توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : اسمتون چندمین اسم معروف در دنیاست؟؟؟

26th July 2011, 01:13 AM
شاید شما دوست داشته باشید بدونید که اسمتون چندمین اسم معروف در دنیاست ، چند نفر در آمریکا هم اسم شما هستند ، چه نسبتی از مردم دنیا با شما هم اسم هستند ، شکل اسمتون با حروف بریل ، کد مورس و زبان بارکد به چه صورت است و یا اینکه بدانید آیا اسم شما به عنوان نام معروف تره یا نام خانوادگی ! همه این ها را می توانید در سایتpokemyname (http://www.njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokemyname.com %2F)و با زدن اسم خود در کادری که در صفحه اول آن مشخص هست با خبر شوید ، برایورود به این سایتاینجا (http://www.njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokemyname.com %2F)را کلیک کنید

خیلی جالبه
http://www.pokemyname.com (http://www.njavan.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokemyname.com %2F)

26th July 2011, 01:14 AM
http://www.forum.takraghami.com/images/smilies/raghs.gif من اول http://www.forum.takraghami.com/images/smilies/raghs.gif

MARJAN is the most popular 5424.th name in USA (... 5422.charity , 5423.praveena , 5424.marjan , 5425.sreedhar , 5426.gordana ...). One in every 58,517 Americans is named MARJAN and popularity of name MARJAN is 17.09 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of MARJAN to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.25.2011 16:08 there are 5,340 people named as MARJAN in the United States and the number is increasing by 45 people every year.

Usage of marjan as a first name is 91.67% and its usage as a middle name is 8.33%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MARJAN is 57 and this makes MARJAN arithmetic buddies with words like Laconic, Canny. Add tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name MARJAN. :)

29th July 2011, 09:01 AM
VIDA is the most popular 3568.th name in USA (... 3566.surender , 3567.isa , 3568.Vida , 3569.per, 3570.julien ...). One in every 35,110 Americans is named VIDA and popularity of name VIDA is 28.48 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of VIDA to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.28.2011 23:59 there are 8,900 people named as VIDA in the United States and the number is increasing by 75 people every year.
Usage of vida as a first name is 75% and its usage as a middle name is 25%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in VIDA is 36 and this makes VIDA arithmetic buddies with words like Avid, Eager, Cagy, Real. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com (http://www.pokemyname.com/)' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name VIDA. :)

ستاره کویر
29th July 2011, 01:08 PM
MEHRNAZ is the most popular 56553.rd name in USA (... 56551.pinhung (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_59054_pinhung.htm) , 56552.tsunghsun (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_59055_tsunghsun.htm) , 56553.mehrnaz (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_59056_mehrnaz.htm) , 56554.yeewan (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_59057_yeewan.htm) , 56555.chinhhong (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_59058_chinhhong.htm) ...). One in every 702,203 Americans is named MEHRNAZ and popularity of name MEHRNAZ is 1.42 people per million.

30th July 2011, 02:11 AM
FATEMEH is the most popular 5274.th name in USA (... 5272.malone (http://www.njavan.com/forum/firstname_9432_malone.htm) , 5273.duran (http://www.njavan.com/forum/firstname_9540_duran.htm) , 5274.fatemeh (http://www.njavan.com/forum/firstname_9612_fatemeh.htm) , 5275.navdeep (http://www.njavan.com/forum/firstname_9619_navdeep.htm) , 5276.alta (http://www.njavan.com/forum/firstname_9690_alta.htm) ...). One in every 58,517 Americans is named FATEMEH and popularity of name FATEMEH is 17.09 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of FATEMEH to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.29.2011 17:10 there are 5,340 people named as FATEMEH in the United States and the number is increasing by 45 people every year.
Usage of fatemeh as a first name is 75% and its usage as a middle name is 25%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in FATEMEH is 58 and this makes FATEMEH arithmetic buddies with words like Credible, Adorable, Ethical, Star, Tidy, Fragile. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com (http://www.pokemyname.com)' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name FATEMEH. :)

30th July 2011, 05:09 AM
ISAAC is the most popular 338.th name in USA (... 336.emily (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_572_emily.htm) , 337.lance (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_499_lance.htm) , 338.isaac (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_1841_isaac.htm) , 339.van (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_732_van.htm) , 340.chris (http://www.pokemyname.com/firstname_2185_chris.htm) ...). One in every 1,645 Americans is named ISAAC and popularity of name ISAAC is 0.61 people per thousand.
If we compare the popularity statistics of ISAAC to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of July.29.2011 20:06 there are 190,027 people named as ISAAC in the United States and the number is increasing by 1,598 people every year.
Usage of isaac as a middle name is slightly more common than its usage as a first name. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in ISAAC is 33 and this makes ISAAC arithmetic buddies with words like Affable, Bold. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com (http://www.pokemyname.com/)' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name ISAAC. :)

*پدر بزرگ
1st August 2011, 10:53 AM
MORTZA's Popularity and Statistics

We couldn't find name MORTZA in our database which has 74,738 names that are compiled from 702,203 Americans. Have you spelled it correctly? If you spelled it correctly but we couldn't find this means that there were not even one person with name MORTZA in our database. But if this is your name, we still poke it and give you a report below so keep reading.
First some popularity statistics: Regarding there were not even a single person with this name, popularity of MORTZA should be less than per million. According to this calculation, we can estimate that as of August.01.2011 01:52 there are less than 445 people named as MORTZA in the United States and the number of MORTZA's should not be increasing more than 4 people per year.
Add 'Courtesy of PokeMyName.com (http://www.pokemyname.com/)' tag at the end and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name MORTZA. :)

26th July 2012, 03:34 PM
سایتش پیدا نمیشه متاسفانه!![soal]

استفاده از تمامی مطالب سایت تنها با ذکر منبع آن به نام سایت علمی نخبگان جوان و ذکر آدرس سایت مجاز است

استفاده از نام و برند نخبگان جوان به هر نحو توسط سایر سایت ها ممنوع بوده و پیگرد قانونی دارد