and operating cost effectiveness. Successful design and operation of multiphase production systems rely on detailed understanding of flow behavior. OLGA provides solutions through accurate modeling of true dynamics.

OLGA has an extensive package of standard and specialized modules developed through extensive research and field measurements, which are capable of simulating demanding challenges in multiphase transport.

download link


24th September 2013, 11:20 PM
Bentley WaterGEMS V8i (SELECT series 2)
Size: 150.4 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

WaterGEMS is a comprehensive and easy to use water distribution modeling application. WaterGEMS can run in ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and MicroStation, or as a standalone application. From fire flow and water quality simulations, to criticality and energy cost analysis, to advanced genetic algorithm optimization, WaterGEMS comes equipped with everything you need in a flexible multi-platform environment.

WaterGEMS V8 extends every piece of functionality across all the included CAD, GIS, and stand-alone platforms. For example, GIS users can now exercise total control over engineering units directly within ArcGIS’s attribute tables, using the same FlexTables technology they can find in the other included platforms.
30 days trial (size 1000) with renew.




Downloaded by someone from Lavteam and posted in other places.

24th September 2013, 11:25 PM
SPT Group OLGA 7.0.0
Size: 366.1 MB


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

OLGA is the market-leading simulator for engineering the flow of oil, water and gas in wells, pipelines and receiving facilities.

About SPT Group

SPT Group is the leader in modelling for the oil and gas industry. Customer supported innovation and research has been at our core for more than 30 years, and we have successfully transformed R&D into software solutions and consulting services that deliver trusted insight and real impact. With more than 200 highly skilled professionals worldwide, we deliver advanced software and consulting services to help our customers solve multiphase flow and reservoir engineering challenges.


The OLGA 7 release contains enhancements realized through the OLGA Verification and Improvement Project (OVIP), the research programs in HORIZON, the CO2 modelling project and other endeavours.

New features include:

- Easy to use interface and workflows
- OLGA High Definition model for stratified flow
- Open framework for easy integration

The OLGA 7 graphical interface provides a wide range of tools, workflows and workspaces to efficiently give the required simulator input to perform all your studies. The interface also offers powerful analysis tools to visualise, export and ultimately understand and communicate the dynamics of the simulated model. Accurate pre-processing and comprehensive post-processing of simulation cases are crucial but often time consuming. That is why OLGA 7 incorporates new and improved workflows as well as new methods to shorten the Modelling – Simulation – Analysis cycle.

The High Definition flow module covers stratified and large wave flow regimes - providing more consistent, scalable and accurate predictions of pressure drop and holdup.

The Plugin module is a flexible framework for implementing users’ proprietary or external physical models in OLGA as DLLs.



Not tested yet

24th September 2013, 11:27 PM
HydroCulv 1.2
The required input data consists of culvert geometry and flow boundary condition data. Predefined shapes include round, ellipse, arch, and box. The user may also define an irregular shape by inputing culvert widths at various depths. Profiles can be calculated for up to five sets of boundary conditions in each run. Tailwater head elevation can be input directly, or calculated by HydroCulv based on downstream channel parameters. The validity and completeness of the data is checked prior to program execution.

The culvert hydraulics model is capable of modelling all possible flow profiles at a culvert, including full flow, inlet control, and combinations of gradually varied flow for subcritical and supercritical flow, including hydraulic jumps. Normal depth and critical depth are calculated and used to aid in selecting the applicable profile. Any time supercritical flow is identified, a momentum balance is performed to check for and locate hydraulic jumps, and inlet control is checked for.

Output options include tables of key results and profile data, and plots of the profiles and rating curves. The profile plots show the water surface elevation profile superimposed on an outline of the culvert. A description of the flow profile is included, enabling the user to quickly understand what is happening throughout the culvert. The rating curve plots show the sensitivity of the key results to discharge. All output can be either copied to the Clipboard for transfer to other programs, or directed to the printer.

An old software free for use.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

I would like to warn the users of this program, and to ask them to check their results carefully. The reason for my worries is some "instability" in the algorithm it uses to calculate GVF in the pipe.

My advise is for the users to try to make a rating curve using different discharges (or opposite - different depths for constant discharge). And later this rating curve should be observed for outliers for some discharges. The "dangerous" curve looks in such way, that for single or a range of discharges the U/S depths are rising with tenths of meters, and for discharges above this "wrong range" the depths are going back to their expected values. Sometimes this range is quite narrow. Without examining the rating curve you can't be sure that your result didn't fall in the "wrong range".

Just to explain - these outliers are not related to hydraulic jump, occurring in the pipe.

Another link:

24th September 2013, 11:29 PM
دانلود نرم افزار طراحی و محاسبه کانال Duct Calculations


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

HVAC Duct Calculations Analysis - FDuct

[دانلود نرم افزارهای تاسیساتی : دانلود نرم افزار محاسبه کانال] نرم افزار Duct Calculations یه نرم افزار بسیار مناسب جهت طراحی و محاسبه کانال های هوارسانی در پروزه های کوچک و متوسط می باشد .

این نرم افزار با وجود حجم کم گزینه مناسبی جهت محاسبه و طراحی کانال های هواساز ، کولر آبی ، داکت اسپیلیت ها و همچنین کانال های مربوط به سیستم اگزوز (اگزوز فن ها ) می باشد.

با دادن دو پارمتر حجم هوا و طول کانال در نرم افزار می توانید میزان افت فشار کلی کانال ، میزان افت فشار در هر متر ، سرعت هوا و..... را به دست اورد و در طراحی و محاسبات کانال به سرعت و دقت بیشتری دست یافت.

با Fduct می توان کانال هایی با نسبت های مختلف و همچنین با فرمت های متفاوت را طراحی کرد . به عنوان مثال کانال های چهار گوش ، کانال های مدور ، کانال های مستطیلی و ....

این نرم افزار از مجموعه نرم افزارهای Fridgetech Uk می باشد که با حجم کم و سرعت بالا از محبوبیت زیادی در بین طراحان تاسیسات مکانیکی تهویه مطبوع قرار گرفته است .

برخی از ویژگیهای نرم افزار Duct Calculations:

- قابلیت دستیابی به قطر کانال با نسبت های مختلف R/D

- محاسبه افت فشار استاتیکی کانال

- امکان تبدیل واحد حجم هوای به سیستم های مختلف

- امکان مقایسه پارمترهای مختلف برای کانال های مدور و چهارگوش

- قابلیت محاسبه در دنوع مختلف Spiral و Flexible در کانال ها

راهنمای نصب : فایل دانلود شده را از حالت فشرده خارج کرده و سپس بر روی ایکون نرم افزار کلیک نمایید تا نرم افزار اجرا گردد.
دانلود در صفحه زیر :
یا از پیوست

24th September 2013, 11:31 PM
دانلود نرم افزار مدل‌سازی سیستم‌های آب زیرزمینی Aquaveo GMS v7.1.7
منبع (http://bank.iran30t.com/%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%84%E2%80%8C%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8 A-%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%85%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A 7%D9%8A/)
مدل آب زیرزمینی در واقع فرم ساده شده ای از یک سیستم واقعی آبهای زیرزمینی است که بطور تقریبی همبستگی بین عمل و عکس العمل هیدرودینامیکی را در یک سیستم ارائه میدهد. یکی از مهمترین مراحل مدلسازی، تهیه مدل مفهومی مناسب با طبیعت سفره می باشدکه تهیه آن، بستگی به اهداف مدلسازی و منابع موجود و آمار و اطلاعات میدانی دارد. شما می توانید به کمک نرم افزار Aquaveo GMS v7.1.7 و با استفاده از داده های حفاری چاههای اکتشافی و نتایج ژئوفیزیکی، مدل مفهومی دشت تبریز تهیه و برای مدل ریاضی به کار ببرید. Aquaveo GMS v7.1.7 یا Aquaveo ground Modeling Solutions یکی از پر کاربرترین نرم افزار های موجود برای تجزیه و تحلیل و مدل سازی و یا به عبارتی مدیریت آبهای زیرزمینی می باشد.این نرم افزار دارای محیط جذاب گرافیکی می باشد که شبیه ساز قدرتمندی برای آب های زیر زمینی می باشد.این برنامه قابلیت ۳ بعدی دارد.


بند انگشتی, برای دیدن عکس به صورت کامل بر روی آن کلیک نمایید

دانلود با لینک مستقیم پارت اول – ۱۱۰ مگابایت
دانلود با لینک مستقیم پارت دوم – ۱۰۴ مگابایت
رمز فایل :www.iran30t.com

ehsan babanezhad
17th December 2015, 11:25 AM
نرم افزار AqQAchem رو هم می تونید برام بزارید ؟؟؟

استفاده از تمامی مطالب سایت تنها با ذکر منبع آن به نام سایت علمی نخبگان جوان و ذکر آدرس سایت مجاز است

استفاده از نام و برند نخبگان جوان به هر نحو توسط سایر سایت ها ممنوع بوده و پیگرد قانونی دارد