توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : Corrugated Plastic Pipes for Sewerage and Drainage Applications

پارس اتیلن کیش
31st January 2013, 09:35 AM
Light weight and long life achivement

Long life performance

• Abrasion of the inner wall of the pipes is very low on plastic pipes
• Plastics are very resitant against acids and other aggressive fluids
• Double Layer In-Line Couplings ensure lowest tolerances in order to guarantee long life joint tightness

Light in weight but very strong

• Up to 60 % of raw materials can be saved in comparison to solid walled plastic pipes.The strength of the pipes is given by the corrugated design of the outer wall and not by wall thickness, as it applies for solild wall pipes.
• Less manpower is needed for the installation of the pipes due to the low weight. Corrugated plastic pipes can be even installed in very constrained areas.
Less leakage and infiltration
• Leaking of joints is very unlikely due to the very tight joint and low tolerance design of Corma’s Double Layer Inline-Coupling.
• Pipes are usually delivered in lengths of 6 m, which is approx. 3 times longer than conventional piping systems, which leads to fewer necessary joints.

Low operational cost

• Low transportation costs, as higher quantities of Double Wall Corrugated Pipe can be loaded on one truck in comparison to concrete pipes.
• Less damage during storage and handling
• No heavy duty equipment is required for installation


• Due to its flexibility, corrugated piping systems can easy withstand natural settlements without suffering cracks or leakages.
• Flexibility means Safety!
Read the full text from here (http://www.parsethylene-kish.com/separsekish/default.aspx?page=Document&app=Documents&docId=11822&docParId=11470).

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