توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : آموزشی Mini Dictionary - Phrasal Verbs

25th July 2013, 03:26 PM
با سلام

با توجه به اینکه افعال ترکیبی(phrasal verbs) در زبان انگلیسی جایگاه مهمی دارند و اکثرا در مفاهیم اونها دچار مشکل هستیم، قصد دارم، با اجازه مدیر بخش، در این تاپیک یه لغت نامه کوچیک از افعال ترکیبی در زبان انگلیسی بزارم.
لغات مربوط به هر حرف رو در یک بخش قرار خواهم داد.
و از اونجایی که برای تمامی افعال(به نظر من) نمیشه معانی فارسی دقیقی ارائه داد، فقط معنی انگلیسی اونها قرار داده خواهد شد.
منبع کتاب phrasal verbs in use هست. و البته اگه لغت دیگه ای غیر از کتاب باشه، به بخش اضافه خواهد شد.

امیدوارم مفید واقع بشه [golrooz]
البته تاپیک مشابهی نیز قبلا زده شده، که ناقص هست(نسبت به میزان لغاتی که قصد دارم بذارم) و برای ایجاد بخشی کامل، بنده تاپیک جدید ایجاد کردم.
لینک (http://www.njavan.com/forum/showthread.php?43402-English-Phrasal-verbs-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D9%87%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%87-%D8%A7%D9%86%DA%AF%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%B3%DB%8C)

25th July 2013, 03:44 PM
to consider or include something when you are making plans or judging a situation

allow for s.th

if someone, especially a child, answers back, or answers someone back, they reply rudely to someone they should be polite to

answer (sb) back

to ask for information about someone, especially about their health

ask for sb/sth

to invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship

ask out sb or ask sb out

to invite someone to come to your house

ask sb over/around

26th July 2013, 04:00 PM
to admit that you are wrong or that you have been defeated, often because you are forced to

back down

to stop being involved in a situation, especially to allow other people to deal with it themselves

back off

if a building backs onto something, its back faces that thing

back onto sth

to decide not to do something that you were going to do or you had agreed to do

back out

to make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

back up(sth) or back (sth) up

to say that someone is telling the truth

back up sb or back sb up

to support or help someone

back up sb or back sb up

n. an extra copy of computer information


to knock against something, usually by accident

bang into sth

to depend on something happening

bank onto something

to expect something to happen and be prepared for it

bargain for/on sth

informal American & Australian to shout encouragement to the players in a football team

barrack for sb

to treat something or someone in a rough way

bash sth/sb about

informal American & Australian to tell someone angrily that something they have done is wrong

bawl out sb or bawl sb out

if an event, person, or place is booked up, they have no space or time available for someone

be booked up

to be involved in a situation, often when you do not want to be

be caught up in sth

to be a long way from other places and people

be cut off

informal to want something very much, especially food or drink

be dying for sth

informal if you ask someone what they are getting at, you are asking them what they mean, usually because they have expressed something indirectly

be getting at sth

informal to be very worried about something and spend a lot of time thinking about it

be hang up

30th July 2013, 04:16 PM
informal to be very worried about something and spend a lot of time thinking about it

be hung up

if an amount of money or food is left over, it remains when the rest has been used or eaten

be left over

to exit from an earlier time

be left over

if something is littered with a particular type of thing, it has or contains a lot of that thing

be littered with sth

informal to be involved in a illegal or unpleasant activity

be mixed yo in sth

informal to have had enough of partied because you have been to so many

be partied out

if you ask what someone is playing at, you ask what they are doing, in a way which shows that you are surprised and angry

be playing at sth

to have very little or not enough of something, especially time or money

be pressed for sth

to be annoyed, often because of something that someone has done or said to you

be put out

if a sport or other outside activity is rained off, it cannot start or continue because it is raining

be rained of

to be opposed to doing or having something

be set against sth/doing sth

if a person or place is snowed in, there is so much snow that it is impossible to travel anywhere or leave that place

be snowed in

informal to have so much work that you have problems dealing with it

be snowed under

if people or things are spread out, they are in different parts of a large area and are not close together.

be spread out

to be very busy doing something

be taken up with sth

if people are thrown together in a situation causes them to meet each other and to get to know each other

be thrown together

informal to be busy so that you are unable to see or speak to anyone else or go anywhere

be tied up

to be in a quiet or hidden place which not many people see or go to

be tucked away

to force someone to reduce the price of something

beat down sb/sth or beat sb/sth down

to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them again and again

beat up sb or beat sb up

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